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Thread: ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

  1. #1

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    First episode by gg-fansubs:

    Worth to notice that the first episode was aired Friday the 13th.

    "Based on the kabuki classic "Toukaidou Yotsuya Kaidan" (1826) written by Tsuruya
    Nanboku, one of the most famous ghost stories in Japan.

    The third installment in Fuji Television`s "NOITAMINA" late-night anime time slot. Previously shown shows were Honey&Clover and Paradise Kiss.

    The designs of the anime, which is based on the classic Japanese horror tales Yotsuyakaidan, Ten Shu Monogatari and Bakeneko, will be done by Yoshitaka Amano. ",ayakashi__japan.html

  2. #2

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    Sounds neat, i'll check it out.

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    This show is very difficult to understand at first. GG fansubs did not translate alot of the honorific terms and rather than editting them into the actual video file they have a PDF file with the information instead...

    Every single person in this show is evil. Evil, evil evil. I wonder if the narrator too is a bad person...

    This show isn't flashy, isn't glitzy, and it's got an incredibly horrible opening song (J-rock/hip-hop to introduce a traditional Kabuki story?)

    But by the end of episode 1 you do know what is going on and who all the characters are. Its only confusing for the first 5-8 minutes because of the names and plethora of historical facts thrown at you.

    The best thing about this show is the story, which seems to be quite a classic and has some monstrously evil characters. I think this is worth watching if you have extra free time, although I don't think very many typical anime fans will sing praise to a show like this one.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  4. #4

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

  5. #5

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    So, we got Jigoku Shoujo for those into "modern horror" and Ayakashi for those into "classical" great! can't really complain about not getting enough "horror" in your life.

    1st ep. was fine; it looks promising from that on + I'm always up for a good "scared" Yeah!...It's true that this 1st ep. of the series it's kinda hard to get by...especially since it has too much "weird terms" at hand, but still pretty enjoyable. The drawing style (characters/env.) the anime uses is quite nice and appropriate. However, the J-hiphop OP theme wouldn't be what I would call "the best" for this kinda stated by masamuneehs before.

    It worth at least a "check out".

  6. #6

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    if its that good then i'll download it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    Just watched it, and I think it sets up the plot pretty well. Eagerly anticipating to see episode 2.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  8. #8

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

  9. #9
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    Amazing how heartless Iemon can get. Good episode, but not as scary as I hoped for.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  11. #11
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    Thanks for the update. Seems not a lot of people are watching this series. Too dark and grim, perhaps. I'm eagerly looking forward to the death of Iemon in the next chapter. [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  12. #12

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    yea, this series isn't getting to much attention, what a shame...maybe it's the drawing style or that's too dark as stated, oh well...

    I really liked these past 2 episodes...looking forward seeing Tamiya Iemon's final breath; I was getting tired of seeing his face, just finish him...and let the next story begins.

  13. #13

    ~Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror

    Episode 4 out (by gg)...and the conclusion of the Yotsuya Kaidan story

    Ayakashi XviD
    Ayakashi h264

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