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Thread: playback problem

  1. #1

    playback problem

    i'm using MPC from K-lite mega codec pack ver. 147.
    When i play files using MPC,it runs smooth under normal size of the movie,but when i switch to full screen,it goes pitch black...why is this happening?
    help pls...

    p/s: if i'm on the wrong section,pls guide me or just transfer me to the corresponding section...

  2. #2
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    playback problem

    although I can't help you, I can safely say that yes u are in the right section.

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

  3. #3
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    playback problem

    could be you have mpc set to resize your screen, and it's resizing to a resolution that your monitor doesn't support. Look in options->playback for that.
    could be that you have a rendering mechanism that your video card doesn't like. Under the same (options->playback) look in the output subheading for that, and see if tweaking around in there helps.
    Could be a system performance issue causing the video not to render.
    Lastly, isn't k-lite a pretty crap codec pack? Most recommendations I've seen in the last 6 months involve removing k-lite and other codec packs and installing cccp.

  4. #4

    playback problem

    thx for the help...and err...i dun really know whether k-lite is crap or not,but so far so good since i had used it...maybe it's time to switch to CCCP...
    what's the difference of it? isn't all the packs are nearly the same? though the size of CCCP install pack is much smaller compare to k-lite or others(i.e CCCP is less than 10MB,while k-lite is real large...)...

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