Originally posted by: milfhunter
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
There is always a certain understanding that soldiers in a war zone would be killed...
Wow, go ahead and degrade the sacrifice of every soldier's life then.

"Oh, 1,000+ American freedom fighters have died? So what? It was, well, in a certain understanding, to be expected. Sucks to be them. Let's just go out and recruit some more."
Don't be patronising and assume that everyone thinks that American soldiers are freedom fighters being sacrificed for a just cause.

"But wait, a high school civilian has died? Oh, hell to the fuck no! That does it. That's crossing the line! That's fucking stupid!
That's the way emotions are for some people.

Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
'someone's terrorist being another man's freedom fighter'
What the fuck is your point? Thanks, you have just given EpyonNext the pleasure of a hard on because he can now reference Einstein's theory of relativity, too. Good job.
My point there is not everyone is on one side.