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Thread: New bleach watcher with a question

  1. #1

    New bleach watcher with a question

    Question about Soul society..if people don't age..why is Renji a young boy when he reminisces about Rukia? and does that mean Rukia died already? I'm confused..o.O..are all Death Gods dead before they beomce Death Gods? or are they born?

  2. #2
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    New bleach watcher with a question

    Apparently, people age, but real slowly.

  3. #3

    New bleach watcher with a question

    this has been discussed in bleach episode discussions.. but since you are new.. i guess that's why..

    pretty much what they say in the anime is that if you die in human world, you go to soul society, and if you die in soul society(apparently they can be killed or get sick and die) then you get recarcinated in earth..

    and and it does seem like they age.. and can live for long long time..

  4. #4

    New bleach watcher with a question

    Refer to this topic, discussing Bleach, episode 62. Scroll down until you see one of my posts in the middle asking something like, "So does that mean Rukia is 40 to 50 years old?"

  5. #5

    New bleach watcher with a question

    Originally posted by: miaka
    and if you die in soul society(apparently they can be killed or get sick and die) then you get recarcinated in earth..
    That hasn't been stated anywhere in the anime or manga. It is only a theory some plp have cuz ichigo looks like kaien. No one knows that happens when someone dies in SS

  6. #6

    New bleach watcher with a question

    I thought Rukia or someone said that the souls on Earth and SS are constantly exchanging, and to destroy that balance means the end of both worlds. Therefore the Quincys were destroyed =D or it could be Hueco Mondo and SS.....I don't remember.

  7. #7

    New bleach watcher with a question

    yah but doesn't hibata..the little bird boy..say that people don't age in SS..and are Death Gods born into SS or are they people who have died? that does not make sense to me o.O. Why even bother saving rukia if she's gonna be reincarnated

  8. #8
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    New bleach watcher with a question

    Maybe normal people don't age in ss but those who can use spirit powers do? I mean, they are the only ones who have to eat as well. Everyone else just eats for the hell of it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    New bleach watcher with a question

    There is something strange about the SS. The last episode and Byakuya's confession taught us that it was unheard of that a noble family adopted a person like that, like they did with Rukia. So obviously the noble families get new blood some other way, and not by scouting for new souls that come to the SS the normal way (when people die in the real world). Perhaps the souls in SS can reproduce the "normal" (enjoyable) way, and that causes abortions in the real world...

  10. #10

    New bleach watcher with a question

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    Originally posted by: miaka
    and if you die in soul society(apparently they can be killed or get sick and die) then you get recarcinated in earth..
    That hasn't been stated anywhere in the anime or manga. It is only a theory some plp have cuz ichigo looks like kaien. No one knows that happens when someone dies in SS
    i thought it has been stated... when rukai or someone talks about quincy. they talk about how quincy destroys the balance between the world.. can't remember how much of it was explained..

    if anybody knows what episode it was explained.. maybe can check to see if they did mention about the recarcination

  11. #11

    New bleach watcher with a question

    no reincarnation of any kind..I'm only on ep 50 so I don't know the information in about 12 eps but there are a lot of confusing things about SS...maybe the author didn't think this one through...

  12. #12

    New bleach watcher with a question

    Originally posted by: Vokalyzd Harmonymaybe the author didn't think this one through...
    Wrong. Once you're caught up to episode 62, click that link I gave you in my first post, and read through the posts in that topic. Everything should make sense after that.

  13. #13
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    New bleach watcher with a question

    Originally posted by: Vokalyzd Harmony
    yah but doesn't hibata..the little bird boy..say that people don't age in SS..and are Death Gods born into SS or are they people who have died? that does not make sense to me o.O. Why even bother saving rukia if she's gonna be reincarnated
    well I think when you get reincarnated you lose all your memories, so its basicly like dying although your strength will move on to a different person.

    also its already been said, but i think they explained about reincarnation when someone talked about the Quincys.

  14. #14

    New bleach watcher with a question

    Two things, first is to transfer what was said in that other thread someone linked to;

    Basically, a person dies in the mortal world and their spirit crosses over when Shinigami do the Soul Burial thing or when they turn to Hollows and are subsequently destroyed by a Zanpaktou.

    When they cross, they appear in Roukongai as they appeared in the mortal world and live off water since they dont' get hungry since they have no energy to sustain. Some sho so have spiritual power usually become Shinigami and so on and so forth.

    When someone dies in Soul Society, either form sickness or being killed, their spirit crosses back over to the Mortal world and begins a new life with presumeably no memory of their previous two (or more) incarnations.

    People age normally in Soul Society except at apparently a much slower rate. Though I'd like to bring up the Dimentional Time difference Yourichi blabbers on about between the Mortal world and Soul Society. I'm looking for the episode again so I'll elaborate more when I do.

  15. #15

    New bleach watcher with a question

    ^^ i guess i was right then.. ^_^ kewl..

    question asked in this thread answered!!!!!!!

  16. #16

    New bleach watcher with a question

    i must have a horrible memory, cuz i dont remember ANYONE mentioning anyhitng about dying in SS. Plz post the screen caps/manga pages where this is explained.

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    New bleach watcher with a question

    If people can't die in Soul Society then why did Ichigo bust ass to save Rukia from her EXECUTION?
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  18. #18
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    New bleach watcher with a question

    Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
    If people can't die in Soul Society then why did Ichigo bust ass to save Rukia from her EXECUTION?

    I don't think anyone here was saying people can't die in ss, just that what happens to them when they die seems to be the question. I coulda sworn that in the anime they showed that hourglass describing how shinigami keep the souls balanced between the real world and ss when they were explaining how Quincy's fuck that system up by killing hollows and the souls they kill just vanish. I would go with the reincarnation theories mentioned above, since if souls didn't die in ss and come back to the real world, what balance would the quincy's upset by destroying souls?

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  19. #19

    New bleach watcher with a question

    makes sense but Hibata said " WE don't change in SS" or soemthing to that it's really confusing..and Death Gods, when excuted, they have their soul defense broken..or their souls are destroyed..and they aren't reincarnated..stop making up theories and pretending it's the real thing..a simple "the anime hasn't gotten to the explanation" would suffice

  20. #20
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    New bleach watcher with a question

    So, you ask the question, then get annoyed that we are trying to answer it for you? How ungrateful..

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

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