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Thread: Plot Holes

  1. #1
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Plot Holes

    Here post what you do not get in the storyline, or if you have answers to some. Here are some of mine:

    1) Who are Naruto's parents? Does he have any? Was 9-tailed fox put into an artificial jutsu-made baby? Or did Naruto's parents just like abandon him cuz he was demon now.

    2) That scroll of forbidden jutsu. Ok. This scroll can help Oro greatly in taking over Konoha, yet a n00b ninja like Naruto can steal it unnoticed? WTF

    3) The sand killed many honored nin in the village of Konoha, yet when they surrendered, Konoha did nothing? Why not get Tsunade and Jiraiya and WTF PWN the sand???

    4) wtf do hand seals do? Can anyone just wave their hands around and say the magic words and magically shoot fire out of their mouths?

    5) How come only kiba's family can talk to dogs? And how come only Shikamaru's family can use Kage Mane no Jutsu (Shadow Bind)?? Is it like a bloodline limit?

    And last but definately NOT LEAST: number 6:

    What has become of Naruto. I saw the first episode, and I was like, oh my god. This anime is amazing. Full of color, GREAT STORY LINE, serious, great animation. Starting around ep 140ish, i realized, this is no longer Naruto. This is pathetic shit, like 2 guys dress up as ninja and do chores around Konoha. They should just not show anything then ruin a perfectly good anime. Shame... So, Ive moved to Samurai Deeper Kyo, which is very good actually. 2nd best anime Ive seen, I like it better than Bleach. BTW, where can I find bleach 63-64 special? Bearshare does not have it :-P

  2. #2
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Plot Holes

    1) No one knows, we haven't gotten an answer yet.
    2) Its probably crappy sealing jutsu, so not much use to Orochimaru.
    3) Konoha likes having allies and is desperate in that way..
    4) Filler episodes are bullshit, don't base anything on them. Hand seals allow you to mix chakra in your body(explained in like episode 5 or something by Sakura)
    5) Familys have unique techniques that require something else in addition to hand seals (like certain chakra mixing techs or something) They are not bloodline limits, just secret techs.
    6) Filler episodes started around like episode 130 something, they'll end eventually, and you'll get your quality anime back. Btw, it seems Bleach is heading to fillers now, so we're boned. Bleach 63 special is on dattebayo's torrent site.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  3. #3
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Plot Holes

    Edit : Ero anwserd them before me T.T.

    1. His parents are not yet Identified and dont wanna go there with the guessing cause might be banned.

    2. il just quote something off of leaf ninja in the manga / anime cuts to awnser that.
    "This is a rather important scene, one of the few big scenes which were cut without seemingly any reason what so ever. In the manga we actually view Naruto sneaking into the Third Hokage's residence to steal the forbidden scroll of seals. In the series it goes from Naruto learning of the scroll to then leaving having stolen it. By cutting this scene it looks like Naruto was able to walk right in and steal this forbidden and dangerous scroll with no trouble. In the manga Naruto sneaks in but is caught by the Third Hokage, quick thinking by Naruto lets him use his Sexy no jutsu and knock out the Third. That then allows him to grab the scroll and bolt. This one still stumps me to this day, this would have been funny to see animated and would have cleared up a possible plot problem."

    3. probally because Orchi disquised himself as the Kazekage so it wasn't really the sands fault ( guessing )

    4. Hand seals are needed to get chakra into certain places and the shouting does nothing. ( bad explanation, but thats what hand seals do. )

    5. dogs can learn how to talk in Naruto, and if you've been around a dog long enough you can communicate with them before they can talk. ( im guessing again, but i know dogs can talk )

    6. Filler espisodes. ( if you dont know, Filler espisodes are those that are not shown in the Manga, these are sometimes needed because the Anime catches up to the Manga to fast ( although personly its better just to take a year off ). Although Perrot Stuidos is doing an absoulute horrible job creating fillers for Naruto so basicly there not even worth watching atm, they'll get back to following the Manga story when this season ends. )

  4. #4
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Plot Holes

    Originally posted by: Mizuchi
    Here post what you do not get in the storyline, or if you have answers to some. Here are some of mine:

    1) Who are Naruto's parents? Does he have any? Was 9-tailed fox put into an artificial jutsu-made baby? Or did Naruto's parents just like abandon him cuz he was demon now.
    That's not a plot hole. That's a detail that has been intentionally left ambiguous. I'm sure the answer will be revealed one day.

    2) That scroll of forbidden jutsu. Ok. This scroll can help Oro greatly in taking over Konoha, yet a n00b ninja like Naruto can steal it unnoticed? WTF
    In the manga, naruto steals it from the hokage's house. The hokage even catches naruto in the act, but then naruto busts out the sexy-no-jutsu and catches him off-guard. Had it been a real threat, the hokage wouldve taken him out in .2 seconds.

    3) The sand killed many honored nin in the village of Konoha, yet when they surrendered, Konoha did nothing? Why not get Tsunade and Jiraiya and WTF PWN the sand???
    Because peace is better than war?

    4) wtf do hand seals do? Can anyone just wave their hands around and say the magic words and magically shoot fire out of their mouths?
    They explain early in the series that you use your hands to channel chakra. This actually references rituals that took place in old japan.

    5) How come only kiba's family can talk to dogs? And how come only Shikamaru's family can use Kage Mane no Jutsu (Shadow Bind)?? Is it like a bloodline limit?
    Idk...The details have been explained enough that other people could theoretically take their jutsus, but I'm sure it's something exclusively trained within the clan. Another manga-only detail, sarutobi uses kiba's sniffing power to locate the 1st and 2nd hokages when he was cast in that pitch black genjutsu.

    Really, i guess the important thing to note is that it's not so much that other people CANT use those jutsus, but rather, the benefit of having those jutsus lie with focusing your entire fighting style around them. A person with baika-no-jutsu, for example, must be prepared to devote their life to eating lots of food, instead of, say, developing lee-style speed. In this respect it's best to think of it like an RPG, where you focus on a select set of skills and not concern yourself with others.

    And last but definately NOT LEAST: number 6:

    What has become of Naruto. I saw the first episode, and I was like, oh my god. This anime is amazing. Full of color, GREAT STORY LINE, serious, great animation. Starting around ep 140ish, i realized, this is no longer Naruto. This is pathetic shit, like 2 guys dress up as ninja and do chores around Konoha. They should just not show anything then ruin a perfectly good anime. Shame... So, Ive moved to Samurai Deeper Kyo, which is very good actually. 2nd best anime Ive seen, I like it better than Bleach. BTW, where can I find bleach 63-64 special? Bearshare does not have it :-P
    I wouldn't call this a plot hole. I'd call it a plot overflow.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #5

    Plot Holes

    Originally posted by: Mizuchi
    Here post what you do not get in the storyline, or if you have answers to some. Here are some of mine:

    1) Who are Naruto's parents? Does he have any? Was 9-tailed fox put into an artificial jutsu-made baby? Or did Naruto's parents just like abandon him cuz he was demon now.

    2) That scroll of forbidden jutsu. Ok. This scroll can help Oro greatly in taking over Konoha, yet a n00b ninja like Naruto can steal it unnoticed? WTF

    3) The sand killed many honored nin in the village of Konoha, yet when they surrendered, Konoha did nothing? Why not get Tsunade and Jiraiya and WTF PWN the sand???

    4) wtf do hand seals do? Can anyone just wave their hands around and say the magic words and magically shoot fire out of their mouths?

    5) How come only kiba's family can talk to dogs? And how come only Shikamaru's family can use Kage Mane no Jutsu (Shadow Bind)?? Is it like a bloodline limit?

    And last but definately NOT LEAST: number 6:

    What has become of Naruto. I saw the first episode, and I was like, oh my god. This anime is amazing. Full of color, GREAT STORY LINE, serious, great animation. Starting around ep 140ish, i realized, this is no longer Naruto. This is pathetic shit, like 2 guys dress up as ninja and do chores around Konoha. They should just not show anything then ruin a perfectly good anime. Shame... So, Ive moved to Samurai Deeper Kyo, which is very good actually. 2nd best anime Ive seen, I like it better than Bleach. BTW, where can I find bleach 63-64 special? Bearshare does not have it :-P

    Lets see...

    1) A popular theory is that Yodaime Hokage is Naruto's father (ZOMG!!11!). But we're not allowed to disscus it here, ever so I wont. The fact is that it really isn't important, his parents currently don't matter.

    2) In the manga Naruto was almost stopped by the 3rd, but he used Sexy no Jutsu on him. And really, I doubt that it would be so lightly guarded against someone who wasnt even a genin, who ws from the leaf.

    3) I think it's political. In politics you can't do shit like that without starting a war. Plus the Sand Nin's were only obeying (who they thought was) their Kazekage, not knowing that he was actually Oro. I'm guessing that Oro fed them some bullshit reason to get some of the more moral of them to do it. (Like: "Konoha's planning to attack us since they currently have about 5 times the shinobi we do" or something.)

    4) The hand seals are a trained way to release chakra, like the words in a magic spell. The ninja are actually mixing and controling the chakra within themselves when they do the technique. Yeah you could just try the hand seals if you didn't know how to controll your chakra, but you'd just wind up looking like a fool.

    5) Kiba's family can't talk to dogs, its just that the dogs they train/use are more intelligent than normal dogs and can learn to speak. Kiba can communicate with Akamaru persumably because he is with him all the time and knows what all the barks and yelps and body language means (like I said, the dogs they train/use are smarter than the average hound.)

    Shikamaru's shadow thing isn't a Bloodline limit, as bloodline limits are abilities asnd powers (that jutsu's can be developed around). It's just a jutsu that is exclusive to that particular family.

    6) That's all filler.

    Hope I've been of some help [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Edit: Damn. that's what I get for forgetting about this window for amost 10 minutes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Plot Holes

    1.) This has not been answered, and most likely won't be answered until towards the end of the series.

    2.) Like stated above, in the Manga the Hokage did catch Naruto, Naruto used the Sexy Jutsu to cause the Hokage to nose bleed. This is most likely was just for comic relief, and the Hokage could of easily stopped Naruto from taking the scroll.

    3.) After the invasion on Konoho both Sand and Konoho were left in a weaken state. It's only logical since Orchamaru was the true enemy, that they would join in an alliance to stregthen their own countries.

    4.) Stated above in the previous posts.

    5.) They are jutsu's trained with in their clan. Just because a clan doesn't have a blood line limit doesn't mean that everyone should know their jutsu's. It would be a bigger plot hole if they did.

    6.) Like stated above as well, all fillers, once the show gets back on track it's gonna pick up alot (Gonna seem even better after all the fillers.

  7. #7
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Plot Holes

    I saw the first episode, and I was like, oh my god. This anime is amazing. Full of color, GREAT STORY LINE, serious, great animation.
    If you got that from episode one you got issues. Episodes 1-3 sucked ass.

  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Plot Holes

    Originally posted by: Mizuchi
    3) The sand killed many honored nin in the village of Konoha, yet when they surrendered, Konoha did nothing? Why not get Tsunade and Jiraiya and WTF PWN the sand???
    Thinking like that partly caused (though not directly) the World War II. After the World War I, France and England (among others) retaliated exceedingly harshly when they dictated the terms of the peace treaty. The miserable state of Germany that resulted from that draconian peace treaty helped Hitler immeasurably to gain power.

    After WW2, a somewhat opposite happened and West-Germany was integrated into the West. Just like Konoha rather forgave Sand the betrayal and rather had it as an ally than a vengeful enemy. And that has already paid off. If they had pwned Sand, the only thing they would have gained would have been a new enemy.

  9. #9
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Plot Holes

    Wow, that's the most inaccurate comparison ever.

  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Plot Holes

    Oh? Care to elaborate? I fail to see any huge inaccuracy (wouldn't have written it otherwise), but I would like to know what makes you think so.

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