Shading his skin but not not just skin but entire body. Lol Naruto's fast healing just drop it uniqenest. Well thx for clear it up.
"Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender
She...... passed..... out......
Jee what a surprise...
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Well they were saying that the air hurt when naruto was just crouching there, I imagine it must've been agony when he let loose his super defelection chakra attack thingy.
And what the hell is up with Oro's snkae shedding thing? is he just wearing a weaker outer shell or two? Is he using the technique just before he is hit to negate the damage done to him? What is up with that?
What show are you basing your shit claim for predictions on? I don't recall a Kuuby being in Naruto.Originally posted by: dragon608608
Man, you guy are short sight. From way back, when Naruto fight with Sasuke, i already predict this to happen. I told you as naruto get stronger more tail of Kuuby will come out and finally give form of a nine tail demon fox. You don't believe me. I told you there will be someone who can help control Naruto to help him handle Kuubi destructive nature. You don't believe me. Especially, AssertnFailure and Hate...something, i forgot his name, you called me crazy, nut head, non-sense talking, dbz talking, etc.... Now look, everything happen as i predict, guess 15 years of manga reading pays of in a big way .
And 3 tailed Naruto can't match up to Sasuke thus far? Uh oh. Sasuke is going to destroy someone soon. Maybe he'll eat Neji first when he starts his rampage.
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
Pretty nice chapter. I liked that Sai ignored Sakura. Hah. Sakura is worthless just as it should be.
And Orochimaru just brushed off the damage by creating a second self or whatever he did. Mwah hah. Kyuubi is lame.
I can see how naruto is overrated. yes. the guy takes three tails out with insane amount of power yet sasuke can beat him. either the insane power of kyuubi got to oro's head or he is saying it for real. how can sasuke release that much power with just a seal 2, which is supposed to be his own power I may add. in just three years he managed to get that much power. right, and naruto is overrated. If he can be equal to naruto when forth tail comes out, I'll stop watching this show, cause that's just too much man. sasuke is just a kid now and he has this much power, what happenes when he hits 20, a god. Kishi really messed up, this show is going to be another DBZ. they should change the name to DB/AF(After Future) Naruto= great, great, great.......... grandson of Goku, and sasuke= great, great, great.......... grandson of vegeta, the never ending fight.
I don't think Oro is one to bullshit about things like how strong Sasuke is, so it should be interesting
This arc was totally worth the months and months of bullshit introducing Sai and Yamato. And penis jokes.
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
Like i say full denial. I just wish Gotwoot Evolution Forums didn't delete that threat back then, so you, The Heretic Azazel or hate, couldn't denial it as you are now. I don't care if you don't remember it. I don't care if you denial it. I don't care if you feel embarrassment about it. I also don't even care if you call me a lie. As for me, i remember it very carefully especially your replied at my prediction back then because of all people, you and AssertnFailure make fun of me the worst. However, more importantly, i think you need to get your anger managerment check. I recomand you to go to anger therapy or psychotherapist. Dude, you seem to have serious issue about it - trust me psychology is my area, my major. I learn about it for the last 4 years.
Excuse i know you?Originally posted by: dragon608608
Man, you guy are short sight. From way back, when Naruto fight with Sasuke, i already predict this to happen. I told you as naruto get stronger more tail of Kuuby will come out and finally give form of a nine tail demon fox. You don't believe me. I told you there will be someone who can help control Naruto to help him handle Kuubi destructive nature. You don't believe me. Especially, AssertnFailure and Hate...something, i forgot his name, you called me crazy, nut head, non-sense talking, dbz talking, etc.... Now look, everything happen as i predict, guess 15 years of manga reading pays of in a big way.
I don't seem to recall this situation you speak of.
Or maybe the broken english threw off your arguments back then as well.
I find it interesting that Sasuke is still stronger than 3 tailed kyubi. Especially considering the power levels of all the other henchmen that had cursed seals in the earlier saga. Would Kimimaro be able to stand up against 3 tails?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Originally posted by: dragon608608
Like i say full denial. I just wish Gotwoot Evolution Forums didn't delete that threat back then, so you, The Heretic Azazel or hate, couldn't denial it as you are now. I don't care if you don't remember it. I don't care if you denial it. I don't care if you feel embarrassment about it. I also don't even care if you call me a lie. As for me, i remember it very carefully especially your replied at my prediction back then because of all people, you and AssertnFailure make fun of me the worst. However, more importantly, i think you need to get your anger managerment check. I recomand you to go to anger therapy or psychotherapist. Dude, you seem to have serious issue about it - trust me psychology is my area, my major. I learn about it for the last 4 years.
I think most everyone believed Naruto would advance in his number of tails since, you know, it looked like it was going that way.
By the way, your 4 years at Alabama Community College do not impress me.
I wish we could have seen Kimi live, I can't believe how many people I would rather have died than him.
But that fat shit Chouji is still alive.
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
Azazel, leave him alone.
You don't mess with 15 years of manga reading experience.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Excuse i know you?Originally posted by: dragon608608
Man, you guy are short sight. From way back, when Naruto fight with Sasuke, i already predict this to happen. I told you as naruto get stronger more tail of Kuuby will come out and finally give form of a nine tail demon fox. You don't believe me. I told you there will be someone who can help control Naruto to help him handle Kuubi destructive nature. You don't believe me. Especially, AssertnFailure and Hate...something, i forgot his name, you called me crazy, nut head, non-sense talking, dbz talking, etc.... Now look, everything happen as i predict, guess 15 years of manga reading pays of in a big way.
I don't seem to recall this situation you speak of.
Or maybe the broken english threw off your arguments back then as well.
I find it interesting that Sasuke is still stronger than 3 tailed kyubi. Especially considering the power levels of all the other henchmen that had cursed seals in the earlier saga. Would Kimimaro be able to stand up against 3 tails?
You know Oro could just be talking bull. But i woulndt suprise if Sasuke could deal with the tails i mean his naruto's rival and all he must be strong to fight against him. It would be lame if Sasuke was stronger this much kyubi.
Then what is so special about kyubi if it cant be stronger than a curse seal powered ninja like Sasuke.
yeah but saying that Sasuke is already as strong as a Sanin is stretching it a little bit, I refuse to believe he can improve that quickly(he would be the naruto version of Batman).
Oro likes to talk shit during his fights, and this is no exception
R.I.P Captain America.
First, People weren't against IT, they were against YOU. That is the part you failed to understand then, and you continue to fail to understand now. EVERYBODY knew that more and more of the Kyuubi would manifest itself as a display of how much of its energy is being released. We told you that. You were laughed at because you thought you had stumbled upon some huge ground breaking theory that would blow us all away, and it just wasn't the case. You were laughed at because in addition to the talk of the tails, you went into some asinine rant about the limbs counting as tails. You were also laughed at because your english sucks and half the people didn't have a clue what you were trying to say anyway.Originally posted by: dragon608608
First, NOT EVERYONE PREDICTED THAT BACK THEN. i wish you could see the discussion back when those two fought. EVERYONE AGAINST IT as you are now. I remember it very well because every ficking people against it and make fun of me. I didn't post in this forum any more since then until now. now, when it happens just like i said it would. You guy like: "uhuh, everyone predict that.....blah blah" Full denialOriginally posted by: anphorus
Firstly, pretty much everybody p[redicted that.Originally posted by: dragon608608
Man, you guy are short sight. From way back, when Naruto fight with Sasuke, i already predict this to happen. I told you as naruto get stronger more tail of Kuuby will come out and finally give form of a nine tail demon fox.
Second. I don't think Naruto learning control will not only be learning how to maintain conciousness with more tails, but making it so that he can better supress the Kyuubi's effect. if you notice how Naruto has been recently, every time he gets angry the Kyuubi seems to come out, and he seems to have little to no control over it once it starts. I think that Jiraya has opened a floodgate here, he helped Naruto learn to control his Kyuubi chakra, and now it has merged with his body more than ever, one of the side effects of releasing it easier seems to be that he can't stop it very well.
i also don't see the Kyuubi being removed from Naruto considering the insight we've recently gotten into its powers, and considering the new challenge and danger it now poses to naruto. If the Kyuubi ever does get removed it will probably be at the end of the series where Naruto will have a final showdown with his inner demon.
However, I can see a grown-up, Hokage Naruto still with his Kyuubi. He will just use the ordinary Kyuubi chakra (as in what we saw at the chuunin exam and at the start of the Sasuke fight) and only ever breaking out his Chakra Shroud whenever he really, really needs too, like how Gai and Lee use the gates.
Second, i didn't say you have to believe me just like i don't need you to believe me back then. Time will tell (hopefully just hopefully, when it happen, you, anphorus, will not say, "oh, everyone predict that" which including you). I just discuss it so that someone may be interesting in it think about it. But more importantly, it is for fun and ultimately, i want to test to see if my prediction is one again to be correct or not. I am not saying your theory are incorrect. Your theory might be 100%, and my theory might be 100% wrong. I don't care. Now, I just want to state my prediction and that is it. I did wrote DON'T BELIEVE ME IF YOU WANT in my original post, didn't I?
And now for you to come back here and essentially say "I told you so" makes you look like an even bigger moron. So please do yourself, and all of us, a favor and just shut up already.
oh oro is just trying to taunt with naruto. Its really hard to believe that sasuke would be that strong, but then again, oro wouldve been training him.
I am not surpriced that Sasuke can be as strong as Naruto, in his level two seal Nartuo didnt even scratch him (exept for the headband protector). I wouldnt be surpiced if there are more than two levels of cursed seal not to mention that Sasuke can fly.
Ok some people have been saying that they are Sanin level now but I think it was clear that despite the injury that Jyrariya sufferd he was still able to stop him. so it wouldnt surprice me if Orochimaru would just beat the crap out of Naruto even with four tails.
Even if Naruto is stronger it doesnt mean he can beat him just by using pure power. Look what happend to Gaara he clearly looked like the stronger ninja but was outsmarted by Deidara big time.
Now that I think about it it makes wonder just how strong the other Akatsuki members are going to end up being.
probably quite strong, they said theyd kill oro later like it was something theyd do for fun.Originally posted by: nests
I am not surpriced that Sasuke can be as strong as Naruto, in his level two seal Nartuo didnt even scratch him (exept for the headband protector). I wouldnt be surpiced if there are more than two levels of cursed seal not to mention that Sasuke can fly.
Ok some people have been saying that they are Sanin level now but I think it was clear that despite the injury that Jyrariya sufferd he was still able to stop him. so it wouldnt surprice me if Orochimaru would just beat the crap out of Naruto even with four tails.
Even if Naruto is stronger it doesnt mean he can beat him just by using pure power. Look what happend to Gaara he clearly looked like the stronger ninja but was outsmarted by Deidara big time.
Now that I think about it it makes wonder just how strong the other Akatsuki members are going to end up being.
so far 3 tail is the strongest power we've seen so far, and soon to be the 4 tail. but for it to be down grade so soon by the likes of sasuke so called curesed seal which I may add again is his own chakra, is just stupid. hopefully its misspelled, and oro is referring to himself not sasuke. and wut I hate the most is, naruto is still using brute force again, instead of combinning that power with new jutsus. if sasuke managed to get that strong in just three years, it should be possible for naruto to learn some new jutsus + this tail stuff. I knew kishi would screw this up, so far it was going really good. To think that sasuke doesn't even have MS yet. This is bull man.
It hasnt been said that Sasuke doesnt have Mangekyou if Kakashi was able too get why not Sasuke