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Thread: TV: LOST

  1. #201
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Don't really know what to think about the first episode of season 4. I absolutely cannot predict where this is going. Somehow only 6 of them leave the island? Maybe the rest stay because they want to, or they get killed. I hope it's the former.

    Hurley can be kind of annoying when he wants to be.

    Dammit. I want more. NOW.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  2. #202
    I don't think most of them get killed, or else people wouldn't want to go back to the island. The second ep is on the site.

    Comment on second ep: One question answered, ten more asked. D:
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  3. #203
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    so the ocean crash was definitely faked....
    I wonder if they will elaborate more on that....I imagine assembling a replica of the plane full of dead corpses would be pretty difficult, especially considering that nobody was expecting to ever find the crashed remains in the first place.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #204
    I thought the fact that everyone thought they were dead was because they -were- dead, and they were in limbo or something. It was amazing that the whole 'everyone thinks they were dead' thing was actually like, nonsupernatural, though not predictable.

    So they have a bunch of crazies and people in denial looking for Ben, and he actually knows because he planted someone, not some psycho supernatual reason. Also lol Walt was mentioned.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  5. #205
    Maybe Walt is a funny "Pimp My ride" suspension system rigged to that wooden house together with PSP supported AI.

    Writers, deserved more cash, now we all agree on that.

  6. #206
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    11,053 at the recent ep....
    Guess that makes Sayid the 4th confirmed of the Oceanic 6 (I'm assuming Ben is remaining behind the scenes).

    There's an interesting relationship between the survivors and various members of that ship... I'm wondering if they are in any way connected to Dharma, and they are trying to reclaim the island, which was stolen from them by Ben long ago.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #207
    Alright, finally watched all 3 episodes that are out so far. Well, I've been liking the direction this is going, and I think it was a really a good idea to have those "flashfowards"; I think it creates more anticipation to what is going on and and what's going to happen in the island.

    With that said, when do you guys think that the scenes from the season finale (Jack and Kate) from the future took place? Before or after the current ones? Because it's kinda wierd seeing Jack kinda collected in the season premiere, while being a train wreck in the season finale. Though when he's talking to Hugo, he mentions he's thinking of growing a beard (kinda like what he had in the season finale). I don't know, the train wreck scenes make more sense to me right after he is rescued, I hope the series doesn't end with him being suicidal. Makes you wonder whose funeral he went to... surely it wasn't one from Oceanic 6 passengers, since they are famous, I would think. I thought it was Ben originally, but seeing his current action in the last episodes I have to rethink that, also depending when the scenes actually take place.

    As for the Oceanic 6, we have Jack, Kate, Sayid, and Hugo... hard to speculate on the rest. I myself think that the Kwon's will be the other 2, the reason is that I think she'll want to have the baby outside of the island and I think it'll be fun with the mob connections. Though I myself have thought that Jin wouldn't survive the island, but I think he has played with death enough (not really being one of the main main characters) and he's survived everytime.

    For the same reason Sun wants to go, I think Claire would want to stay... I think she's found some comfort in the island, and with Charlie sacrificing himself on the island I think there'll be some bullshit reason for her wanting to stay. For some reason I think Desmond will make it out, but I doubt he'll be considered Oceanic 6. I think the story with Penny can be worth something storywise, especially with her family being heads of a big corporation that may very well be part of what's going on. Bernard has to die, and so his wife... they are both useless. And for obvious reasons, I think Locke and Sawyer will stay; they'll either die or just want to stay there... too many hints that they wouldn't want to return.

    With that said, I can still see Jin dying, and maybe Sawyer taking his place. I really don't see Claire going, she has nothing to add to the story in the future. Though you also have to wonder if at some point it'll be revealed that she and Jack are brothers and sisters.

    Then we have Ben, who we know makes it out, Juliet, Danielle, Alex, and Karl. I think Juliet might return, she clearly wants to go... surviving until then might be tricky. Karl has to die, he's useless. Alex and Danielle will surely be revealed as relatives, and if Ben made it out, I have strong suspicions that Alex will make it out too. As for Danielle, I think it can go either way. It depends on if they indeed reveal herself as the mother to Alex... wether Alex goes or not, wether she finds herself in a situation to die for Alex, etc. I can easily see them being "soldiers" for Ben in the future... who knows.

    Anyways, I like those flashfowards, and I think it's really cool what they did with Sayid. He's a total badass in the future, and I'm interested on how Ben plays into things and on how he'll turn things around to his favor during his time on the island.

    I think I covered everyone, and those are my guesses as to whom will stay/go/survive/die.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 02-17-2008 at 05:12 PM.

  8. #208
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    It's already been mentioned several times that Alex is Danielle's daughter....both by Claire and by Sayid....Ben also tells Alex that Danielle is her mother....

    I'd say that part of the story already had its closure.

    That said though.....I can't imagine Danielle wanting to leave the island now....
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    It's already been mentioned several times that Alex is Danielle's daughter....both by Claire and by Sayid....Ben also tells Alex that Danielle is her mother....

    I'd say that part of the story already had its closure.

    That said though.....I can't imagine Danielle wanting to leave the island now....
    Really, they revealed to Alex that Danielle is her mother? I know that to the viewers etc it has been revealed, but I was pretty sure that Alex doesn't know. Might've missed that. I thought that that's what Ben wanted to tell her when Karl interrupted. But thinking about it now, you're right... i have a faint memory of it ocurring.

    With that said, about the Oceanic 6, I didn't consider Walt and Michael. Though we really don't know what happened to them... my guess is that they didn't make it out for the simple reason that the rescuers still though the the plane crashed and there were no survivors... so maybe Michael is Ben's mole in the ship? Though it doesn't make sense either, unless they are also hiding that they are survivors of the crash.

    Next episode preview for those interested:
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 02-17-2008 at 06:05 PM.

  10. #210
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Yeah, Ben said something along the lines of "Alex, this is your mother" and they cried and hugged or something.

    I personally think that one of the Oceanic 6 will be someone we don't expect, someone who wasn't actually on the plane, maybe one of The Others, someone who will get smuggled out as a passenger needing rescue. I still think it's Ben, and that it was his funeral in the season 3 finale. Maybe he leaves to escape the ship/helicopter people, who knows.

    And that part with emo Jack definitely takes place after what we saw recently with Hurley, the beard thing gives it away in my mind, not to mention that he kind of leans towards wanting to go back when speaking with Hurley and then later really, really wants to go.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  11. #211
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    The Oceanic 6 definitely have to be survivors of the plane crash. Everyone knows who was on the plane, and the people after Ben will definitely recognize Ben if he tried to pass as one of them.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #212
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    With that said, I can still see Jin dying, and maybe Sawyer taking his place.

    I'm don't Sawyer won't be one of the six to get off unless something really changes his mind. Remember what he said to Kate? There really isn't anything for him outside the island, and at least there he's somebody. And you might counter with "but Kate left", but Kate might be thinking about her mother, or maybe is somehow influenced by/ feels sorry for Jack.

  13. #213
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    My roommate pointed out that in the last season finale, when Kate and Jack met up in the flashforward, she says something along the lines of "I should get going. He's waiting for me." ...or something like that.

    Could be a reference to Sawyer...
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #214
    That's true, and I remember it... but for some reason I doubt she and Sawyer would be together in the future. Maybe she'll get together with her fiance that she abandoned?

    How's this for a plot twist, Claire dies and for some reason Kate is taking care of her baby... lol. Na', I don't think so... but it would kinda cool. We wondering who Kate is fucking and she's really going to take care of a baby. Though since the baby was born on the Island, I would think Ben would do anything on his power to keep him there and study him. And probably Claire as well... something like that.

    I'm don't Sawyer won't be one of the six to get off unless something really changes his mind. Remember what he said to Kate? There really isn't anything for him outside the island, and at least there he's somebody. And you might counter with "but Kate left", but Kate might be thinking about her mother, or maybe is somehow influenced by/ feels sorry for Jack.
    I agree with you, but at the off chance that Jin is not one, I really don't see what other candidate would make a good Oceanic 6 member, so Sawyer might as well be him... but I'm still sticking with Jin. It would be kinda cool if Sawyer took a Sayid-like role in the future for Ben. He's a con-artist after all, I'm sure his skills could be useful.
    Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 02-18-2008 at 01:03 PM.

  15. #215
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Only Claire can raise her baby. Catastrophic things will happen if somebody else raises it.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #216
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Well, there is the theory that Kate may have become pregnant with Sawyer's baby. But, I don't think she would give birth before leaving the Island. I'm guessing the Koreans get off the island or something. I would say the Kwons, but well (FYI: Sun's last name would should still be Baek. Korean women don't change their name after marriage; they still reatain their father's surname. But it looks like the writes call her I'll change that..the Kwons

  17. #217
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    That ending was so predictable, and I didn't even see it coming...But it just raises more questions, as to "why doesn't Jack want to see Aaron?", and "Where is Claire?" Also, I guess my "Kate got knocked up" theory is shot. But that Saywer is one smooth mofo (I mean, really, who sits in the bed while in their underwear just reading) .

  18. #218
    And here I was joking about Kate raising Aaron lol...

    About why Jack doesn't want to see him, I don't know. Maybe something happened and he was somehow responsible for Claire's death. And you know, with the black smoke or whatever appearing as Jack's dad, it's still pausible that Claire and Jack learn about their relationship and something stems from that. I really don't know. Can't think of a good reason for him not wanting to see him.

    With all these scenes, I keep wondering about the flash fowards in the season 3 finale. I want to get into a Jack centric episode because I really think they'll deal with those scenes. I'm really curious (in the future) how he got from where he is to that train wreck.

  19. #219
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu

    it's still pausible that Claire and Jack learn about their relationship

    I hear that issue will be addressed this season, and also by episode 7, the show's creators say we'll know the rest of the 6.

  20. #220
    Just as they mentioned the Oceanic 6, they said that 8 people survived the crash. What do you think they were reffering to? Two people that might've died later on in the island? Or to Michael and Walt?

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