Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
I've seen through episode 9 of season 1 and I'm completely not feeling this series. I watched the miniseries and thought it was awesome and really looked forward to this show, so then I watched the first 8 episodes almost in a marathon. I kept watching and watching waiting for this magic that everyone said exists in the show, but so far it just lacks any plot or characters that I really care about.

Basically it's humans being dumb and messing with each other just with a sci-fi backdrop instead of the usual Beverly Hills backdrop. None of the characters are particularly appealing (including the cute Korean chick who I admit was one of the main reasons I started watching this show). The first episode was intense with the 33 minutes plot, but after that it's just been blah. I'm fully expecting Muffet to show up and I'll give up on this show.

Please please please someone tell me season 2 makes this series worth watching.
If you don't like it by now, you probably won't. It's more than just "Melrose Space" though. There will be some sweet military victories soon. And some of the Cylons will repent. And some will be revealed. There is always the threat of sleeper agents. The last season has been pretty intense, too.