Sauske would probobly never be bothered to have any type of love interest so he can't really be considered gay. However, popular steryotypes seem to promote the fact that if your not constantly trying to get laid whenever you have the chance then your gay, while this isn't really the proper definition of gay there should be a quasi-derogotory name for people like this anyway, so we've temporarily lumped them in with the gay's, which isn't really fair because the real gays are out there trying to get laid just like everyone else. People like Sasuke should be lumped in with tools, because, he's a tool. Ishida on the other hand is not a tool anymore, he's just a pansy who can (could) fight.

On a lighter note, i've noticed a lot of comments about wanting to fuck two-legged, pussy toting creatures, wtf is wrong with you people, does no one appreciate the pleasure of a one- or no-legged lay, i mean come on. You can't always expect the girl who is willing to bang you will have two legs, but if she doesn't, would any decent sex craving male really pass up a good lay just because of a little thing like that? Who wouldn't bang the boobs off of Ikkaku? and she's only got one arm.