Originally posted by: Xollence
Doesn't their religion teach against using violence? I think the way they're protesting is even more offensive to their faith than the stupid cartoons.
Nobody's religion preeches to mess with other religions. Its the people who create these kind of situations. The mis-interpretation of their faith/religion causes trouble.

@ Terracosmo :

I sure would like to get my hand on those <u>"get over it"</u> pills that you have. You need you share their formula/recipe with us or produce them on a mass scale so every body can benefit from it. You can make a shit load of money from them.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

@ KitKat :

I couldnt give a better exmaple than the one you mentioned.

Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
What i want to know is, if their faith is so strong, why does EVERY LITTLE THING seem to threaten it?
I bet you havent seen the cartoons or you have a very little undersatnding of what is going on.
One of the cartoons implys that their Prophet is source of all terrorism. Which is saying all muslims are terrorist.

I woudnt call that little.

Originally posted by: Some 10 year old with a massive comlex and who only knows a few words like suck my dick and I own you. Not not mention his famous phrase : Come to IRC

I don't get banned we just didn't want you to keep complaining like a little bitch.
I figured that out the first time round when you started flamimg me and the other moderator(Upholder of Gotwoot laws) completely ignored your first post and the seond one. He blamed it on the <u>style</u> of other moderators.

Just because you have a small........ and your constant need of attention deosnt mean that I am complaining. You just need to pick on someone every once in a while just to prove your existance.

Originally posted by: masamuneehs
And some Muslims wonder why their strong faith draws criticism and fear from others... When people start defending their religion and morals through threatening and attacking others they've overstepped their boundaries. Such reactions are obviously only going to bring about even worse repurcussions and criticism from the rest of the world. Peaceful protest? Fine. Boycott? Harsh, but effective. Burning an embassy? Flashy, but I don't think its doing much good in proving their point.

If someone is doing something bad it doesnt mean their religion is bad or that their religion allows it. It simply means that that person is drawing wrong conclusions of its faith and mis-representing it. His actions are his alone not his religions.The others should understand that basic difference.

I need a fucking drink after this post.

Jadugar, what don't you understand about "don't go off topic". If you really want to argue so much, use PM's or go to irc and discuss it there.

I'll see you in a few days.

Gotwoot Moderator