ok lock this thread, i'll take masamuneehs' advice and repost it when my friend finishes and when he posts it on a fanfic site
ok lock this thread, i'll take masamuneehs' advice and repost it when my friend finishes and when he posts it on a fanfic site
Ovan, The Rebirth
Nobody will read this as it appears now in the forums because the punctuation is all screwed up. I am always willing to help people improve their writing, but its not fair to ask people to read text that looks like an Extraterrestrial grammar squad zapped it with rayguns.
I know you tried to change it around, but you might want to have your friend post it on a website (fanfiction.net, mediaminer.org just to name a few) and then put the link to it here.
And also, if that's all of the story they've written I'd tell your friend to seriously re-consider posting it online. At this point he's got a beginning and thats really all. You make a much better story if you get at least half way through it (so you can think about plot events, delivery of themes, time allocated to characters, in/consistency in dialogue and general flow) because then you'll have a much bigger lens to analyze your story with. I know that people want feedback ASAP, but there's honestly not much here to react to. It seems like a pretty cookie-cutter fanfic so far.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Hey, where is the story ? I was looking farward to reading it in the spare time.
I see.......never mind.
don't worry it'll be back up as soon as my friend finishes
Ovan, The Rebirth
Hey, did your friend ever finish this fanfic?
AnywayZ, have any of you read any of the `excellent` Naruto fanfics that can be found on fanfiction.net? I got so hooked on a bunch of them, but `For the Love of my Friends` takes the cake. I would give away my computer to the author just to get my hands on the complete fanfic. Unfortunatly it isn't call out yet but the author "Foxie-Sama" just uploads Magnificent Chapter after Chapter.
AnywayZ,(again) check it out if you have time, you don't even need to be a Naruto fan or know jackshyt about it, the story just ownz. But be warned, I got a F in Geometry and Chemistry because of staying up to 4:00 am reading this story and forgetting about everything else I had to do since I get home at 1:30 pm. I even went so far as to Convert the story to JPG images and putting it on my PSP to read during school, through my classes, during lectures.
Read the damned story!![]()
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2147268/1/
Reviews: 3820 -All worshipping the ground Foxie-sama walks on and the air she breaths.
Word Count: 463,287
Chapters: 54
Once those of you who decide to check it out get hooked, post here and I'll link you to a few more excellent FF's.
OMG, this fanfic is amazing. Much better than the shit naruto is going through right now. Thanks a ton for posting this. Ill read it through then ill as for the other FFs.