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Thread: Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

  1. #1

    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Despite the fact that im sure 90% of ppl here are probably incapable of having a serious discussion, the Abortion topic has given me some hope.

    Anyways, this is the story im referring to. For those too lazy to read it, basically the danish newspaper printed some cartoons back in september depicting the prophet muhammed in situations that muslims didn't find too funny. Although the newspaper is not affiliated with the government (atleast from what i know), the danish prime minister defended the cartoons saying it was freedom of press.

    To make matters worse, 4 other european newspapers have printed the same cartoons to 'show support' for the danish newspaper.

    Read the bbc story yourself, and give us your opinion on the issue. Please be advised that racisim or anyother form of flamming will not be tolerated.

    Discuss away.

  2. #2
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    The actual cartoons weren't what sparked the conflict. It was when the danish government refused to meet with some muslim diplomats that wanted to discuss this subject, that the shit really hit the fan. It seems like most news-sources are leaving out this essantial piece of fact.

    The cartoons themselves are rather harmless in my opinion. I have them, and I can post them here if you want to see them. I just want to make sure that I don't get banned for posting them before I do.

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    Despite the fact that im sure 90% of ppl here are probably incapable of having a serious discussion, the Abortion topic has given me some hope.
    C'mon dude, it ain't THAT bad. You're making this sound like Narutofan [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    As for the topic, yeah, I've heard a lot about this in the media recently.
    My spontaneous response is "It's not weird that the world is so full of war, when morons can't even take a fucking joke".

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    The whole thing is ridiculous. But even more ridiculous is the fact the Danes are losing millions because various countries are now boycotting their dairy and other products. But I suppose Jyllands-Posten isn't losing anything, nor the Danish prime minister, so everything's good...

  5. #5

    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    The posts so far have missed the point. It's not what YOU guys think is acceptable or not, its what is offensive to Muslims. I find extremely patronising for people to say 'its a just a joke' or 'come on what are you lot crying about' etc etc etc... every person or group of people have their sensitivites and only they should determine the depth of their feelings towards them. Anyone who thinks otherwise should stop thinking like a colonialist and telling others over what issues they should get upset over or not.

    The fact of the matter is is that these cartoons, forget the fact that they would upset Muslims for depicting such a sacred figure, actually set out to insult Islam. Which person would be naive enough to think that these cartoons are going to provoke reflection and contemplation in the mind of a Muslim?

    I think its shows utter contempt and disrespect for Muslims for other countries in Europe to reprint the cartoons... at least the Danes could claim ignorance for arguments sake. What is particularly disgusting is a country like Germany claiming to defend the freedom of speech by printing these offensive cartoons whilst at the same time having blatantly hypocritical views towards the Holocaust... so its freedom of speech when you make outrageous cartoons about Islam but you are gonna get 10 years hard time if you decide to question the holocaust? Where the hell is free speech then? Would Germans like it if people dictated to them not to take the issue of the holocaust seriously? But hey, they can take what the like seriously, its their business.

    As for boycott of Danish goods, so what? You expect a people to be insulted and take it lying down? The Western world can go about imposing sanctions on whoever it damn well pleases so why can't others do the same? Sure, we can discuss the merits of an economic boycott as an effective tool to discharge one's displeasure, but that's another thing.

  6. #6
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Ah, now this is why I feel religion is bad, and organized religion can make it worse. Why the hell can't they take a joke? Seriously, me and my friends make racial jokes all the time (especially concerning our own races). Why people take this so far over a fucking drawing?! Have they ever seen The Boondocks? You don't hear african-americans getting all worked up over that. Lighten up.. Damn religious nuts..
    Edit: @ Above: I'm an Italian-german mix, if I got offended every time someone called me a deigo or nazi or guito (I can't spell, I know) I'd never have a moments peace. God, I'm already bored with this topic. Hey, El_Boss, pm me those cartoons, I need a good laugh..

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  7. #7

    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    1.) this is the way the world is. People suck.

    2.) El_boss, please pm me the pictures, I want to laugh

    3.) {It was done not to defend freedom of the press, but to spite the Muslims," Mohammad Aman Hobohm said.}

    even if it was to spite the muslims, it wasnt like a letter saying " I DECLARE WAR ON THE MUSLIMS!" Its still freedom of speech. Fucking extremists.

    @DB_Hunter: Alot of my family is Muslim, I'm even considered muslim. I don't take any offense from these kinds of jokes.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
    Ah, now this is why I feel religion is bad, and organized religion can make it worse. Why the hell can't they take a joke? Seriously, me and my friends make racial jokes all the time (especially concerning our own races). Why people take this so far over a fucking drawing?! Have they ever seen The Boondocks? You don't hear african-americans getting all worked up over that. Lighten up.. Damn religious nuts.
    Any group of people is capable of being sensitive to some issues, religion has nothing to do with it. Hell, I hear more "dat's racist!" than anything else where I live. However I do think this issue is being way overblown.

    pm me the cartoons too, el_boss.
    Originally posted by: God#2
    Alot of my family is Muslim, I'm even considered muslim. I don't take any offense from these kinds of jokes.
    Which is how it should be. But then again, you're not in the position of representing a large amount of people. I don't think Boubakeur could easily laugh this off. So I guess I kinda see how things got so tense, but I still think it's an overreaction.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #9
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    I agree with DB_Hunter that you ppl have missed the point. Saying that its just a joke, it isnt. It might be a joke to someone but it aint a joke to someone else. There is a very fine line. I bet the people who are saying its just a joke they wouldnt like it if they were on the other side and the joke was on them. Fun is always at someone expense. Nobody like being ridiculed.

    If you are lighting a dynamite. It wil explode. It wont turn into a flower. People are fine with joke but everything has a limit. EVERTTHING. When you hit that barrier then be prepare to face the consequences. If you know something is going to upset someone then why say it. There are plenty of jokes about religion but to criticise someone to its core is not a joke, its humilation and nobody likes that. NOBODY.

    If those cartoons were some sort of freedom of speech then people who are protesting against them why their opinions arent called so called "freedom of speech". Even freedom of speech has its limits.

    I live in English. The leader of the modern world and an example of multicultural society. Although the cartoons are published all over the EU but they have not been published here yet. Why, because there is a wide community of Muslims and British pple know that they will get upset by it. Why would you upset your neighbours.

    I dont see Muslims making any cartoons about any other religions then why would they take it lying down when someone play a dirty trick on them.

    If you want to live in a modern world where there is no war and peace then you need to learn how to respect others believes and their faiths.

    Personally I dont discuss politics and religion becuase I know they are controversal and I have very strong believes and nothing will change them. You might debate on a particular problem but why cant we stay away from things which you will cause trouble.

    You want to make cartoons, fine make something useful, something about peace, war, hatred, racism. Becuase that my friend is hard to do. Any moron can make those offensive cartoons.

    //peace out

    @ Terra : I am glad this discussion is not taking place in NarutoForum[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    If those cartoons were some sort of freedom of speech then people who are protesting against them why their opinions arent called so called "freedom of speech".
    You are right. But I think I saw a picture of a burning car and I don't think thats a part of "freedom of speech".

  11. #11
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Yeah, if I have to put up with idiots burning my flag and the KKK marching in the streets, then they can put up with a little comic strip. I'd shoot them if I could, but freedom of speech is a two way street. Deal with it like the rest of us do. Ignore shit you don't like.

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  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Well, goodness gracious me, I actually agree with Jadugar and DBHunter!

    If I took my religion seriously like many Muslims do I would also be pissed about the depiction of their most revered spirtual icon. Making fun of someone to prove a greater point is one thing, doing the same just to get a kick out of it is bordering on sadism. Its like rubbing salt in a person's open wound simply because you have salt to spare. There is no good taste in that, merely insensitive cruelty. Overreaction? Who are we to judge? Any Muslims here? Any? Speak up, please.

    I'm Christian and I've seen Christ take plenty of jokes and I'm pretty fine with it, simply because:
    I respect a person's right to freedom of speech/expression OVER my own religious beliefs/followings. (herein, I believe, lies the crux of this dilemma, that is in the differences between mine and others)

    HOWEVER, those who do not follow a doctrine of such 'secularly influenced' religion might understandably be quite angered by acts such as this. I cannot blame them, nor any (nonviolent) actions they take as a response to this. That is also their expression of speech/faith/freedom, and they are owed that just as the next man is.

    @God#2: Who is to say that such a blashpemous attack at a reverred religious figure does not border on extremist agitation?
    @Jadugar: Yes, I haven't seen too many Muslim cartoons on other religions, however the cartoons found on are quite harsh on certain countries.
    @Xan: Religion can have Everything to do with it. References (Crusades, Jihad, israel/Palestine, Sri Lanka, colonization of Americas). It has beenused as a great prop in the past, why not now?
    @Ero-fan: Religion is not a bad thing. Perhaps it is actually one of the best things in the world. However, humans bring their human flaws and human evils into religion just as much as they do into everything else, turning such great enterprises into great enterprises of INTERESTS. That is the source of religion as a bastion of conflict; merely a perversion of the faith into a grounds for staking/battling for agendas. It is a conflict of interest that spils blood, nothing else (insanity excluded).

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #13
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    @ God#2 : Idiots are a universal race. They dont have any religion. Aftermath of this situation has nothing to do with religion. Thats just people. Burning cars will not solve anything. No religion preeches voilence but the world we live in is not an ideal one. *Sigh*

  14. #14

    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs

    HOWEVER, those who do not follow a doctrine of such 'secularly influenced' religion might understandably be quite angered by acts such as this. I cannot blame them, nor any (nonviolent) actions they take as a response to this. That is also their expression of speech/faith/freedom, and they are owed that just as the next man is.
    It is a conflict of interest that spils blood, nothing else (insanity excluded).
    Agreed on both points. And as for Muslims speaking up, I have mentioned before on the forums I am Muslim... so count me as spoken up now.

  15. #15
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    @Ero-fan: Religion is not a bad thing. Perhaps it is actually one of the best things in the world. However, humans bring their human flaws and human evils into religion just as much as they do into everything else, turning such great enterprises into great enterprises of INTERESTS. That is the source of religion as a bastion of conflict; merely a perversion of the faith into a grounds for staking/battling for agendas. It is a conflict of interest that spils blood, nothing else (insanity excluded).
    When human kind stops using it as an excuse to kill, make war, trample over other people's rights, then I'll agree with you. As it stands, it causes more harm than good. Ahh, and all this time I thought people that agreed with each other have conflicts, not those that disagree. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    I have no problem with religion in general, just what its used for/as. And until religions stop saying everyone else who doesn't follow their way is wrong, your going to have conflicts of interest between differing groups.
    Edit: Oh, its also human nature to kill. I remember having a fun conversation in one class where a teacher asked us what product would always be of use to humans. Invariably, the answer came back as weapons. Second best was food/water. Ha!

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  16. #16
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    @ masamuneehs : You agreed with me. I didnt see that one coming.

    @ Ero-Fan :

    Dont blame it on religion. 99% of the human population believe in God. As long as there are evil people in this world they will use religion to do their dirty work.

    blah blah balh............

    I am depressed with all this. Anynody knows any good jokes( preferably not religious orientated).

  17. #17
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    @ Ero-Fan :

    Dont blame it on religion. 99% of the human population believe in God. As long as there are evil people in this world they will use religion to do their dirty work.

    blah blah balh............

    I am depressed with all this. Anynody knows any good jokes( preferably not religious orientated).
    I do, but most are racist, sexist, and I used most of my gay jokes yesterday.
    Well, there were 3 blondes stuck on an island and they found a magic lamp.......
    Edit: I'm tired, I'll think on this subject more when I get to work, and I'll ask my lesbian boss if she gets offended by my sexist comments all day (I already know the answer, she doesn't, its the other prudish bitches that do). I'm sure I can find a muslim to ask as well what they think of this..

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  18. #18
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    There are many things in life I, and everyone else of course, take very seriously. It's when your "honor" gets in the way of seeing things in different lights that conflict occur. I am not saying that the muslims (or whoever else might be offended by this) should necessarily laugh along and say "good one, mate!". I am saying that there is a choice. When someone insults something I love for getting a cheap laugh out of it, I will not find it funny. But nor will I get pissed. Unless of course the whole point was to insult me. Then I'd kill the person slowly.

    The point of this comic was not to insult anyone, but to get a cheap laugh. Some find it funny, others don't. If people could just leave it at that instead of bitching about everything, this wouldn't have to happen. I'd see it differently if the comic was actually -made- to insult, but as it is it's just comedy. And having seen the comic in question, rather harmless one at that.

    In the end it boils down to different personalities. Unfortunately.

    If you ask me, I think the whole problem is that education and teachings concerning religion is always preached so seriously. There is never room for distance or different views, it's just serious, serious, serious. All the damn time. As I said earlier, the reason to conflict is that people are entirely unable to joke around.

    Sure, one can say "But hey, Terra, what do you know? You ain't religious! And you sure ain't muslim!". So fucking what? One doesn't need to actually be the "receiver" here to understand that it's all ridiculous and blown out of proportion. Nobody can deny that.

  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    @Xan: Religion can have Everything to do with it. References (Crusades, Jihad, israel/Palestine, Sri Lanka, colonization of Americas). It has been used as a great prop in the past, why not now?
    Oh, I'm not denying that religion is a MAJOR factor in many controversial issues. In fact, in this case it is precisely the issue. I was just replying to this point in particular:
    Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
    You don't hear african-americans getting all worked up over that. Lighten up.. Damn religious nuts.
    I suppose I meant to say that it's not just religious differences that cause things like this. As you said, it's conflicts of interest that spill blood, which are not at all limited to religion. I repeat that I think this thing is being overblown, but I also think those insulted are completely justified. It's a bit of an unfortunate circumstance.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  20. #20
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Well I said no religious jokes but here they are. I do apologise in advance.

    **************************WARNING***************** **************

    ************************Offensive Religious Jokes*****************

    &lt;Jokes removed&gt;

    Sorry guys, but im gonna have to ask that you stick to the discussion and keep the jokes to PM's. Although these particular jokes aren't offensive in anyway, letting this continue will eventually result in someone posting something that crosses the line.

    Gotwoot Moderator.

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