Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command

Leon / The Professional

This movie is either called "Leon" or "The Professional" depending on where you are in the world. It's one of the best movies I've ever seen, and it's not as well known as it should be. It came out in 1994, the best movie year in history (Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump). I'm not very good at reviewing movies, but I know a good movie when I see one. Go to the IMDB link for more info.
Holy shit was this a good movie. I've taken the liberty of making a very small review:

This 12 year old girl's parents are killed by some drug dealer whos a cop. Even the girls younger brother was killed. The girl goes to this assassin and is trained to kill. She wants revenge. This movie should have already caught your attention.