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Thread: bleach 63 discussion thread..

  1. #1

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    haven't seen it yet but some stupid faggot's are still posting in the release info thread.


    DB SUB

  2. #2

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    A nice ep..but the fist half was mostly about previous fights. A little disapointing though. Still it's a nice special nonetheless. ^_^

    lol at 34:20, I think someone screwed up in japan O_<

    Man...I wish Hitsugaya didnt checked on Rangiku after their drinkin binge....Would have been very interesting.

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    I suppose Studio Pierrot does give people some sort of holiday period around the New Year. The first half of the episode was pretty useless, the second half a normal episode. I'm not altogether happy with the latter half (though I'm not complaining this wasn't all new material. After all, it would suck to not be able to have vacations). I think it wasn't a very elegant end to the arc. It concentrated on too many random people doing random things instead of anything really meaningful. I mean, for example the Matsumoto jokes were funny, but how did they help to conclude the arc? Well, it was what it was, and it can't be helped anymore.

    And damn... The series was without Ichigo-Rukia interaction for ages, and just when I finally thought it would get back to normal... Just damn it.

    But when I saw the next ep preview, I had only one question: What on earth are those Black Cat Apostles doing in Bleach?

  4. #4
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    Time for the first-ever Bleach filler arc! Enjoy!

    Edit: LMAO @ the 34:20 repeat scene

    Edit2: Finished watching it, the drunk jokes were the best part. However, Dattebayo did a big mistake during the last scene, where Isane wakes up. Behold!

    She was in fact having nightmares about a fishcake! DB put in something weird there instead, thus eliminating the hilarity of it all.

  5. #5
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    God that was so NOT worth the three week wait....

    The funny stuff was hysterical, but it was really an overall boring episode. Especially with the half our of retred at the beginning.

    I guess now that they are back on earth the little clip at the end is gonna be stuff in SS now.

    I'm just...bleh. I imagine this part of the manga has a bunch of stuff for setting up of the next arc, but since there's a big fat filler arc here we probably won't even get to see that until after...

  6. #6
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    I was really dissapointed that after three weeks they still had to make half the episode recaps. The rest was nuts though, really funny stuff. What I don't really get is why they aren't more concerned about Aizen and company getting away.

    @Kraco:I was thinking the exact same thing.

  7. #7
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    I imagine they aren't more concerned because there's nothing they can actually do. Since they can't go to Hollow World.

    The Matsumoto stuff was all obviously funny, but the best is Byakuya going "That man didn't intentionally call me by just my first name did he?"

  8. #8

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    so... the Aposlte thing... is that filler or manga???
    anyways, I found that ep okay

  9. #9

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    I liked it..was good to see parts of the battles again, seeing as I thought they were bad ass when I saw them the first time and such...

    The next part looks interesting... I wonder if it actually will be..
    Who knows... The music sounded nice and dark though, which is always a good thing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    Originally posted by: Darknodin
    so... the Aposlte thing... is that filler or manga???
    anyways, I found that ep okay
    It's filler... Hopefully it will be a one episode thing...

  11. #11
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    It can't possibly be. The badguys are a team of three. When have we ever had three badguys go down in one episode in shounen anime.

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    Well, if it's going to be fillers, it's a good question which of the possibilities would be better: One long, single filler story or multiple short ones like in Naruto. Short ones can easily be crappy if they try to be epic, as Naruto certainly has taught us, but if it was just one long plot and it happened to be crappy, then we would be totally screwed for a long time. Well, at least the preview looked somewhat promising.

  13. #13

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    ya... even if it is filler... it kinda looks interesting... and because Naruto screwed with the fillers, it doesn't mean the Bleach ones will be bad... well we'll see next week

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    i really liked the overview of the 10 battles... err... they didnt finish them though

  15. #15

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    Originally posted by: darkmetal505
    i really liked the overview of the 10 battles... err... they didnt finish them though
    When they said the overview of the 10 battles, I thought they were going back to show us the captain battles we missed like kenpachi vs komamaru, etc.

  16. #16

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    Well episode was ok...

    But the filler look way better than in Naruto even in the preview, though i think they wil not be that better...and how long is it? I read that the filler are going something like 12 weeks or so. I dont have the correct number now, but i think it will be a longer filler time.

  17. #17
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    I liked the episode for the hilarity of it (I'm amused easily). I also don't see a reason for the next arch, I wish it could go like FMA, no fillers just stuck to the storyline, but with more episodes and doesnt leave you with questions.

    I'm official.

  18. #18

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    Actually the storyline in the FMA manga is... quite different from the story in the anime. I love the Bleach manga and I personally want the stories to stay the same.

    I enjoyed this episode. Since I'd read the manga this was all I was expecting, and it was very good.

    The whole argument between Renji and Ichigo arguing about who was stronger had already been done in the episode preveiw the episode before they fought, but it still made me laugh. The whole "Yeah, well I'm 10,000,000 times stronger!! was very DBZ.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    One thing that annoyed me (though it might've just been the translation, like with the example Terra posted) was that it didn't mention Ishida's ulterior motive in changing the design on Chad's shirt, making him "Look like chivalrous Quincy!" Or something (because of the cross.)

  19. #19

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    For a long episode... I was hoping for more, but this is ok I guess.

    Have you guys ever wondered... What if Bleach didn't change the settings and they never made the Soul Society arc. The whole show would take place on earth. Or what if Bleach only took place in Soul Society and it never had anything to do with Earth?

    Do you guys think the show would have been better or worst?

  20. #20

    bleach 63 discussion thread..

    i thought the episode was ok ..... but i was hoping that they would show more of his return to earth, you know getting 2geather with the school mates again, i rather enjopyed the twisted who loves who that was going on in school just b4 they left for SS.
    the preview showed him fighting hollows again nxt...that'll be weird cause he's so strong now only a menos grande would give him a decent go for his money, normal hollows he could probly take with his bare hands (like he did to the luetenants on the execution hill.)

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