Most of you probably have never heard of the Tenchu series, which is reasonable, considering it's not very popular. Despite this fact, it has to be my favorite ninja series in the running right now, it just simulates the role of a ninja perfectly, from the stealth and sneaking around in the shadows, to brutally taking out your enemies with skillful stealth kills. If you haven't played a game from the series, I highly advise you to go check it out. It might not be worth a buy for most of you, but I think it deserves a rent. ^_^

You can get all the information you need about the series here:

Tenchu Checkpoint - Probably the best Tenchu Fan Site out there.

If you want some reviews, you can check these sites out:

-- Gamespot --
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven - I thought Gamespot gave a pretty acurate rating for Wrath of Heaven.
Tenchu: Fatal Shadows - Don't let this rating fool you, I would probably give Fatal Shadows between a 7.6 - 8.2.
Tenchu: Return From Darkness - Basically the Xbox version of Wrath of Heaven, I've never actually played it, but it seems that it didn't do too hot.

-- IGN --
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven - Another solid score by IGN, in my opinion.
Tenchu: Fatal Shadows - As with Gamespot, I have no idea wtf they were thinking give it anything less than a 7. =/
Tenchu: Return From Darkness - Looks like IGN didn't think much of it either.

Anyways, if you guys are new to the series, you could pick up either Wrath of Heaven, or Fatal Shadows, up to you. Both are nearly similar in graphical quality, although Fatal Shadows has more to offer. Well, that's pretty muchit, I'll let you guys discuss now. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]