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Thread: Magikano

  1. #41
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    no one posted episode 7 so here it is:

    Anime U Magikano 7

  2. #42
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    So, unless I misheard, which I'm sure I didn't, Ayumi is actually the older sister. Even though she's shorter, and *cough* less developed.

    With eps 7, this show has been making less and less sense, while becoming even more hilarious.

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    just watched episode 7, seems like they are pulling a plot into the story. Yea, its not making any sense at all.

  4. #44
    This show is great, though it makes no sense, the retardedness of the cast keeps me laughing enough to upset my mom. "He's laguing so hard and he cant even understand the words..." Who needs plot, it's like Azumanga Daioh, but with a general direction for the story to flow.

    And the new Maid/Bug Assasin is awesome.

  5. #45
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Eps 9 is out by AnimeU

    Magikano eps 9

    Enjoy the eps, I know I will. I still can't believe Michiru is Ayumi's *Little* sister.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 03-21-2006 at 11:24 PM.

  6. #46
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Damn, this show just keeps going at 200% speed. Yet, despite the nonstop high speed action, it's surprisingly easy to follow the story. Perhaps because it doesn't look like such a complicated story at all.

    Gotta say the references to old fairy tales (among other things) were great and very succesful in this episode.

    ... And the substitution technique with a log... That was just too hilarious.

    Haruo's hidden powers suddenly revealing themselves along with an alternate badass personality was most certainly done in a way to refer to something, but I feel I might not be familiar with the original work. Of course it's very similar to Kyou Kara Maou, but I doubt that could be the original source.

  7. #47

    One of the best scenes ever!

    This show is so great, it's my first harem type anime since Tenchi Muyo, and it has a similar, but more light vibe. I think the magic is great as an excuse for why weird shit is always going on.

    Haruo's got mad magic juice as we all probobly guessed, but I wonder if he's subconsciously denying himself the use of his power. At first I thought he caused everyone to forget but now I think it was Ayumi sister. It seems that everyone forgot what had happened but her.

    And what about the sketchy teacher that desperately needs to get laid, any ideas on what she's up to? I think she knows something no one else does, but i'm not sure if it's about Haruo or the girls.

    Oh yeah and there's also this AnimeU - Magikano 10

  8. #48
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 10 is already out?! Man, that's great! Thanks for the heads-up!

    Needless to say, I won't easily get enough of this series. Although I might be too attracted to it, because so far I have watched the end credits without skipping every time. I just can't help but stare at those little chibis and how the situation in their dance changes from the beginning to the end.

  9. #49
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Haruo's got mad magic juice as we all probobly guessed, but I wonder if he's subconsciously denying himself the use of his power. At first I thought he caused everyone to forget but now I think it was Ayumi sister. It seems that everyone forgot what had happened but her.

    And what about the sketchy teacher that desperately needs to get laid, any ideas on what she's up to? I think she knows something no one else does, but i'm not sure if it's about Haruo or the girls.
    It wasn't Michiru by the looks of things, it was their Sensei. She knew about the maid when she came, she knew that Michiru had shown up, and she was greatly distressed when Haruo awoke. (As distressed as she ever gets anyway). I don't know the reason she doesn't want his power to come out, but she's apparently actively trying to stop it.

    Michiru remembers everything because she ran off before the giant flash that wiped everyone's memories. She thinks Haruo did it.

    Let's see if eps 10 has any more info.

  10. #50
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    More hilarious randomness in Ep 10. This one reminded me of all those zombie movies and games, hahaha.

  11. #51
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have been thinking this series is certainly not the easiest job for the voice actresses. If you think how the girls talk especially when they enter their hyper active modes, but also when their moods swing 180 degrees here and there suddenly. But they have been doing very admirable work.

    It's also funny how Haruo is depicted as such a normal guy living pretty much normally in the middle of all that. It was especially underlined in this episode. At least the Animenfo description tells Haruo is stupid, but I wonder if they have just emphasized the fact that no normal person could possibly keep up the same pace as those witches.

  12. #52
    [QUOTE=Ryllharu]It wasn't Michiru by the looks of things, it was their Sensei. She knew about the maid when she came, she knew that Michiru had shown up, and she was greatly distressed when Haruo awoke. (As distressed as she ever gets anyway). I don't know the reason she doesn't want his power to come out, but she's apparently actively trying to stop it.

    Michiru remembers everything because she ran off before the giant flash that wiped everyone's memories. She thinks Haruo did it.

    The teacher made a comment that made me believe that she didn't remember what happened either. I believe it was "No...something's different than before. Why is this?" Fuyuno also remembers forgetting something so the effects seem similar. It's possible that Hongo tried to reset time but it didn't undo something that happened the first time around (Badass Haruo...) and she's commenting on that , but I really don't think she was the one in control, alas only time will tell!

  13. #53
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oh yeah! What have we all been waiting for?

    The next ep of Magikano, of course!

    Episode 11 - AnimeU

  14. #54
    Eh sorry I got all the episodes,but could some1 remind me what this show is about?? because I' ve been watching 2 many shows lately so I kind of forgot.......................>.<

  15. #55
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Have a look at the first post of the thread, there's a good description.

    This episode was certainly slow and peaceful. It was a Christmas episode, so that no doubt explains it, but aside from a few seconds scene that developed the main plot, I was a little disappointed. It's just that I have come to expect crazy speed and 200% action from this show. To be fair, this wasn't a bad episode and it had it's moments, but many of the previous eps have been much better.

    Well, according to the preview, with the next episode we should be back to the business.

  16. #56
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I liked this eps. It fit with the theme but started to tie in elements that will allow for an ending, which is only two eps away.

    The beginning had the same stupid fantasies we've come to expect from the girls, Yuri offering herself in some cliche manner, Marin helping "Saint Haruo" defeat the evil witches (nice Gundam/Mazinger Z looking face he had there), and Maika's weird brother love fantasy (including purring noises at the end). The same evil laughter when Ayumi shows up while questioning Haruo. The usual good stuff.

    They had to start addressing the curse again some time, and now was as good as any. Most importantly, Ayumi slapped him when he woke up. She's become self conscious of Haruo now, enough to get embarrassed. Before, she was all about selfishly turning him into a man for her own needs of breaking the curse, but now she's actually developed legitmate feelings for him.

  17. #57
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oh my god! It's only a half-lenght series! I would like to give you negative reputation for reminding me of that ugly fact (but I won't, don't worry). I was happily living in the delusion we would still have a long way till sweet 26 episodes or so... Oh what grief this caused me. What a cruel world...

    Well, in that light you are right: This was a necessary step to serve the end of the story.

  18. #58
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The pain you feel now is the same that I felt when I checked on AniDB because all of a sudden there was plot development in my current favorite stupid series of nonsense.

    It is a harsh world that makes Magikano only a half season.

  19. #59

  20. #60
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The end is near and it shows. Although still certainly present but the craziness lessened a little, and the story started to really roll. It's kind of funny how a series like this seems to have such a dark plot...

    It has been an excellent show, and it's very sad the next ep will be the last.

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