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Thread: Naruto 166-167 Discussion

  1. #21

    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    This special was just too bad. If this goes on I can see an end to animated naruto very soon. If I would try to make an anime crappy to lose all my audience on purpose it would still be better than this. No comments.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  2. #22
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Come on. When I was watching this ep (from the stupid dog / pig play in the very beginning to the awful fights), my only thought was WTF (deeply negative). Then the credits came and my first thought was: WTF (totally surprised). And my second thought was to take a bunch of screenshots and edit that image I posted earlier. If that ending had been used in a normal manga based episode, I might have thought it's out of place... But seriously, it was the only good part of this episode (aside from Kakashi's reaction, when he saw the hime-sama in her formal clothes).

  3. #23
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    They really are going for that "year of the dog" thing it seems [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  4. #24

    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Erm... what exactly happened during the alternate ending?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  5. #25
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    I'm really glad now that I stopped watching this show from 142 and onward(Im going to watch it again in 13 weeks when the real stuff happens), This episode makes me want to kill someone.

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  6. #26
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    And I thought naruto could stoop no lower...

    btw it seems to be just episode 166, not 167. Sorry for putting that on the raw. You'll probably need to change it here also.

  7. #27
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    The stealing ninjitsus thing doesn't bother me at all. I mean, if the early episodes are to be believed, Ninjitsu's are mostly just knowing the correct hand seals and knowing what the end effect should be. Even without the Sharinga it wouldn't be too hard to steal such techniques if that was something you specialized in. Especially Sasuke's move. It's just breathing fire. That seems pretty damn basic. Especially for ninjas, it's, like, a stereotypical ninja power. Gaara's is less believable because I'm not sure you could even do that without the Shikaku. But then according to Kakashi, it wasn't really Gaara's technique anyway(didn't follow his explanation though).

    In fact, this group of badguys should have been the badguys for the entire filler season, just different squads of them, because it means less stupid shit the animators have to make up.

    The furry inside me loves the ending
    Haha, I knew there was a reason I hated Azazel.

  8. #28
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BioAlien
    and naruto already killed someone... no?
    When are you thinking of? As far as I remember, he hasn't killed anyone. Did he kill that jounin in the Race filler arc?

    Edit: Nope, it was Sasuke.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  9. #29

    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Didn't Naruto kill the fake Kabuto during the "Find Sound Village" filler arc?

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Didn't that guy pretty much kill himself (while trying to kill Naruto in the process)?

    I don't remember Naruto killing anybody so that it would have been clear the person died for sure (and Naruto caused it with a clear intention of killing). I wouldn't mind at all if such things began to happen after the time jump, though...

  11. #31

    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Even if Naruto Kills someone, they really dont portray it too much as him acutally KILLING someone.

    I mean I always thought there should of been a part in the manga/anime whre naruto acutally kills someone, then regrets it and starts having doubts about being a ninja .. yenno interneral struggling or something ... but eh I don;t know.

  12. #32

    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Didn't Naruto kill the fake Kabuto during the "Find Sound Village" filler arc?
    that guy was gonna die anyways since he transform

  13. #33

    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Signature by Lucifus

  14. #34
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kensee
    I mean I always thought there should of been a part in the manga/anime whre naruto acutally kills someone, then regrets it and starts having doubts about being a ninja .. yenno interneral struggling or something ... but eh I don;t know.
    That would probably work only if the killing (and moreover if there was an order to kill a target) was a bit controversial. But still, I can't see Naruto having doubts about being a ninja. Perhaps only about what it really is to be a ninja.

  15. #35

    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    The only time I ever remember our Ninetailed Hero ever having the intention of killing anyone was in the storyline when Mizuki had him steal the scroll. He made a comment along the lines he was going to kill Mizuki if he touched Iruka sensei.

    .. On a side thought, if he HAD killed him, we wouldnt have had to endure the tony the tige... I mean Mizuki returns filler arc. Its like they are trying to write worse and worse story lines just to see if were dumb enough to watch.

  16. #36
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    I think Naruto also was going to kill Haku but s/he teleported away.

    Anyways I downloaded the espisode, though never watched it cause people said was bad. ( Except for the ending, o.O )

  17. #37
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Originally posted by: ImitationSanen
    The only time I ever remember our Ninetailed Hero ever having the intention of killing anyone was in the storyline when Mizuki had him steal the scroll. He made a comment along the lines he was going to kill Mizuki if he touched Iruka sensei.
    Nah. That baka is just full of talk. I wouldn't believe in his intentions before he actually finished somebody for good, and looked down upon the corpse.

  18. #38
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    Well, if you count filler arc shit, he technically killed Raiga by rasenganing him off a cliff. Hell, even Neji thought he was dead. That stupid little red eyed boy/girl ranmarru brought him back to life. Bad arc. Fucking kill stealer!

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  19. #39

    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    rofl kill stealer

  20. #40
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Naruto 166-167 Discussion

    I'm not quite thinking about situations like that when I say he should learn to kill. I mean, why didn't Naruto use his last strenght to go and strategically place a kunai between Kabuto's ribs, when he had rasengated the dude. What use is it to fight your enemies, risking your life, unless you at least try to make sure they don't just recuperate and attack you later, again?

    I think Kohona ninjas should take some lessons from Sand ninjas...

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