Yeah, you're right
Yeah, you're right
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
does it really have to be the real Walt doing the out of body contacts? The island has never explained seeing those other people who were dead. Jack's Father, the Black priest brother guy, were both seen on the island.
That was apparently the black smoke monster though. I think the people from the characters' past suddenly appearing on the island are different from Walt suddenly appearing. Don't know why/how.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
All we know about the aberrations is that they are visions created by the island. There's no evidence that any individual or group of people that are directly controlling them. Its already been shown that the island is capable of controlling who lives and who dies, and there had to have been some intervention by it to prevent Locke from dying in the pit.
Because of this, I think the vision of Walt was actually controlled by Jacob, who previously asked Locke to "help him."
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Hmm, no Lost?
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
They're taking a break for 6 weeks or something, aren't they?
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
yea, until April 24th i believe.
Consequences of the strike... we'll probably get about 5-7 more episodes this season.
WHAT THE FUCK. So if the writer's strike wasn't done we wouldn't get those eps at all?
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
They eps they showed I believe were recorded prior to the writer's strike. They're probably refilling their backlog now.Originally Posted by Sapphire
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
The last ep was pretty freaking awesome. Ben is badass as usual. I really thought Claire died. :/ Oh well.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Yeah, I liked the episode... Ben was quite the badass indeed. Do you also get the feeling that Ben killed Sayid's wife? I don't think he did, but I wouldn't put it past him. Him going after Penelope is a cool storyline in my opinion, I hope that Desmond made it out.
While we're at it, how cool was Ben calling forth the smoke?
I wouldn't go as far as to say that he killed Sayid's wife. He doesn't seem to loosely kill for manipulation purposes but remind me if I'm wrong. Every kill he did seemed personal or indirect. He even went as far as bothering to protect those people last ep. It's very likely that he went to Tunisia to run into Sayid, though. It would seem more that he would twist the situation to his advantage. I'm surprised they killed his daughter though. Holy crap.
I'm not surprised that Ben called the random smoke monster, though now we know it can be controlled/influenced somehow so that takes the fun out of it. I have no idea if Des made it out, he prolly did, but I doubt Penelope is going to die anytime soon. It just seems like I'd be one of those loose storylines that float along for a season or two. Or if he tries to kill Penelope, he dies or Des dies or someone else accidentally dies lol.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Ugh...I feel like an idiot....
All this time they were talking about Charles Whitmore being behind all this and I didn't realize he was Penny's dad until this episode.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I can say this with a great degree of certainty: You're LOST.Originally Posted by Assertn
Dude, seriously. WTF.Originally Posted by Assertn
Ben's more of a badass I've been giving him credit for. The first scene of his flash-forward where he hijacked the horse was great, he never does stuff like that in the present.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did kill Sayid's wife, or at least arranged for it to happen. Maybe he hired Ishmael to kill her, in order to set Sayid up. That'd explain why Ishmael reacted to the sound of Ben's name. But on the other hand, we see Ben watching Sayid on the news previously (after the murder had taken place), so maybe he got the idea to track Sayid down then.
Manipulating the smoke was pretty cool, but I still don't think he has full control over it. He probably did something to bait it and it just killed everyone in sight except them because they were inside or something.
Kind of surprised they killed Alex. I think it's the first time we've ever seen Ben show true emotion. I almost expected her to wake up when he went to her side, it just seemed a little anticlimactic when she got shot.
Sooooo... when Ben was in Charles' room, he said he can't kill Charles, because "you and I both know I can't do that". I wonder why. What the hell's going on between them? And Charles used to own the island? What the...?
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Im thinking Charles had something to do with the Dharma initiative...he was probably involved with the funding, or with the guy who funded the 2 hippie scientist who thought it all up.
As for the ben/sayid thing, i dont think he had anything to do with killing nadia...he didn't seem aware of sayid until he saw him on the news. he just manipulated him afterwards in tikrit to get him on board with his war.
what i really wanna know is how he ended up in tunisia? he was clearly disoriented and didn't know where/when he was (since he both looked surprised when the the hotel lady told him he was in tunisia, and he asked her for the date). The fact that he was wearing a winter coat is also very interesting....if you recall, that archeologist who's on the island now (the one that came with the physist and the asian guy) was shown on a dig before joining the island mission, and what they had dug up was a polar bear, and a the dharma insignia. so maybe theres some sort of portal in the arctic/antarctic (or even on some mountain on the island) with a monitoring station or something that he used to leave.....cuz i dont buy the whole "i used Desmonds boat and followed a bearing to fiji" excuse.
Of course he was lying about the boat thing...but the interesting thing is, when exactly did he go to Tikrit. Think about it..he seemed disoriented when he landed, and for some reason he had on a winter coat, and a strange cut on his arm. The way that episode was structured, its pretty ambiguous.
Also, what exactly did he do in that room with the glyphs on the door. I think most people assume it only had something to do with the smoke monster, but you can never be sure with Ben. Some people that I talked with postulated that Ben can use that door to travel through time and space at will, and that its possible that he visited Widmore right after Alex was killed using his 'contraption'. All these mysteries!!
Maybe he was transporting his consciousness like Desmond did a few episodes back.