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Thread: Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

  1. #1

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    Title- Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo
    Official Site- site
    Category- TV
    Total Episodes- 13
    Genres- Fantasy
    Year Published- 2006
    Studio- Trinet Entertainment

    Generally, it is believed that Alternight L Tachyon wrote two books about Alice. However there is another Alice book, Endless Alice. Somehow, the pages of the books were taken apart and they are lying in girls minds.

    Kirihara Aruto likes Alice books very much, and he likes to imagine his own Alice. One day, he happens to meet a girl flying in the air, and she looks exactly like his Alice. Her name is Arisugawa Arisu. She is one of Alice. The Alice has fragments of the Alice book in her mind, and she fights against each other to collect these fragments. If one can collect the whole fragments to complete the book, it will grant any wish.

    i haven't seen it yet,but please give youropinion on this 2006 anime Series

    Sorry my Bad, Thanks Budweineken

  2. #2

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    You forgot to include the release...

    Nameless-Anime Episode 1

  3. #3

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    file is kinda big

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    Looks to be a Rozen Maiden clone. They're real people this time, and its ecchi, but other than that the basic principle is the same.

    Girls attack each other to take away their "story." Sound familiar? They use Alice powers (I think that's what they're called). I suppose the whole thing is supposed to be inspired by Charles L. Dodgson, aka Lewis Caroll, (not Alternight L Tachyon, where the hell did that come from?)

    Seems like a more childishly written, ecchi version of Rozen Maiden. I think I'll stay away from this one.

    The font color on Nameless version is horrible. Bright Pink is really hard to read.

  5. #5
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    is the subbing good from this group?

  6. #6

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    Seems interesting...think I'll try it. Still can't wait till Disgaea and XXXholic though.

  7. #7

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    you guys can download from Nameless??? ain't working for me..

  8. #8

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    I'm pretty sure Froth-Bite is doing this series, I'll wait for their release.

  9. #9

  10. #10

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    Seems interesting. The first two episodes were good. I also enjoyed the keyblade action.

  11. #11

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    Meh, I saw the first two episodes and found it to suck, I'll probably stop watching.

  12. #12

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    Originally posted by: Budweineken
    Meh, I saw the first two episodes and found it to suck, I'll probably stop watching.

    mmk... I only saw one ep and everyone was saying it was good, so i was wondering if ep 2 was jaw-dropping or something. I guess not... well its not my style anyways

  13. #13

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    I fell asleep during watching sucks already,then the subs suck as well...(i watch the one from Nameless-Anime)...guess have to stop by now unless a better sub group pick it up...then i might dissapointing...

  14. #14

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    Froth-Bite is the better sub, and a good one at that... No clue on why it's going to make you reconsider...

  15. #15

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    oh...guess i'll go for froth-bite...i nv notice that since it's in mp4...thx for the info...gonna revive my interest in it...

  16. #16
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    I wouldn't bother period. It's a bad series, and it really makes me wonder why there are groups subbing it at all...

  17. #17

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    ...ok,stop this...guess i'll end it's a bad one after all...

  18. #18

    Kagihime Monogatari Eikyu Alice Rondo

    Heh episode 5 is out if any1 cares that is......

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