Well, here we have it. You all know how the war in Iraq went down. US says Iraq was developing weapons, probably with the intent on using them against the US or selling them to terrorists. Troop deployment, bargains with Turkey to launch two-front attack, the initial attack, quick US progress into the core of Baghdad, the seige of Baghdad, "major US military operations in Iraq have ended", continual terrorist/suicide attacks, Bush lands on an aircraft carrier, "Mission Accomplished", continual casualties and kidnappings, first Iraqi elections.

But, um, well, there weren't any WMDs in Iraq (that we've found yet...)

However, N instead of Q might make a big difference. First, shall we get acquainted with it for those who don't know?

Wiki's info on Iran
CIA Facebook Profile - Iran

So what's the big stinking deal?

In 2005 the former president of Iran resigned, after serving the maximum two-term period. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, another former president lost against "hardliner" Mahmoud Ahmadinezhad the mayor of Tehran, Iran's capital. Ahmadinezhad was very popular, despite only getting 19% of the popular vote (integrity of the elections has not been acknowledged by many foreign bodies and NGOs), and steamrolled to a 69% victory in the second and final round of the election.

Info on Current Iranian President, including political agenda

Ok, to the pressing point: Iran has had a 'nuclear' program for some years now, which has always been supported by both China and Russia, two memebers on the UN Security Council. For the longest time the UN and IAEA have done 'snap' inspections and investigations at Iran's key plants and research houses, ensuring that the program was strictly for 'energy' purposes, not developing weapons.

But Ahmadinezhad has seen a great change in Iran's stance on nuclear research. He has said that Iran has a right to 'self-defense' development of nuclear arms, in addition to the rights to enrich uranium and other radioactive elements in pursuit of a nuclear program. Problem is that enriching uranium for power plants can quickly be accelerated into creating weapons grade material.

Iran (if you didn't bother to read the info on it) is an Islamic nation, incorporating mores from the Qur'an into their laws. If you don't know who the Shah, Ayatollah Khamenei are, or what the year 1979 means, you should probably read up more on Iran, or go back and hide in your little sheltered hole. Let's just say that Iran isn't the most popular nation in the world, and has always been somewhat feared for its religious infusion into politics.

To bring this issue up to speed, here is an article from today:
Iranian Foreign Minister: Iran has retaliated against foreign nuclear demands

"The door is still open to negotiation" -BBC

There's plenty of Google News coverage available on the web, so feel free to read up. I figured we can have a nice little chat on the forums to see what people think about this. I might add a poll later too.

My opinion: I don't know what to think yet. I still haven't learned enough about the the new Iranian president, for one. He could just be playing hardball, knowing that the US military is already spread thin and that China and Russia will probably bail them out of any UN trouble with their seats on the Security Council. They might just be trying to make a point that nuclear arms can't be kept to the 'old powers'. If they are actually developing weapons for war, that I have no idea.

As for possible reactions/retaliations to Iran's rejection of international resolutions... I have one theory, and it involves sabotage, but I do truly hope that diplomacy is stuck to as the only means in this dispute.