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Thread: Naruto 169 Discussion

  1. #61

    Naruto 169 Discussion

    I'm guessing that Kishimoto was so pissed at the way the fillers were going he just one day went "Jesus! It really isn't that hard, asshats!" and whipped up a script for a filler plot arc in around twenty second, and that is what they're going with now.
    About damn time. XD i actually enjoyed this ep somewhat, the quality has improved to say the least., maybe ill start watching Naruto again. lol.
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  2. #62

    Naruto 169 Discussion

    I like all the filler episodes because it's still naruto no matter what. This episode is good and I'm sure the next will be better.

  3. #63

    Naruto 169 Discussion

    Im still not getting al my hopes up too, in the end Naruto might just fart all the goodness away....

  4. #64

    Naruto 169 Discussion

    good episode??? uhmmm I'll watch it and see what's up

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