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Thread: TV: 24

  1. #201
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Sorry for the mixup. I was referring to the 10 minute prequel to Season 6 released on the Season 5 DVD about how Jack is barely able to move in the prison cell but is pretty mobile while escaping with his "rescuers".

    I am quite excitied.


    Last edited by darkmetal505; Sun, 01-14-2007 at 10:09 PM.

  2. #202
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    fuck yes he did.

    How is there no posts on the new season yet? Well, I'll tell you honest, I think it's just a little above mediocre right now. But some things show promise. The entire premise of the season is sorta weak, hard to relate to: the "America under constant terror attacks" is, quite simply, extravagent. I like where the political plot about Detention Camps is going (that little aide guy promoting it is the real terrorist, if you ask me) though.

    coolest thing so far: Assad. That's a really interesting character. Ex-terrorist who is willing to come to the negotiating table, but has to deal with a radical faction of his own cause first. He's street smart and vicious when he needs to be. He's the coolest new thing.

    awkwardest thing so far: White Castle Kumar and the White Kid Across the Street. I mean, their conversations and the necklace scene are so packed with homoerotic tension... That white kid must suck a mean dick for Kumar to not have killed him yet. But in time that little bitch will be dead, i imagine.

    Blast from the past: Milo is back. I never liked him in season 1, still don't now. That and Chloe's ex-husband is working at CTU? That bald prick seems to have taken some of her pizzazz. She's a little too normal acting. Buchanan has been doing the best so far out of the old cast of characters, Jack notwithstanding.

    I think Kiefer is having a hard time emoting this season. He looks so confused and out of it, and when he quit on the interogation... that was just so not-badass. But, like Assad said, "You'll remember." And I'm sure he will.

    Oh, and suicide bomber, you should be at the front of the train next time you blow yourself up so that you derail the entire thing and hopefully kill everyone in the following cars. Would also have been better to do it in a terminal or at a crowded station (which I think was the plan)

    Wayne Palmer: He sucks. Hate that actor and he's such a little bitch, not to mention incompetent. Detention centers are going to fuel a 5th column uprising, not to mention leave you blind to any non-obvious evil Muslims. How about doing the small things like: Bringing Jack Bauer back into the fold? Like: Monitoring the location you're about to airstrike BEFORE you hit it? Like: Bugging more phones and getting more people working on going through calls for leads? (the terrorists use "package" and "explosion" and "martyr" over the phone. No criminal is that stupid, cuz those things would all raise warning flags in an automatically filtered database if the calls were being monitored). He can't even keep his sister on a leash. And, and I wonder if this will ever be revealed, what exactly did he give the Chinese to get Jack released?

    Well, 2 more hours tonight. Here's hoping for more badass action.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #203
    I suspect a lot of people downloaded the leaked eps and thus aren't talking because they know what happened and know they can't talk about it.

    Anyway, everyone at CTU acts like a little bitch and there's very little professionalism there. Poor Jack has lost a lot of his swagger, vampirism nonwithstanding but if you think about it he's only been Jack Baurer, Walking Death for one day out of the last 3 years or so. He spent that year before season 5 haging out in suburbia, and now almost 2 years in prison. It makes sense that even he'd be a little rusty, but as Assad said, he'll remember.

    Edit @ Below: Bud reminded me of the awesomeness of that scene where everyone in the White House was just standing around awestruck saying "We should have listened to Jack Bauer" that was awesome.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 01-15-2007 at 01:59 PM.

  4. #204
    Yeah, I have to agree that everyone in CTU act like little bitches. In fact, all characters in all seasons of 24 have acted like little bitches. It's needed so that Jack has to fight not only the terrorists, but his own agency and government. As one of those Jack Bauer jokes go, "If everyone would just listen to Jack, then the show would be called 2 instead of 24".

  5. #205
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, Curtis had to bite the dust. Jack is going to feel really guilty if Hassad turns out to be a baddie.

    R.I.P Curtis Manning

  6. #206
    I can imagine the actor who plays Curtis, on the Larry King Live show last week pissed off since he knew that his stay on 24 would be short lived, yet restraining himself from revealing anything.

    But that scene with Jack Bauer emotionally disturbed at the end of episode 4 after killing Curtis and then the atomic bomb exploding on the background was awesome.

  7. #207
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I dont think curtis is dead...he was shot in the shoulder

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    I dont think curtis is dead...he was shot in the shoulder
    I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that he was pronounced dead.

  9. #209
    I don't remember seeing any pronouncements but the way Curtis slowly slumped over made me think he may be gone for good. However there's no telling when or even if his reanimated corpse will awaken in CTU's medical ward just long enough to get stabbed in the neck with a pencil by a fleeing bad guy. I'm not counting him out alltogeather, but we probably won't see him for a while.

  10. #210
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I hope he doesent get the tony treatment too...survive long enough just to die in the CTU medical ward due to some crazy mess. Now that I think about it, CTU needs to step up their security. There are constant breaches wherein someone dies (true, its only happened on 5 seperate days, but still, that gas attack last season took out like at least 50-60 people and EDGAR!!!11).

  11. #211
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    well, i'm not too sure about this move here... I mean, I know they need to add new characters, but suddenly making Jack's brother (and father, from the looks of the preview) into terrorists? it seems like they're stretching pretty far for new plot material...

    Walid's parts of episode 5 were the best, no doubt about it. Even Wayne Palmer put in a rather good performance, right up until the speech at the end.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #212
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I also agree that involving Jack's brother and father might be streching it, even thought JB's bro was a baddie last season. I know the nuclear bomb pulled Jack out of his slump, but the mourning for Curtis was too short, considering it only lasted about 2 minutes.

  13. #213
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I never would have guessed that guy was Jack's brother. But on a more positive note, i think the fact that hes tortuing him is great!! Especially the "thats not good enough", and breaking out the plastic bag.

  14. #214
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    It's not like anyone wasn't expecting for Jack's brother to be the brains, I saw it coming from a mile away.

    Poor Walid. I didn't really get the whole situation with Buchannan and Tom. He was threatening to reveal that Buchannan let Fayed go? Didn't Hayes say he was cleared of suspicion at that time though? Everyone makes mistakes right?

  15. #215
    I thought tonight's episode was pretty weak. Jack Bauer didn't have much screen time, and when he did he was useless. Now, after seeing the previews, it seems like next episode will be one kickass episode, can't wait.

  16. #216
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    what Bud said. I thought the best parts of this episode was Tom vs. Karen and some of the scenes with Walid. I must say though, the phone thing was stupid as hell. Like that guy isn't going to notice right away that the phone is missing? And how the hell was Walid supposed to get it back to them, in the case that they actually were terrorists?

    I was very disappointed at Karen's decision to resign. It makes me think that Tom was right, that she did try to cover up for her Buchannon's fuck-up, because otherwise she would have fought it. You can tell she wasn't cut out for politics, if she lets her personal emotions and her husband's reputation get in the way of pursuing the policies she believes are best for the country...

    also, since last week's preview essentially covered the culimnation of this episodes events with Jack (and, as mentioned above, cuz the 'twist' with Gray actually being the one in charge wasn't much of a surprise), I've decided to not watch them anymore. I'd rather experience all the craziness in the actual progression of the show, not the jingly teaser clip.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #217
    See, they way I see it it's not a matter of wether she was trying to cover-up for Buchanan's fuck-up or not. He did nothing wrong, so he wouldn't have to face any legal charges. Now, in the court of public opinion, you could say that Buchanan would've been fucked. He would be embarrased beyond repair, and might even draw death threats from patriotic activists. Not only that, being 24, that incident would've been publicized during this day's time frame one way or the other, maybe hindering his ability to lead CTU, so maybe she thought that for today he didn't really need the preassure. Only focus on stopping the bombs.

  18. #218
    Man, tonights episode was incredible and intense. Go get it and watch it as soon as you can. As an aside, next week we'll have two more hours of 24!

  19. #219
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I didn't expect Morris to be the one.

    Now we know where JB gets his badassness from, although I don't know if killing your own son counts as "badass".

  20. #220
    Yeah, I didn't expect Morris either. Throughout the episode I was trying to think of past 24 characters that worked in the Tech department of CTU, and thought maybe one of them would be the engineer needed, but none came to mind.

    And man, Jack Bauer is almost back to his old self, I wanted him to torture his brother more but he resisted killing him. The last scene with Jack's father was great, and the way he killed his son was spectacular. I think and I hope he doesn't get caught this season. I hope he becomes the new Nina Mayers.

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