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Thread: Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

  1. #41
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

    so double major in horticulture and pornography?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #42

    Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

    I've been looking for the perfect picture for milfhunter.....

    Anyway, this kid is nuts. I mean, he probably did learn much more about the world, but I think he should've done this when he was a little older. He has to consider his parents and how scared shitless they must be (well, his mom anyway). I actually would admire this kids actions if he was older. But going as a 16 year old, thats just fucking nuts.

    Edit: srry for the double post. Gotwoot said there was an error and so I didnt think my post went through[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #43

    Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

    I've been looking for the perfect picture for milfhunter.....

    Anway, this kid is nuts. I might admire his actionsto learn more about the world if he was a little older. But going as a 16 year old alone is fucking nuts. He should've also considered his mom and how scared shitless she must be.

  4. #44
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

    Meh, he knew the risks involved. It was his freakin problem. Though It was a little to much for a school project. I say, let him wait two more years until he graduates and then he can risk his life all he wants since he'll be getting handsomely paid for it.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  5. #45

    Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

    Who knows, maybe if its still wartime he'll go again when he becomes a journalist.

  6. #46

    Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    so double major in horticulture and pornography?
    Dude, hell yeah. I'm going to immerse myself in that shit. My new pickup line is going to be, "Do you want to get immersed in? 'Cuz I will go Hassan on you. I'll give your desert some wetness."

    But anyway, God#2 swears he's hardcore. He's only 14 years old. Maybe he should wait a couple of years before he tries anything too dangerous, like getting into a flame war with me. Here's the perfect picture for God#2:

    Edit: Come to think of it, that's the perfect picture for God#2's friends too: DB_Hunter, and especially Kraco (who thinks he's motherfucking Darwin). Kraco thinks that people like Hassan need to be in the minority for the survival of mankind. So, apparently, he thinks that we should adapt by not adapting. Interesting. And as for DB_Hunter, he likes to drop helpful hints like "don't speak unless you're spoken too", but somewhere along the line he forgot that this is a forum. Brilliant.

  7. #47

    Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

    Originally posted by: badass
    He didn't go to Iraq so he could get a good grade in his immersion journalism class. He went because he wanted to get a firsthand understanding of the situation there. The class inspired him to go, but it wasn't his incentive for going.
    I quoted myself because I still see people saying shit like: "He's crazy to go that far for a class assignment." He didn't go for a class assignment. I can't make it any clearer than that.

    @Kraco: I was just giving you an example of a hypothetical statement. I wasn't trying to make an analogy.

  8. #48
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

    Although it is pretty amusing, I'm gonna have to ask you guys to cut down on the flaming and get back on-topic.

    This here be a warning yarr.

  9. #49

    Florida teen skips school, sneaks to Iraq

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Although it is pretty amusing, I'm gonna have to ask you guys to cut down on the flaming and get back on-topic.

    This here be a warning yarr.
    Dam, now I cant make fun of the farmer. Oh well, backon topic then: This kid is going to turn into one hell of a crazy journalist when he grows up. He'll probably be useful when the U.S. goes to war with another country if it happens anytime soon (not that I'm hoping for one of course).

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