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Thread: TV: 24

  1. #221
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I thought the whole 'Morris decoding the picture and then it turns out he's actually the engineer!' sequence was entirely too predictable. The accident report of his brother reeked of a ploy to extract him from the safety of CTU so he could be captured by terrorists. Regardless of that though, Jack was totally awesome in this episode. It was a tense moment when he nearly killed his own brother. I was completely caught off guard by the father though. I'd ruled him out as the criminal mastermind, but looks like he fooled me. I think Jack may end up killing him before the end of the season, if Jack gets any suspicion of what's really going on.

  2. #222
    I don't think the Morris thing was too predictable... the ploy you talk about I thought it was going to be of Chloe putting too much faith on his ability to work and then he making a huge ass mistake and Chloe feeling guilty about it because it was her decision to mention what has happened to his brother. But I guess we should've guessed that there was something fishy when Morris said that his brother shouldn't have been in the area.

  3. #223
    I didn't predict that Morris was going to be the engineer, but when they finally revealed that it was him, I was a little disappointed. Sometimes it just seems like this show is trying too hard to create drama. I don't particularly find it any more exciting that Morris is the engineer than I would if it was some random character.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the show. I got into in the third season and I'm a proud owner of the first three seasons (too cheap to buy the latest 2). But, being such a huge fan makes it easier to pick apart the show's flaws, I suppose.

    I also didn't really like how Graham gave up the info about Palmer's assassination. I kind of hoped Jack would find out some other way. It just seemed odd that he'd spit that information out for no good reason. Haha, Jack putting the plastic bag over his brother's head, however, was awesome.

    Oh, and I'd like to add that I believe episode 4 of this season was the best this show has ever produced. From Curtis' death to the detonation of the nuke and Jack's breakdown... it was amazing. I was literally in awe for a few hours after that episode.

  4. #224
    So, anyone watched the 2 episodes of 24 last night?

    About the episode:

    I thought both episodes were very good. The power tool scenes were awesome and now there's a plot to kill the President by his own staff. Looks like both Palmers will have short-lived lifes. Now let's see if Milo can handle himself with a gun. We've already seen Chloe representing the tech staff, so Milo better not disappoint.

  5. #225
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Yeah, I thought both these episodes were better than last weeks episode (minus Jack torturing his brother of course, which was awesome). I'm disappointed in Morris for building a device that worked. He could have at least made a couple dummy ones before giving in. They couldn't exactly kill him because he was the only engineer they had. Oh well. Gave Jack a chance to be even more awesome by adding 'diffusing a nuclear bomb set to go off in 3 minutes' to his list of accomplishments. And what was up with him being able to type, and even go back to work within the hour? If I'd had my shoulder drilled, I don't think I'd be moving my arm at all.

    Does anyone know what's so special about Jack's dad's company? It seems pretty extreme to kill your son, and potentially your grandson just for the sake of the company. Obviously, there's some self-preservation involved on his part, but there seems to be also this unwavering loyalty to the company that I can't understand.

    I'm also looking forward to seeing Milo in action next episode. He seems pretty competent so far, and took charge of the situation quickly when things started to go wrong.

  6. #226
    Milo definately handeled his buisness with that box of grenades, I was quite impressed. (Though he should have kept one or two just in case.) I'm a bit upset that Morris's device worked. Besides the fact that he wrote the code for it in less than an hour with no time to familiarize himself with the existing software or the random device Fyed had, it apparently had no bugs at all and worked on the first try. And the final check Fyed had was a display that said 'Device Armed' I think that could have been faked fairly easily.

    Now I don't give the 24 technical advisors any credit at all so it's not like I expect even a hint of realism (machine coded matricies fotr the loss), but still, they could have made something up about a timeout period, or false positive or something that would have made the device not a perfect nuclear bomb garage door opener.

  7. #227
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Morris is a pathetic piece of shit. I'd rather die than take part in such an act... And then he had to feel so sorry for himself... i'm glad chloe gave him a talking to! She rocks!

    oh, does anyone else here get the feeling that Chloe and Jack are going to get together eventually? I don't know if her character is going to stay around that long (nobody's life but Kiefer's is considered sacred in this show, one reason it rocks), but I definetely was getting some vibes between them in their reunion at CTU. Thoughts?

    Stupidest Bitch of the Show so far Award: This prestigious insult has it's origins in Season 2, when Kim Bauer seemed incapable of not getting her life endangered in the stupidest situations possible for like 10 straight episodes. So far I'm giving this award to that blonde bitch who blasted McCarthy.

    7 million dollars? Yeah, that's quite a bit of money. But if you consider how many people you're going to be responsible for killing, that comes to almost $1 a head! I don't even think the evilest mercenary would agree to such a shitty deal. She could have tried to help CTU, where she would have undoubtedly been rewarded and also not have to live as a fugitive... All it took was knocking McCarthy out instead of killing him. But no...

    Next, the dumb bitch goes to take Morris to Fayed herself. At this point, there was no doubt that she was going to die. Her blanching at Morris' torture certainly didn't help her get any credit with the terrorists, and the second she began begging for them to just let her go... I mean, if you're going to be dealing with nuclear bombs and hardcore terrorists, you better make sure you have brass balls. What a dumb hoe...

    Assad came back, and his character continued to intrigue me. I'm a little worried, don't totally trust him yet... but he had some good points when he was talking to Wayne Palmer about how he'd conduct his speech. Obviously there needs to be some religious stuff in there...

    Finally - I love Phillip Bauer. That guy is fucking evil as hell, and i love heartless villains! Naturally I want him to lose, but I'm also glad that it looks like he'll give the good guys a run for their money.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #228
    I don't think there will ever be anything between Chloe and Jack. I've always seen their relationship as being completey platonic. They've been through a lot together and Jack knows that he can always trust Chloe when he's in a pinch and she'll likewise break any regulations to help him out. They're very good friends.

    And as for Wayne Palmer, I'm still unsure if his administration intends to assassinate him or simply force him out of office. The conversations certianly seemed to imply an assassination, but they never used that word or any other word that directly pointed to his death. I just found that a little peculiar. As if they were leading us on to believe they were going attempt an assassination. We'll have to see, I suppose.

    I found it pretty unbelievable that Milo was able to do so much after having a hole bored through his shoulder. I mean, come on. At least a sling or something.

    Haha, and I'd like to know what each of you think Jack's greatest achievement is. I personally think it was the time he shot down a helicopter with a pistol. Only Jack Bauer.

  9. #229
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    adjective: it's clear as day to me that they plan on assassinating Wayne. everything Reed talked about pointed to it, and he even told Tom that he wasn't talking about any procedural stripping of power.

    morris was the one who got drilled, not milo. but yeah, anytime a tech guy does anything cool i'm always pleasantly surprised. Chloe with that machine gun, for instance...

    your avatar is fucking creepy...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #230
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Gredenko is fucked, he's got both Bauers after his Russian ass.

    The disarming of the nuke was intense, even though the outcome was obvious. I also want to know why Philip Bauer would go so far to protect his company. There is more than meets the eye.

    Graem's son should take up the art of badassness like his grandpa and uncle Jack.

  11. #231
    Morris, yes. Didn't even realize I typed Milo.

    Masa: Yeah, it's not like I'd go into any lenghty argument about the Palmer assassination. I'm pretty certain it's what they're pointing to. It's just that all their political jargon seemed intentionally excessive. As if the writer's were thinking "Let's say everything we can to make them think we're talking about an assassination, but not make us liars when Palmer doesn't end up with a bullet in his throat."

    Like I said; just a bizarre feeling. I'm sure it'll be quashed in the next few episodes.

    Darkmetal: Haha, yes! It would be a great plot twist seeing Graem's son kill Phil (har har) and continue his father's agenda or something like that.

  12. #232
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Hmm, decent episode this week I suppose. Milo was extremely disappointing though. He doesn't manage to hit any of the three guys, gets shot, is about to die, Jack saves his ass, and they're going to give him a commendation? And now he's back to work like normal. These CTU people must be indestructible.

    I was a bit amused by the whole, "One day, this whole legacy will belong to don't make me kill him" part. Seems like if the whole family is dead, there wouldn't be any point to having a legacy.

  13. #233
    Holy Crap! Charles Logan!

    Never thought I'd be glad to see that character return!

    I'm so glad that Tom didn't cooperate with the second Palmer assassination. I always thought he was a little weasle during the first few episodes of the show, but not a terrible human being. He has his idea of what's best for country and Palmer has his. Just because they have a difference of opinion, doesn't legitimate an assassination. Tom's a good guy. Too bad he got clubbed in the face, huh?

    I happy to see that Phillip escaped. I expected that Merium(?) would shoot him at the last minute. I was almost certain of it. Haha, I like it when the show still surprises me.

    I really hope that Morris picks up his socks soon. He was one of my favorite characters this season. This whole feeling sorry for himself bit is disappointing me. He seems like he's ready to get back in the game and fight though, so that was a positive turn.

    I'm really looking forward to the Jack/Logan meeting in the next episode.

    "...Every man, woman and child..." - Legato Bluesummers

  14. #234
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    charles logan wtf? i had to explain to all the 24 newbies who he was...

    I'm liking Philip Bauer more and more with every episode. His logic sure is off, and he's got some serious family counesling issues.... but the man is so terribly badass that I'm willing to forgive it all. When he just vanished and Jack had no clue he wasn't standing behind him about to kill him... I don't think there's ever been a scene quite like that one...

    Morris is giving us whiskey heads a bad rep... i really hope Chloe dumps him.

    I thought Milo did pretty well, especially for not being a trained field op. He did lay down the cover fire. It was Marilyn's fault for being such a dumb hoe... did anyone see how she was holding the gun Jack gave her?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #235
    Haha I made a joke about her accidentally firing it as she hugged her son.


    "...Every man, woman and child..." - Legato Bluesummers

  16. #236
    Well, it should've been expected that Logan would appear soon. Especially since he's been connected to the Bauer family company for some time now.

  17. #237
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Logan worked with the Russians last season right? Thats probably his connection to Gredenko.

  18. #238
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    Logan worked with the Russians last season right? Thats probably his connection to Gredenko.
    well, if memory serves me correctly, Logan was the Vice President under David Palmer and tried to remove him from office. So, when you think about it, it's not odd that he'd be connected with Philip Bauer and Palmer's assassination. I was also pretty confident that Phil Bauer was somehow connected to the current plot to kill Wayne (with Reed and Lennox), but they haven't made that evident yet... I still suspect it though...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  19. #239
    Logan was not David Palmer's Vice President.... The Vice President was the dude from Unhappily Ever After, the President that was shot down in the Air Force One jet.

  20. #240
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I can't believe no one has commented on the newest ep...They actually got away with it? I wonder whats gonna happen next?? and it was a good episode, even though there was minimal Jack time. i can hardly wait to see what happens next.

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