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Thread: POLL: Funniest Female Character in Bleach

  1. #41

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Shame on you all for not voting for Nanao! I love a slender, long haired woman who will treat me in a bitter-sweet manner! Mmmmm!
    She's so hot and books-smart! Weeee! She even has long black hair! My DREAM GIRL!!

    Nanaaaoooo chaaaaaaan~

  2. #42

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Well, sooner or later, probably sometime next week, I'll start a new poll with each lady that has at least one vote, which is 10 out of the 19 possible.

    I'll let people vote for two weeks, then make another pole, but only with the ladies that have had at least 5 votes from the past one, then just keep raising it by 5 until we are down to our last 3 or 2 girls, and make a final pole to decide to winner, this will give some of you a chance to vote for someone else, if you weren't satisfied with who you chose this time. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    Edit: Any comments or suggestions are more than welcome about this new idea, thanks to Chaos for giving me the idea. ^_^

  3. #43
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Originally posted by: SamuraiX-
    Well, sooner or later, probably sometime next week, I'll start a new poll with each lady that has at least one vote, which is 10 out of the 19 possible.

    I'll let people vote for two weeks, then make another pole, but only with the ladies that have had at least 5 votes from the past one, then just keep raising it by 5 until we are down to our last 3 or 2 girls, and make a final pole to decide to winner, this will give some of you a chance to vote for someone else, if you weren't satisfied with who you chose this time. [img][/img]

    Edit: Any comments or suggestions are more than welcome about this new idea, thanks to Chaos for giving me the idea. ^_^
    As has been previously mentioned, that seems to be an awful lot of work just to confirm that it's Yoruichi.

  4. #44

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    I voted for the woman who, If i were single and an anime character, would most likely hit on.

  5. #45

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    The woman with a respectable amount of explosives... Kuukaku!
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  6. #46

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    my top 3

    2. Yoruichi
    3. matsumoto

    hmm big boobs..

  7. #47

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Originally posted by: DarthEnderAs has been previously mentioned, that seems to be an awful lot of work just to confirm that it's Yoruichi.
    1. Because it's fun!
    2. Maybe some people will make different choices? ^_^;;
    3. Something to keep us busy while we wait for Bleach 63. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    If you think Yoruichi will win them all, I could make an entirely different pole, asking "Who is your favorites female character in Bleach?", instead of who you think the finest one is. What about that? =/

  8. #48
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    samurai ur taking my idea a bit extreme?

    just pick the 5 with the most votes after this and vote for a week then the 3 with the most votes for a week then the winnah will be declared "winnaaaaah!"

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  9. #49

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    samurai ur taking my idea a bit extreme?

    just pick the 5 with the most votes after this and vote for a week then the 3 with the most votes for a week then the winnah will be declared "winnaaaaah!"
    Alright, sounds good. I'll do just that, alot more simple than my idea. ^_^

    NOTE: I've decided that the voting for this poll ends on Tuesday, that's when I'll create the new poll with 5 girls who had the most votes in this pole. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  10. #50
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    doesn't that suck for hinamori and yachiru..XD
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  11. #51
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    @ SamuraiX- :

    Whatever poll you make, if it includes Yoruichi then she will top it becuase she is the undisputed Queen of Bleach.
    If you are still going to make a thread about fav Bleach girls then why not exclude Yoruichi.

    Personally I think you should have opted for a dynamic poll like, "Strongrst Female in Bleach".

  12. #52
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Yay! Inoue is tied with Rukia. I seriously don't really get the infatuation with Rukia, she looks like a boy that looks like a girl. And her head is unproportionally large for her body.

  13. #53
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    rukia is mad hot

  14. #54

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Originally posted by: mage
    rukia is mad hot
    Damn straight, mage. ^_^

    And maybe I could make another poll using some of Jad's idea, like instead of finest girl in Bleach, maybe just, "Who is your favorite female character in Bleach?".

  15. #55

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Isane is a girl??? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]

    This changes everything. Ah, not really.
    I think Rukia is spanking hot, but I picked Kuukaku because she's so domineering!

  16. #56
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Yoruichi 22 votes 40.00 (%)

    Guess who I voted for?
    image fail!

  17. #57

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Originally posted by: Jadugar
    @ SamuraiX- :

    Whatever poll you make, if it includes Yoruichi then she will top it becuase she is the undisputed Queen of Bleach.
    If you are still going to make a thread about fav Bleach girls then why not exclude Yoruichi.

    Personally I think you should have opted for a dynamic poll like, "Strongrst Female in Bleach".
    Yeah, I'm starting to get that idea now too. XD

    Question! Am I allowed make a whole new topic asking, "Funniest girl in Bleach" or "Strongest girl in Bleach", or would that considered to be spam? =/

  18. #58

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    yoruichi all teh way man!!

  19. #59
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    Funniest girl?

    I'd call spam on that.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  20. #60

    POLL: Finest Female Character in Bleach

    my votes-

    soi fong

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