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Thread: Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

  1. #61

    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    i think the majourity of you are programmed to hate fillers, yes naruto fillers suck royal ass, but come on... its jus 2 episodes into the bleach filler how can you all decide that its going to suck?
    personally i thing this filler has promise, i mean the villians may turn out to be pretty cool...rin rin dodges kurosaki's strike easily an even tweaks his nose! are they hollows? are they spirits? or empowered humans like ishida?
    and wats this hongoku (true heaven) that the old man mentions...i know the model of the belach universe is like soul sociaty on top and earth below (the hourGlass example) so where s the hollows world? and wheres hongoku? does it have its own people like SS? that'll be cool if there's some even more powerfull guardians in hongoku...
    my 2 cents....

  2. #62
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    Originally posted by: Spastic_Avenger
    i think the majourity of you are programmed to hate fillers, yes naruto fillers suck royal ass, but come on... its jus 2 episodes into the bleach filler how can you all decide that its going to suck?
    Well, I liked the previous filler episode, so your analysis of the situation is pretty off. And no one has said that the entire arc will suck, it's just that this individual episode sucked herpes infested balls.

    Back to the issue at hand. You really think you can defeat me with such pitiful techniques, mwahawhaw. Let me show you the true meaning of terror. *Takes a DBZ stance and start powering up*

  3. #63
    Missing Nin
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    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    Well first off this episode was a terrible waste of time reguardless of how the arc turns out. Not only that but considering that Ishida should have NO spiritual powers at all how did he suddenly sense the attack while nobody else had any idea. That aside how did Chad magically manage to fit through that window and get sucked into a portal.

    As far as Renji goes he scored to well in the popularity contest and is thus condemed to filler hell its just that simple.

  4. #64

    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    Just need somethin'
    What chaper in the manga is the equivalent of Eps 63 in the anim ?

  5. #65

  6. #66

    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    it's not that bad an episode but the quality could have been better...

  7. #67

    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    Bleh.... the characters didn't move when talking, and their mouths weren't animated well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    And I also thought the running around thing was dull, and, overall bleh. The SS part was the most interesting, even if it was only to tell us that nothing was going to happen with Aizen for a year, so they'll focus on the earth adventures. I was wondering about what they meant by what was translated as "true heaven" too. I hope we get at least a little of the captain's search along with the earth filler, but this might be the last of SS for a while... And I wanted to see Rukia...

  8. #68
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    and, um, did anyone happen to catch the music they were playing in the background for most of it? The music volume seemed to be pretty soft, but I turned it up and...

    IT WAS AWFUL! I didn't recognize the tracks at all, but they were all crappy crappy poop poop. No wonder they had it playing so softly...

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  9. #69

    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    It was bad. The thing with fillers is that they can't do anything productive. I'd like to see more on character development for Chad, say. But they can't do that because they have to wait on the manga, as I understand it. So the fillers have to be irrelevant. That's what annoying about them.

  10. #70
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    Originally posted by: V
    It was bad. The thing with fillers is that they can't do anything productive. I'd like to see more on character development for Chad, say. But they can't do that because they have to wait on the manga, as I understand it. So the fillers have to be irrelevant. That's what annoying about them.
    Wow, really? I thought fillers were relevant. (rolls eyes) Thank you for letting us all know what we already knew.

    Anyways, I hope to god they are just messing with us and are not going to mix filler with the rest of the storyline as was mentioned in the other thread about fillers. God, could you imagine it? Something like tha would be like making the curry of life or that tony the tiger crap actually relevant. And then they'd bring Raiga(whatever fish guy with the twin lightning swords was) back to life, cause we all know that hasn't happend before..
    Edited out the mean parts.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  11. #71

    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    The problem with fillers is not that they are irrelevant... The main problem is that they fuck up with the storyline, and because of that sometimes the anime is forced to make changes to the plot... It would be good if fillers would simply be irrelevant...

  12. #72

    Bleach 65 Discussion Thread

    Not bad, atleast not for a filler.

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