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Thread: Naruto 292

  1. #141

    Naruto 292 Raw

    I did say "uncontrolable beast" which is what he is right now. Regular kyubi im use to. Against Oro he has no choice but im saying its not good if he uses this much kyubi too often,it could make kyubi power less special if he uses everytime.

    The biggest reason im dissapointed right now is i wanted to see what he had learned before he become like this. Hopefully he will use it next time he fights someone of his caliber.

  2. #142
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Naruto can't beat orochimaru as a ninja.
    assertn's right. besides all of you that want to see naruto act like a ninja against orochimaru would only complain and say that theres no way he would stand a chance against orochimaru blah blah blah fucking blah .

    too all of you that have a problem with the use of monsters all the sudden (im looking at you hakeem since you seem to be the biggist complainer here) try to understand that this is the direction the story is going into now. the akatsuki wants the bijuus, so we are going to see a whole lot of jinchuuriki from now on. also naruto himself is going into a darker direction. his seal is breaking, his bijuu manifest itself with rage, and its hurting him. and it doesnt help that he has a personal grudge against all of his enemies (kabuto and orochimaru for using sasuke and the akatsuki for coming after him and treating jinchuuriki like they are less then human).

    i personally didnt like naruto jumping so quickly to anger so often these days, but i realize now that its because hes becoming more unstable. unless he learns to control this he may end up as unstable as pre chuunin exam gaara. indeed... this is really interesting

    I like bijuu action but i dont like how easy he turn to kyubi ever since he fought Sasuke. Kyubi was awesome against Sauske. I dont care how many times he goes into kyubi mode but just against how fast and easy he goes into it. I want to see Naruto fight a second before he comes an uncontrolable beast.
    Well i think he fought sauske that was the biggest release of Kyubi chakra which shouldn't have happened which was the first sign that the seal was breaking. But now were seeing and even biggesr instance of it. His personality is changing. He was hot headed but he wasn't this angry and brooding before. He's losing it, I get the feeling his final battle in the sereis will be against him self.

  3. #143

    Naruto 292 Raw

    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    I did say "uncontrolable beast" which is what he is right now. Regular kyubi im use to. Against Oro he has no choice but im saying its not good if he uses this much kyubi too often,it could make kyubi power less special if he uses everytime.

    The biggest reason im dissapointed right now is i wanted to see what he had learned before he become like this. Hopefully he will use it next time he fights someone of his caliber.
    and he hasnt. he didnt use it against kakashi, or the itachi rip off. its just that lately hes been fighting people waaaaay above his level, and well, i think that the way its gonna be from now on. hes gotta get sasuke back and defend from the akatsuki. we are gonna be seeing a lot of the the crazy kyuubi

  4. #144
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    I want to see Sasuke attack Konoha. If he really has gotten that powerful, he would feel the need to prove himself. Just as Itachi killed his whole family as a test, Sasuke would need to find out if he can really beat all of Konoha.

    Can you imagine how awesome it would be if Sasuke walked into Konoha, took out some ANBU on the way, beat Neji and Rock Lee, flipped Sakura the bird and then killed Kakashi before having a final showdown with Naruto? I guess that Hiashi, Jiraiya or Godaime would probably be able to beat him without much trouble. I'm no Sasuke fanboy, but it's fun to imagine a superpowered Sasuke trying to take on the whole damn village.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  5. #145
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
    I want to see Sasuke attack Konoha. If he really has gotten that powerful, he would feel the need to prove himself. Just as Itachi killed his whole family as a test, Sasuke would need to find out if he can really beat all of Konoha.
    If he wanted to go down that path then he would have killed Naruto when he had the chance. He is going to find another way to get stronger which doesnt involve killing people dear to him.

  6. #146
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    I don't believe that's going to happen; I just think it would be cool. Besides, if he realy wanted to find his own way, he wouldn't have gone to Orochimaru. The more we try to be different from our family, the more we wind up making the same mistakes they did.

    Just sayin'
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  7. #147

    Naruto 292 Raw

    Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
    I don't believe that's going to happen; I just think it would be cool. Besides, if he realy wanted to find his own way, he wouldn't have gone to Orochimaru. The more we try to be different from our family, the more we wind up making the same mistakes they did.

    Just sayin'

  8. #148

    Naruto 292 Raw

    Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
    I don't believe that's going to happen; I just think it would be cool. Besides, if he realy wanted to find his own way, he wouldn't have gone to Orochimaru. The more we try to be different from our family, the more we wind up making the same mistakes they did.

    Just sayin'
    Well I'm pretty sure when he meant his own way, he meant not to follow the same path as Itachi. So techinically going to Orochimaru IS his own way of becoming stronger.

    Few questions:
    The cursed seal that Orochimaru gives to people, does it possess them in a way to make them WANT to come to Orochimaru for more power? Or is that just his way of showing them some of the power they could obtain therefore when they feel weak they will rely on Orochimaru for more power like Sasuke?

  9. #149
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    Originally posted by: Divinity
    Few questions:
    The cursed seal that Orochimaru gives to people, does it possess them in a way to make them WANT to come to Orochimaru for more power? Or is that just his way of showing them some of the power they could obtain therefore when they feel weak they will rely on Orochimaru for more power like Sasuke?
    I would say it shows them the power he offers, since if it were the other way, Anko might have gone back to him long ago (or at least tried to go back).

    Edit: Shortened quoted part.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  10. #150

    Naruto 292 Raw

    Originally posted by: Divinity
    Originally posted by: samsonlonghair
    I don't believe that's going to happen; I just think it would be cool. Besides, if he realy wanted to find his own way, he wouldn't have gone to Orochimaru. The more we try to be different from our family, the more we wind up making the same mistakes they did.

    Just sayin'
    Well I'm pretty sure when he meant his own way, he meant not to follow the same path as Itachi. So techinically going to Orochimaru IS his own way of becoming stronger.

    Few questions:
    The cursed seal that Orochimaru gives to people, does it possess them in a way to make them WANT to come to Orochimaru for more power? Or is that just his way of showing them some of the power they could obtain therefore when they feel weak they will rely on Orochimaru for more power like Sasuke?
    I seem to remember something along the lines that, if you use the cursed seal, your willpower is worn away, making it easier for Orochimaru to manipulate and control you. Can anyone corroberate this?

  11. #151
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    Originally posted by: anphorus
    I seem to remember something along the lines that, if you use the cursed seal, your willpower is worn away, making it easier for Orochimaru to manipulate and control you. Can anyone corroberate this?
    Yeah, I remember that too. Wasn't it one of the sound five that talked about how you will lose yourself if you use it too much when they first met up with Sasuke?

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  12. #152

    Naruto 292 Raw

    I dont believe it takes over if you use it repeatedly. It takes over if you stay in level 2 too long for any one instance.

    edit: on another note, I hate to believe that the curse seal in terms of raw power could even compete w/ the power of 3 or 4 tailed Naruto. The curse seal is something Orochi created as a human ninja while the Kyuubi is the most powerful bijou (correct word?) to ever exist in this story's world. I'm assuming that if Orochi is saying that Sasuke is better, he means he's a better ninja and smart enough not to compete w/ Naruto in terms of a power vs power strategy. Morseso, that Orochimaru has trained Sasuke in ninja tactics to make Naruto's raw power a nonissue. Orochimaru has said that he's a good judge of a ninja's potential but has hastily misjudged Naruto in the past (Naruto learning and using Rasengan on Kabuto in the Sannin fight..we all saw the Orochi's surprise). Assuming that Naruto's current burst of power is all he has seems to be another instance of that. Then again, that's what most of us are assuming too.

  13. #153
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    From all that orochimaru has seen, he has not really misjudged Naruto. If you run into someone a number of times, and everytime you run into that person you see him comport himself as an idiot, you conclude that that person is an idiot. You can't fault Orochimaru for thinking that naruto is a moron and unworthy of being a ninja. Furthurmore, I don't think that Naruto's power is outside of Orochimaru's expectation for his development. Naruto's performance in the Sannin fight btw, was the performance of an idiot. He should've known his place and observed the fight, to the end or until he needed to run, instead of participating. That way, he would have learned something, aaaaaaaaaaaand, he wouldn't have died...
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  14. #154
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    Naruto has learned somethings like during the kakashi test fight he had learnd well enough to utilize the bushin in a way to avoid the shurikin attack and flank kakashi. He has improved he's just not in a situatuon that allows him to approach a situation with a level head. Thats his major weakness. His open emotions allow the Kyubi to leak out and take him over and then perpetuates the release of more and more tails. He's getting him self into a lose lose fight. If he beats Orochi he'll be that much closer to killing him slef if he loses versus Orochi he'll begin to use even more tails and destroy even more of him self.

  15. #155

    Naruto 292 Raw

    Hehe that really is his weakness. Make him angry so he gets into this much kyubi,fight him until he must use more and more tails in the end he is dead anyway.

    Wonder if Oro knows that kyubi is killling naruto slowly. I mean for a guy who wants to be an immortal,a guy with a weakness like Naruto he must think is beyond stupid.

  16. #156

    Naruto 292 Raw

    I love to see naruto as a villian for a short while. wut he needs to do is steal that forbiden scroll again and this time learn more then one jutsu. I wonder if there is any forbiden jutsus for jinchuurikis? not like kagebunshi, and all the other jutsu they use in naruto, but like a god move that need insane amount of chakra. I know it sounds stupid but wouldn't be awsome. 10x bigbang kamehameha yea that would be insane.

  17. #157
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    Just needs to summon Gamabunta again and do the henge to transform into the kyuubi and learn to control it. That would be insane.

  18. #158
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    i dont know if gama would allow that to happen. i mean he's not stupid

  19. #159
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Naruto 292 Raw

    When was the last time he even summoned Gama? I guess we could speculate that he had some kind of summoning training during his 2 and a half years with Jiraiya, but when was the last time we actually saw Naruto summon him?
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  20. #160

    Naruto 292 Raw

    My predictions:

    Gam wont be summoned for a while in the manga.
    I figure Kishi is going to summon the 2 small guys introduced earlier. they will have grown up and be usefull instead of fodder. (read: Akumaru)

    Gam was only summoned by Naruto when he was the only one fighting (and during training to introduce the whole frog summoning concept / how awesome of a jutsu it was)
    Gam was only summoned by Jir when the snake/slug/frog fiction was in place.

    Its obvious Oro is baiting Naruto into doing something to his favor. I figure Oro will leave this battle with some 'piece of the Kyubi' he can do experiments with... or something along those lines.

    Its too soon for us to see Naruto without control... he will either remember hurting Jiriaya and we will get a filler episode or Sai will prevent it (more on that in a minute)

    Yamato is going to face off against Oro - they seem to have some history to flesh out

    Sai's going to set his mission in motion here and aim for taking out Naruto somehow. He will most likely get the chance thanks to the 'gift from Danzou' (probably a forhead sealer) and fail at the last second thanks to -- drum roll pls -- Sasuke showing up and preventing Naruto from getting killed. Naruto wont remember the betrayel - Yamato will be too busy fighting with Oro to notice what Sai just tried to do... Sai will still be apart of the Team giving Naruto time to change him in that way Naruto does - most likely to his death (Naruto needs a good death in it - people have been crying for it since Choji)

    Sakura is going to wake up in time to heal a very beat up team...
    Sai from Sasuke
    Yamato from Oro
    Naruto from the Kyubi being Sealed

    Oro will be hurt from Yamato
    Kabuto will heal Oro as they retreat
    Sasuke will be untouched

    Sakura will get a glimpse of Sasuke - but only enough to have her flashback to it 100000 times in the anime

    guess ill find out how wrong i am tomorrow

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