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Thread: The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

  1. #1

    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    Hello, all. Obviously the user Sleels is not a mod, I'm just using his piece of crap thread to make temporary announcement on. Lately, I've been seeing lots of "hurry up" and/or "did AonE drop Naruto?" types of threads. STOP IT! If AonE dropped Naruto, it will be announced to the entire universe so everyone will know about it the moment it happens. There are currently six of those types of threads on the first page of this forum, including this thread. I'm tired of giving explanations and locking them. So everytime one of these threads are made, that thread maker will get banned. Simple, yes? Also, stop asking AonE to catch up. You have zero influence and cannot persuade any members to do whatever you say, even if it's for the sake of satisfying your weekly Naruto jerk off sessions.
    This is NOT a request for AONE to hurry subbing.
    This is NOT asking if AONE quit subbint Naruto.

    That having been said, I should technically be safe from being banned as those were the only two prerequisites for banning.

    My question is this:
    Will AONE sub the filler arc?

    I know they recently release 2-3 episodes. As of right now I have not watched past 144. I'd like to add in that I've been fiercly loyal to AONE when it comes to Naruto. I refuse to watch anymore until AONE has released more of the arc.

    I've skimmed many topics that broached this subject and a few of the posters have made comments about AONE waiting for the filler arc to end. This leaves me the impression that they won't be subbing the filler arc. I know it's not a great arc but I would still like to watch it. If AONE will not continue with the arc, I would know to refer to DB for the arc portion of Naruto. If they are I can continue my Naruto hiatus and wait.

    So that's it in a nut shell. I've followed the ruling on Naruto questioning and I'm hoping this is read and I don't get banned.

    Edit: On a personal level, has anyone considered making a sticky on the main site or the forums to update people on these questions? Something like a news topic?

  2. #2
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    You know that 144 is part of this fantastically long filler arc, right? I believe this filler arc started around episode 136.

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  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    I'm sure Aone will continue to do the fillers, seeing as how they release a few episodes every now and then. But from the speed I've seen them release, its going to be a long time for them to catch up. My guess for their tardiness is that most of their staff was hit hard with colleges starting up again. I mean, Aone still hasn't even finished FMP TSR. You'd do best to start on DB. Just do what I do, download DB's version, then replace them as Aone dishes them out. DB isn't that bad at all for a speed subber, in fact their subs are quite decent.
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  4. #4
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    My best guess is that AonE are feeling pretty unmotivated now, given the fact that the anime currently blows.

  5. #5
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    Mixairian, I think all you'll get in answer to your question is guesses. Personally, I have never seen any members of AonE on the forums here. Even the admins who started this forum never come around anymore that I know of. It would be nice if there was a member of AonE hanging around, but out of all the topics addressed to AonE that I have seen in the past year and a half that I have been a member of the forums, I have never seen a single response from a member of that group. That aside however, you can probably trust the intuition of the people here. They've been following AonE releases closely for far longer than I have, and they have an idea of what series are likely to be added or dropped. And if there is any news released regarding the status of Naruto, you can bet it will be posted on the forum almost instantaneously. Some people here just have an inexplicable Naruto radar that detects Naruto being discussed on the internet and they can find any latest news or obscure facts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    why dont people ever got to aone's channel and ask this stuff? is there some secret sign saying "gotwoot is acutally aone. direct all queries here" that im not aware of?

    As the above individuals have already stated, they've been subbing the fillers, just at thier own pace. I know they've done up to ep 150 (you can find a link to teh batch in the Anime Downloads section). Just keep waiting and eventually the rest will come out

  7. #7

    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    why dont people ever got to aone's channel and ask this stuff? is there some secret sign saying "gotwoot is acutally aone. direct all queries here" that im not aware of?

    As the above individuals have already stated, they've been subbing the fillers, just at thier own pace. I know they've done up to ep 150 (you can find a link to teh batch in the Anime Downloads section). Just keep waiting and eventually the rest will come out

    Call it a foolish response but traditionally a person assumes that a website listed on their fansubs would be the officially sponsored site. Call it another foolish response to also assume this is AONE's main forum considering it is linked on the website.

    Most folks can do nothing but assume.

    The impression I had been under was that AONE had started on the filler arc no realizing how long it was going to be. Once they discovered the true length, may have decided to cut off at a certain point.

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    I can't really fault Mix's logic there. I mean, I know better NOW, but it IS a pretty safe bet that when a subber has a button that says "forums" on their website that it' know...their forums.

  9. #9
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    Yeah, Aone is weird in that they don't really have a site. I joined gotwoot before I started watching Aone releases (back then I was still downloading the TW subs of Naruto) and I didn't find out that gotwoot is technically Aone's site until the Naruto licensing fiasco. If you look at the main page, even though the only torrents are all Aone's releases, there isn't anywhere that I've seen where Aone is specifically mentioned. From what I've heard from Ciber, it seems that gotwoot is just a distro site for Aone. I agree that this is all very bizarre and unclear. Maybe incorporating something into the FAQ would help? You could propose something in the suggestions forum if you wanted.

  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    Yeah. When I first began to dl AonE subs, I thought Gotwoot was the official site. And thus these forums official AonE forums. However, that was half a year ago. During that time I obviously learnt the truth, and so when I registered (having made the decision to finally join one anime forum), I was fully aware of the real situation. But then again, they always say that you should lurk a forum for a month if not more before joining, to learn the manners of the particular forum you are joining. If that always happened, nobody would join Gotwoot forums in a confused state of mind, or with misconceptions.

  11. #11

    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    As KitKat mentions, perhaps it's time for a more extensive FAQ to be written. I know I requested some form of more consistant news updating system or FAQ for bits of information like this in the other forum areas.

  12. #12
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    Originally posted by: KitKat
    I think it's kindof redundant to have the Recent Announcements: Welcome to Gotwoot Evolution link at the top of the page if we have a whole announcements forum. As well, our FAQ is a bit out-of-date. Seeing as a lot of us have been around here for a while, we know the perpetual questions that people frequently ask. It would be cool to involve us by having members submit common questions and answers that they see, and then having someone compile it and format it nicely to go in our FAQ section. Even linking to threads such as kai's playback issues thread or things like that in our FAQ would be helpful for visitors and new members I think.
    I posted this quite a while ago in the 'Gotwoot Evaluation' thread, but haven't heard a word from the admins as to whether they think it's a good idea or not. If Terra or someone gives me the go-ahead, I'll create a topic for it and we can pool our collective forum wisdom.

  13. #13

    The Filler Arc (hopefulyl I don't get banned)

    I was curious if anyone could get this specific information for me and post the answer here. If not, a private message or two of where I specifically could go to do it myself would be nice.

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