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Thread: Burning DVDs

  1. #1

    Burning DVDs

    Hi, I am really starting to get into Anime, and I have some 40 odd gigs of it on my external hard drive. I was just wondering how you could burn playable dvds (on a dvd player, not computer) with the avi files? Any walkthroughs, links, programs would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Oklahoma City

    Burning DVDs

    First see if your dvd player is compatible with divx. If it is, you can burn directly to the dvd as a data dvd and itll come out to about 25 episodes per dvd (if they are 175 mb files). You probably want to edit the avi files so the edges dont get cut off so refer to this topic:

    burning dvds

    If you dont have a divx compatible dvd player, you are going to have to re-encode your avi's into a different format. I suggest asking doom 9 or

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