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Thread: Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

  1. #81
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    I don't think the riots are only because of the cartoons. I think it's from all the tension between Europe/USA and the Muslim world. Like the Iran and its nuclear program, Afganistan, Iraq, Iran's PM's remarks about Israel, etc. Things are only gonna get worse.

  2. #82
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Gotta love the protestors in London. This was on cnn's website that was posted this morning. I think this stuff occured Friday.

    LONDON, England -- London police were under pressure to arrest Muslim protesters who carried signs threatening death and terrorist attacks at a demonstration over cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed.
    Conservative opposition spokesman David Davis said slogans such as "Massacre those who insult Islam" and "Europe you will pay, your 9/11 will come" amounted to incitement to murder and that police should take a "no tolerance" approach to them.
    Brilliant people, I swear. Now, see, they threatened people. Isn't that much worse than insulting others? Must just be me. Also

    In Dhusamareb, capital of the central Galgudud region, hundreds of protesters condemned the Western media, reserving their fiercest criticism for the Danish newspaper that originally published the caricatures.

    "Apologies are not enough," said regional governor Yusuf Eyow. "There should be some measures taken against that particular newspaper."
    Awesome leadership. And I thought Europe and the US had leadership problems..
    Ahh, yes, I forgot. Guess we should shoot people for a comic strip.
    There's more, of course, but this was about as far as I got before more aggrevation set in.
    Disclaimer: I know its not all muslims that do this, but as I've said before, the loudest always get the attention. And I feel I have to say this, since everyone seems so sensitive anymore. End Disclaimer
    Always nice to see this reaction after the Newspaper heads had apologized for the cartoon strip, even though it was first published in September, no one really complained, and it was republished in other newspapers in January.

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  3. #83
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Those protestors that are giving out death threats should be treated as terrorists.

  4. #84
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: Xollence
    Those protestors that are giving out death threats should be treated as terrorists.
    Seriously, these people defending their protests are too much:

    Meanwhile, a Muslim man who dressed as suicide bomber at Friday's protest was reported as defending his actions.

    Omar Khayam, 22, of Bedford, told the Daily Express newspaper that he wanted to highlight "double standards."

    "I can't make any apologies for it. I didn't go there to cause anyone any harm. I went along just to attend a protest. Yet I have almost been branded a suicide bomber overnight," Khayam said.

    "Did I say, 'Kill Jews'? No. Did I have racist signs on me? No. So why this reaction?
    Gee, you dress like a suicide bomber, a person who kills innocent people. Why would we be upset with that? Goddamn stupid people piss me off.
    Edit: More fun photos taken in Europe:

    This one was in front of the Austrian embasy. Those flags are Austrian and French. At least, thats what the caption said was being burned.

    Again, in London.
    Wow. Amazing, isn't it?
    This makes me wish that the police would 'accidently' discharge their weapons, multiple times, at these people. Too bad the peaceful protests (there were some I read about too, but no pics) get overshadowed by these assholes, eh? They set a decent example, unlike these pictured idiots.
    Edit 2: WARNING!!!!! Click the following link if your don't get offended by commentaries on religion. Its the commentary posted from Saturday, Feb. 4, that I am referring to.
    Not for the easily offended
    Edit 3: Cleaned up warning for Splash's benefit.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  5. #85

    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    this is quickly getting out of hand... and its obviously some higher up people recuperating this.

  6. #86
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    I really don't think you should be posting opinion based commentaries like that. Its pretty much the same thing as posting those cartoons, which isnt permitted in the first place.

  7. #87
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: splash
    I really don't think you should be posting opinion based commentaries like that. Its pretty much the same thing as posting those cartoons, which isnt permitted in the first place.
    First off, I didn't post it, I linked it. Second off, its just opinion. Third off, I gave ample warning that it might be offensive. And fourth, where is it in the rules that states I can't link a site that just has an opinion posted on it? I've seen more offensive opinions posted by people in this forum that were allowed than the one I linked.

    I re-read the rules in the rules section again, and still have found nothing against the link I posted.

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  8. #88
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    in any case i dont really see what that commentary had to do with anything. Its someone's opinion on the religion. It has nothing to do with the riots themselves and it doesn't really prove your point.

  9. #89
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: splash
    in any case i dont really see what that commentary had to do with anything. Its someone's opinion on the religion. It has nothing to do with the riots themselves and it doesn't really prove your point.
    Ahh, your right. I forgot, that the stoning of buildings, the public apologies, and the cartoon weren't what these riots were all about. What could I have been thinking? Sigh...Oh, wait. That's what his opinion on Islam as a religion was about. And he was talking about those events in his opinion.
    I'm not here to convince people that my point of view is the only right one, just give it in details. And if I didn't prove my point, oh well.

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  10. #90
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    It's okay Ero-Fan.. We're not Muslim so CLEARLY we don't understand [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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  11. #91
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    no, rather you THINK you understand it all too well!

    Anyways, hopefully the stupid protestors will realize that what they are doing is completely idiotic. The boycotting of products was an acceptable way of making a point but this is just too much. Hurting people isn't going to accomplish anything, they should learn to voice their opinion out more strongly on such matters than resorting to violence [The dumber and easier way for some people to express themselves]

  12. #92
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: splash
    no, rather you THINK you understand it all too well!

    Anyways, hopefully the stupid protestors will realize that what they are doing is completely idiotic. The boycotting of products was an acceptable way of making a point but this is just too much. Hurting people isn't going to accomplish anything, they should learn to voice their opinion out more strongly on such matters than resorting to violence [The dumber and easier way for some people to express themselves]
    Unfortunatly, they won't learn jack shit, and neither will the children they drag in to join them in those protests (references pics I posted above, the one with the kid). They seem to be getting what they want, which is an apology and they will probably get the illustrator and editor fired at that newspaper. See? They won resorting to violence, so that should work for us next time too. Its like a little kid throwing a tantrum, then getting what he/she wants just to shut them up. It sets a bad precedent.

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  13. #93
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    The real problem in this whole farce are not the ragtag rabbles in the demonstrations. More troublesome are the masterminds hiding in the shadows, gaining resources to be used against the free world in a larger scale. They pray every evening for things like this to happen, because every angered muslim is a potential source of income for them. We can afford barbarians burning buildings in their own cities, but we can't afford the extra support it may grant Al Qaeda and similar clandestine organizations. That is the real reason why the relations between West and Middle East shouldn't be made to suffer setbacks like this.

  14. #94
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    sometimes i look at what these protestors are doing and it makes no sense to me whatsoever? Most of them don't even have a clue to what they are doing. It looks as if they might actually be being paid so do some of this stuff just to create a ruckus. I mean, come on masses aren't that absurdly dumb. Somebody has got to be pulling the strings

  15. #95
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: splash
    sometimes i look at what these protestors are doing and it makes no sense to me whatsoever? Most of them don't even have a clue to what they are doing. It looks as if they might actually be being paid so do some of this stuff just to create a ruckus. I mean, come on masses aren't that absurdly dumb. Somebody has got to be pulling the strings
    Yeah, someone probably is pulling the strings. That's exactly why they are dumb. Its mob mentality, and anyone with a little charisma or some knowledge of general psychology can manipulate a crowd. Hell, they probably (most of them) went to protest peacefully at first, but someone threw a rock or a punch or whatever, knowing that would start shit, and all hell broke loose. Most people are followers, not leaders. And besides, peer pressure becomes magnified hundreds of times when your in a crowd and everyone else is doing something.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  16. #96

    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    So you guys are saying that if there was something you believed in strongly enough you wouldn't protest it. Although I agree that resorting to violence isn't the answer there are ways to have peaceful protests without people getting hurt.

  17. #97
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: Dug88
    So you guys are saying that if there was something you believed in strongly enough you wouldn't protest it. Although I agree that resorting to violence isn't the answer there are ways to have peaceful protests without people getting hurt.
    No one is saying that. Read my posts above. I said there were peaceful protests going on, but they never get mentioned. Personally, I would never protest over something a few people did and try to hold a whole country accountable for it, but I have no problem with peaceful protests. And I'm almost positive no one else here does either. Its why they are protesting and how some are protesting that we are questioning.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  18. #98

    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Yeah ok I guess. And yeah I know what you mean about the peaceful protests never getting mentioned. Think about it though what better way to control a population than to show them images of "the enemy" violently protesting against you makes it easier for them to start wars when the population is afraid of violence coming to their homes.

  19. #99
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    Originally posted by: Dug88
    Yeah ok I guess. And yeah I know what you mean about the peaceful protests never getting mentioned. Think about it though what better way to control a population than to show them images of "the enemy" violently protesting against you makes it easier for them to start wars when the population is afraid of violence coming to their homes.
    Start what war? Every country is falling all over each other trying to apologize. Its so pathetic. Even countries that didn't post it are being real careful about what they say.
    And the protestors have the signs, we didn't make them. They did.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  20. #100

    Religious cartoon causes outrage in the muslim world

    No I'm saying thats why the violent ones make the news and you never hear about the peaceful ones because if theres peaceful protests and then theres no reason to be afraid and they're all trying to apologize because they're afraid of making another country mad and starting a war.

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