This episode wasn't that good... it was a pure sausage fest...
This episode wasn't that good... it was a pure sausage fest...
Granted, I missed the visual entertainment of Kate (although, her appeal is deteriorating due to the possibility of her having Charlie's baby, in real life), this episode was great. Sayid and Eko, although only former was highlighted last night, kick too much ass to not be appreciated when they're given some of the limelight.
Jack's self-righteousness is beginning to get on my nerves. Sawyer is great. Charlie needs to hurry up and be fucking killed already. While Jack pounding life into him in Season 1 was indefinitely one of the most intense television moments, his character is inconsequential and unnecessary at best.
I'm glad another thread was created. With my lack of anime watching, I haven't had much reason to post. This'll change that, as this show is phenomenal. Good job on that one, Jad'.
Back to the show, I will have to download last night's episode. I believe the images that were scrolling on the timer as it reached zero have some significance. I recognized a bird, something of a slanted letter "Y" and something of a flame as it is projected from a bunsen burner. Possibly some form of hieroglyphs, like the Dharma (sp?) symbol. This show is simply too intriguing for everyone to not be watching ..
There wasnt any episode last week.
The latest is "Maternity Leave" ( ep 15 2nd Season).
Someone translated it. It apparently means "Cause for death" or something to that effect.Originally posted by: Strider
I believe the images that were scrolling on the timer as it reached zero have some significance. I recognized a bird, something of a slanted letter "Y" and something of a flame as it is projected from a bunsen burner. Possibly some form of hieroglyphs, like the Dharma (sp?) symbol.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Someone translated it. It apparently means "Cause for death" or something to that effect.
I'm willing to bet that whomever "translated" it made the shit up.Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Someone translated it. It apparently means "Cause for death" or something to that effect.Originally posted by: Strider
I believe the images that were scrolling on the timer as it reached zero have some significance. I recognized a bird, something of a slanted letter "Y" and something of a flame as it is projected from a bunsen burner. Possibly some form of hieroglyphs, like the Dharma (sp?) symbol.
Well, they backed it up with evidence through links and pictures, so it seemed pretty real.
I'll try to find the link, but I think it was a forum where you need to register to view.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
when that first appeared a guy(from the posted a pic that had the first hieroglyph on it:
and this is what the entire thing is suppose to say:
R.I.P Captain America.
Yesterday's episode blew ass... Someone needs to slap the shit out of Clair, man did she sucked in today's episode.
Eko at the end of the episode made the episode all better though.
Eko is a cool character.
Locke is pissed. I fear for Jack's life.
Who is running all the shots? More questions?
I think Locke might not press the button agian just to see what does the timer do or might reveal?
"Henry Gale" as he is known is obviously trying to play them against each other seeing his lies aren't working. But yeah, a standoff between Jack and Locke has been a long time coming.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
Whatever happened to Michael? He's been gone for a while now. And that guy from season 1 that wore glasses who was always worried.
Michael got caught by the Others...
And the guy who wore glasses from season 1, wasn't he the proffesor that blew up with the dimamites?
http://www.thetailsection.comOriginally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Well, they backed it up with evidence through links and pictures, so it seemed pretty real.
I'll try to find the link, but I think it was a forum where you need to register to view.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
No he was a different guy. He was a lot thinner than the professor. And the others told Jack that Michael was after them but that he would never be able to find them, so I don't know. Oh and what was that guy's name that was originally in the hatch?Originally posted by: Budweineken
Michael got caught by the Others...
And the guy who wore glasses from season 1, wasn't he the proffesor that blew up with the dimamites?
they could've gotten that damn balloon from anywhere in that preview
R.I.P Captain America.
This was a pretty good episode in my opinion. I wonder what Sun did that last day in the hotel. Even if she cheated on Jin, it's been way too long for any syntoms of pregnancy to start showing up now as a result of that encounter. So, her pregnancy really had to been the result of something recent. Though my notion of time is a bit skewed at the moment, how many days have they been on the island?
Anyways, the previews for next week's episode looked kickass, something big is about to go down. I loved how this week's episode ended, "Got milk?"
Nice episode.
When sun was telling Jin that she is pregnant and stopped, I thought oh no she was screwing that baldie. I felt so bad for Jin. I am glad that it wasn’t true but I am not certain. I don’t know when the last time they did their business was but they have been on the island like two months (60 days). All I can remember an episode title 7, “the other 48 days.”
Is the new guy telling the truth? He is too crafty. All the people on this plane have very shady pasts. Yes, the episode ended very nicely. The wait for this episode was too long.
@ Bud : Thanx for changing the title of the thread. I couldn’t do it for some reason.