What bitter irony it must be for those women who become unable to have children again after an abortion.
One of the worst things I have seen in my life was when I worked in a hospital for a month during my military service. I was in the post operation ward and almost everyday there would come in women who had gone trough what is called a hysterectomy, even the word gives me the chills. Hysterectomy is the name of the procedure where the uterus is removed, because of cancer or some other illness. Without fault all these women were crying and depressed. I think this experience effected me alot regarding my view on abortion.
I think it's obvious that a woman should be allowed to govern over her own body, I mean it's better to get it done in a hospital than try to get the fetus out with a coathanger. But still, the tought of what actually happens in an abortion leaves me with an unpleasant feeling.