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Thread: Ishida = Sasuke

  1. #21

    Ishida = Sasuke

    naahh.. ishida is funny.. sometimes when he is around orihime. Sasuke is gay. ishida has its gay moments.

  2. #22
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    Gayest moment in anime history is in a flashback where Naruto and Sasuke are holding hands and gazing into eachothers eyes. That scene seriously creeped me out a little. It was just wating for them to start up the fondeling.

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    I don't remember such a scene at all. And thus I consider myself lucky...

  4. #24
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
    Originally posted by: KoKo37
    nah, sasuke is pretty much gay, you can check this ytmnd flash if you dont believe me.
    ROFLMAO!!!! is KoKo's Bible [img][/img]
    That explains quite a bit about KoKo [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #25
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    He's talking about that scene right after their final attacks collided in their last fight. He has that scene as his desktop.

    P.S. In a thread emphesising gay, Terracosmo just emerged victorious with his Raiden avatar and sig.

  6. #26

    Ishida = Sasuke

    ur right they are both gay.

  7. #27
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    Same voice.
    Both are in a once well-known family that is on the verge of extinction.
    Both are socially awkward.
    Both are portrayed as very vain, but then we get some sob story to sympathize with them later on.

    Ishida makes me laugh, Sasuke never has.
    Ishida seems to be attractted to girls, Sasuke not so much.
    Ishida is long range, Sasuke's best move is a close quarters move.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #28
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    how about a major difference, sasuke has amazing eyesight while ishida quite obviously does not, he needs glasses!

  9. #29
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    Not if Sasuke becomes just like his brother later in life, he'll have shitty eyesight then too.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  10. #30

    Ishida = Sasuke

    Here's a new position...
    This thread is totally gay.

    Who the fuck cares if ishida is simular to Sasuke? Yes, Ishida has black hair...along with about 99% of Asians. Yes, Ishida is quiet and arrogant....along with about 99% of Asian males. YES, Ishida is 'the last of his kind and has the potential to exceed his elders'....but so did Neji, and I don't see you making any lame-ass comparisons there. Infact, ZOMG!! Negi has black hair and an arrogant additude TOO!!!! HOLY FUCK!! STOP THE PRESS!!!

    Let's move on. What's different between Ishida and Sasuke, you ask? Ishida isn't all, "I'm better than you, so STFU!" You'll notice he goes out of his way to protect other people like lady big-tits. Infact, the only reason Ishida became strong was to protect other people. It wasn't revenge like Sasuke. Ishida also has this crazy thing called a personality. He sows, he does nerdy things like doing well on exams, playing with his glasses, carries around a medkit, and wears capes. When was the last time you saw Sasuke in a cape with glasses? Oh, what else?...Hmmm...Oh yeah, Ishida isn't some overpowered, lame-ass, twink character like Sasuke. The only time he went DBZ was against what's-his-face and it cost him all his powers (maybe forever?).

    And lastly....Ishida isn't gay you fucktards. He loves lady big-tits. How many times has he stared at her and blushed? I can think of at least three times. And what makes you guys think Sasuke is gay? Cause he hasn't hit on Sakura? Have you seen any love relations for Choji, Neji, Kakashi, Kiba, Shino, or ANY of the other male characters other than Lee and Shikamaru? Did it ever occur to you that maybe he's not attracted to any of the characters right now, or maybe he's just not interested in boning the first living thing with two legs and a pussy: much unlike some of the retards frequenting these forums (I'm looking at you Jag).

    Rwar...fear me.

  11. #31
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    Originally posted by: Master_Shikamaru
    Have you seen any love relations for Choji, Neji, Kakashi, Kiba, Shino, or ANY of the other male characters other than Lee and Shikamaru?
    yah that Lee, Shikamaru and Sasuke scene pretty much proved he was gay. But seriously you gotta calm down, theres no Bleach till Jan.10th or something and bleach fans just wanna have some fun till then probally, and none of us are actually taking this seriously.. ( sept for Sasuke part ) so its not really a big deal [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. Although I suppose theres bound to be flames in these kinds of threads when everyone already said there jokes and stuff o.O

  12. #32

    Ishida = Sasuke

    Originally posted by: Master_Shikamaru
    Here's a new position...
    This thread is totally gay.

    Who the fuck cares if ishida is simular to Sasuke? Yes, Ishida has black hair...along with about 99% of Asians. Yes, Ishida is quiet and arrogant....along with about 99% of Asian males. YES, Ishida is 'the last of his kind and has the potential to exceed his elders'....but so did Neji, and I don't see you making any lame-ass comparisons there. Infact, ZOMG!! Negi has black hair and an arrogant additude TOO!!!! HOLY FUCK!! STOP THE PRESS!!!

    Let's move on. What's different between Ishida and Sasuke, you ask? Ishida isn't all, "I'm better than you, so STFU!" You'll notice he goes out of his way to protect other people like lady big-tits. Infact, the only reason Ishida became strong was to protect other people. It wasn't revenge like Sasuke. Ishida also has this crazy thing called a personality. He sows, he does nerdy things like doing well on exams, playing with his glasses, carries around a medkit, and wears capes. When was the last time you saw Sasuke in a cape with glasses? Oh, what else?...Hmmm...Oh yeah, Ishida isn't some overpowered, lame-ass, twink character like Sasuke. The only time he went DBZ was against what's-his-face and it cost him all his powers (maybe forever?).

    And lastly....Ishida isn't gay you fucktards. He loves lady big-tits. How many times has he stared at her and blushed? I can think of at least three times. And what makes you guys think Sasuke is gay? Cause he hasn't hit on Sakura? Have you seen any love relations for Choji, Neji, Kakashi, Kiba, Shino, or ANY of the other male characters other than Lee and Shikamaru? Did it ever occur to you that maybe he's not attracted to any of the characters right now, or maybe he's just not interested in boning the first living thing with two legs and a pussy: much unlike some of the retards frequenting these forums (I'm looking at you Jag).

    Rwar...fear me.
    1.) You're taking this thread waaaaaaay too seriously.
    2.) Yes, he should get a boning from Sakura
    3.) Jadugar is the official best poster of the year because of the magnificent pictures he has shared with us. If hes a retard, we're all retards. What, you DONT like living things with two legs and a pussy/ females?

    Edit: Sasuke is not overpowered. I can name atleast 6 times Sasuke has been owned.

  13. #33

    Ishida = Sasuke

    What Master_Skikamaru said.. ^_^
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  14. #34
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    Originally posted by: Master_Shikamaru
    Let's move on. What's different between Ishida and Sasuke, you ask? Ishida isn't all, "I'm better than you, so STFU!" You'll notice he goes out of his way to protect other people like lady big-tits. Infact, the only reason Ishida became strong was to protect other people. It wasn't revenge like Sasuke. Ishida also has this crazy thing called a personality. He sows, he does nerdy things like doing well on exams, playing with his glasses, carries around a medkit, and wears capes. When was the last time you saw Sasuke in a cape with glasses? Oh, what else?...Hmmm...Oh yeah, Ishida isn't some overpowered, lame-ass, twink character like Sasuke. The only time he went DBZ was against what's-his-face and it cost him all his powers (maybe forever?).
    Did you like miss Ichidas whole introduction? "I'm better than you, so STFU!" was exactly what Ichida said to Ichigo, when he challenged him.

    And the reason he got into the buisness was to avenge his grandfather.

    Sasuke also does well on exams.

  15. #35
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    @ Master_Shikamaru :

    What is the difference between and a moron and Master_Shikamaru.

    There isnt any? They are both fucking stupid.

    If you had any common sense then you would realize that threads in these forums are created for fun and stupid harmless jokes.

    Who gives a fuck what do you think.

    99% of the Asian have black hair, I havent put that in my original similarity comparison.

    His name is NEJI not NEGI. Also his clan is still alive and kicking. He might have the potential to surpass his previous leaders but he is not the last of his clan. Neji has black hair but freaking <u>white eyes</u> unlike Ishida and Sasuke.

    Ishida is exactly like Sasuke, read a bit more manga and you will find out that he will....................

    How gay do you have to be? He takes two capes to SS incase one gets dirty. He can patch up dolls. He is nervous around girls.

    You dont like this thread, dont post in it.
    You have a problem with me posting this thread, report this to a moderator.

    In other words you want to take a shit go somewhere else. Hide in that cave of yours and hibernate.

    Originally posted by: Master_Shikamaru
    Rwar...fear me.
    I dont even know how the fuck are you?

  16. #36
    ANBU FrogKing's Avatar
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    Ishida = Sasuke

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    Ishida is exactly like Sasuke, read a bit more manga and you will find out that he will....................
    Manga prophet!
    Originally posted by: God#2
    3.) Jadugar is the official best poster of the year...
    Damn, I leave for about week and I lost the title for my pics [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img] ...j/k I admit he is for his 'contributions' and for the Hottest Babes in One Piece thread (which I help from disappearing to the wayside with the occasional bump pic).
    Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
    The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)


  17. #37

    Ishida = Sasuke

    I don't know about you guys but Ishida always reminded me more of Kabuto then Sasuke. Maybe it's just the constant obsession that both characters have with fiddling with there glasses but they seem to have more similarities with each other then sasuke and ishida.

    Naruto and sasuske are rivials. Before you could kinda argue that Ishida was a rival of Ichigo but now they seem to have more of a mutual understanding. Honestly I like the way naruto dealt with the uchila clan much better then the description of the quincy tribe. They were interesting at first but now they seem more like an afterthought.

  18. #38

    Ishida = Sasuke

    Originally posted by: FrogKing
    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    Ishida is exactly like Sasuke, read a bit more manga and you will find out that he will....................
    Manga prophet!
    Originally posted by: God#2
    3.) Jadugar is the official best poster of the year...
    Damn, I leave for about week and I lost the title for my pics [img][/img] ...j/k I admit he is for his 'contributions' and for the Hottest Babes in One Piece thread (which I help from disappearing to the wayside with the occasional bump pic).
    Fine, fine, you can be #3 pster of the year, and of course Im #2[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  19. #39

    Ishida = Sasuke

    That YTMND thing was hilarious. To be honest, he fact that ishida gets shy around girls (especially inoue taking off her shirt in that scene in Soul Society) is a natural responce to being around tons of sex magnets like the bleach girls. Its a nervous kind of Im way out of my league this cant be happening shy.

    Then we have sasuke. This guy is a homosexual. He has a girl telling him on several occasions she will do ""Anything"" to have him. Maybe the naruto males just havent hit the pubery stage where they will hump anything with 2 legs a pussy and a heartbeat. However since most of the girls in Naruto have some assets I dont believe this to be true and I believe sasuke just likes it in the pooper. Then again maybe he is just so dedicated to revenge the thought of impaling Sakura just never crossed, his mind. Poor boy, lets all have a moment of silence and pity for the kid who turned down lolita sex, to fight big sweaty men.

  20. #40

    Ishida = Sasuke

    Originally posted by: Sapphire
    That -fact- is still under debate.. [img][/img]

    Umm... he looks like a girl and he willing went to Orichimaru (one of the anime worlds most homoerrotic psychopaths) to do "anything to get power.... even let the devil himself have his soul" even if Sauske isn't gay as of yet... who knows what he will do for Orochmaru and that big nasty long ass tounge of his to get some power.

    .....on a random note wouldn;t it be sweet if Naruto used a rasengan for something worthwhile for once (well twice including the first one he ever blasted off correctly).. and used it to Grind through Orochimarus tounge ... that would be sickining

    Ihiida sews ......and I dont mean to mend things..... But he makes dresses for the bear....... Yeah Ichiada might not be gay but if he hung out with Orochimaru....

    ......I was gonna make a joke about a threesome but I puked in my mouth a bit while I was writting it I had to erase it.

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