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Thread: POLL: Funniest Female Character in Bleach

  1. #81

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    UPDATE: The winner for the first poll has been decided, go check it out in my first post. I still leave the "Funniest Female Character in Bleach" poll up there, until we can come up with a new poll.

    On that, anyone have any ideas for a new poll? It would really be cool to be this thread going. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  2. #82
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Nah. I would say let this thread die peacefully. Its has been through its prime. Make another one. I am sure you have had enough experience and the knowledge to make another cool one.

    About suggestion, I would say "the coolest guy in Bleach".

  3. #83
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    I cant believe she won [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
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  4. #84

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Oh, that could work. I was just thinking that it might be spamming if I create another "poll" thread, instead of just posting it in this one. ^_^;;

  5. #85

    POLL: Funniest Female Character in Bleach

    You know that would be Zangetsu... even though he is technically a zanpaktou he is don.

  6. #86
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    POLL: Funniest Female Character in Bleach

    Hm, well now the poll has changed, even though many of the responses on the first page are obviously moot at this point...

    "Funniest Bleach character" is very easy. Ichido's dad wins in a landslide, no comparison.

    However, Funniest Female Character in Bleach isn't quite so easy...

    Let's start by eliminating the obviously not funny choices:
    Matsumoto- Her big breast jokes were about the only times this chick wasn't just an angsty mess of Gin-daydreaming.
    Hinamori - Unless her being manipulated and then skewered counts as a joke... although i did laugh at her getting lanced.
    Soi Fong - Um, what's funny except for her small breast size?
    Nanao - Totally not funny.
    Tatsuki - I love the girl, but humor she has not.

    I would also tentatively remove Kuukaku from the mix. Sure her "scary" act is sometimes worth a giggle. But I've never found that humor very funny at all...

    So, from what I see, the big three candidates are:
    Rukia, Yachiru, Yoroichi. (Inoue)

    This is a real tough one....
    Rukia was absolutley hilarious earlier on in the series. Her drawings, her fights with Ichigo, her inability to understand juiceboxes (and men) were all worth a pretty good laugh. Then the SS arc came and she was so angsty that it started making me sick. Being not funny for 30+ episodes can really deflate a character's humor value.

    Yachiru. Cute, innocent, and messes with Zaraki Kenpachi. This girl is absolutely hilarious with her nicknames and her total acceptance of Kenpachi's bloodlust. My only question is if she's seen enough screen time to really be considered as the funniest female in Bleach...

    Yoroichi. She won "finest", so its obvious her bootyliciousness will still have an subconscious effect on voters. She was pretty funny as a cat, but her using her sexiness to embarass Ichigo got old very very fast. Still, she can crack alot of good ones.

    OMg, can't believe I overlooked Inoue. Constantly the butt of jokes and sexy as hell. She's the favorite by a long-shot. Cooky, hard headed, did I say sexy already? and eccentric.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #87
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    POLL: Funniest Female Character in Bleach

    I gotta go with Yachiru. I swear, I never laughed so hard at an anime as when she was leading Kenpachi around and getting his ass lost. That, and her nicknames were hilarious. I even laughed when she spat on q-ball's head. Even now, thinking about it makes me laugh a little.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  8. #88

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    Nah. I would say let this thread die peacefully. Its has been through its prime. Make another one. I am sure you have had enough experience and the knowledge to make another cool one.

    About suggestion, I would say "the coolest guy in Bleach".
    We already know the answer is Kenpachi of Course! DUH![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  9. #89

    POLL: Funniest Female Character in Bleach

    Yoruichi all the way!

    Sexy, Funny (come on, poping up naked while Ichigo was in the hot spring, I almost spit out my coke"

    Edit: coolest guy?

    I have to say Ichigo, he is just a badass all the way.

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