Heh, Edgar sucks... I'm glad he's dead, he had it coming for some time now.
Anyone knows if there's a way to get my hands on next week's episode preview?
Heh, Edgar sucks... I'm glad he's dead, he had it coming for some time now.
Anyone knows if there's a way to get my hands on next week's episode preview?
ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! cant believe i saw the spoiler!!! darn you bud!!!!
There are no spoilers here, anyone entering this thread enters knowing the risk that discussion about the episodes that have aired is going on.
If you haven't watched the latest episode, you have no reason to enter this thread, same reason I don't enter anime threads of animes I'm not up to date on.
24- Episode 11
24- Episode 12
yea, i know; i brought it upon myself. But that was a pretty good ep. lots of death, plus mcgill's day just got a lot worse. I guess that's what his coke-whore sister gets (like they say, karma comes back for u hard!!)
I loved how they killed his sister, just after the commercial break we saw on one of the screens the sister acting normal, nothing was happening, then just right before the next commercial she gets executed out of nowhere, it was brilliant...
And Chloe crying when Edgar was dying was awesome, who knew she could cry...
After all these deaths, McGill is really fucked... Kinda sad, since I was hoping we could at least see him one more season...
also, is it me, or does kine novak have an unusually large cranium?? it looks like his head gets larger the farther up it goes (like the brain from pinky and the brain)
Remember to support President Palmer tonight at 9pm with the premiere of "The Unit" on CBS
oh the sister had what was coming to her, but the other girls death... stabbed in the back of the neck... gruesome.
yea, she really didnt deserve that; i mean she was reasonably hot, and mcgill had been bitching at her all day; her day kinda sucked
sorry about the spoiler, but u shoulda watched the ep first. o well, i felt so sorry for her. Next week's episode should be off the hizatch
You really are clueless, at no point was annyone accusing you of spoiling.
I'm just saying I'm sorry for spoiling it
That's what I'm saying jackass, you don't have to be sorry becuase you didn't spoil anything nor has anyone accussed you of doing so.
I, seriously want kim to die. She was hot when she was younger, now she is an old looking emotionally broken slut, fucking her physiologist. Only reason iam pissed off that Chase dumped her was that we may not get to see him later on. Chase kicked ass. He kicks more ass then Curtis.
Bud, I know you want to boink her, but she has to die. Its for the good of the show. Lets bring back Sexy assassin chick. That will make you feel better.
"Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."
I know you've had your problems with mental girlfriends, psychotic... But Kim is awesome...
Change your mind?
And yeah, we need Mandy... she needs to break out of prison or something.
Nice pic. If kim started to look like that, instead of a broken woman i'd change my mind. Iam more of a brunette fan anyways. Go Mandy.
"Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."
Robocop is the gayest badguy ever
R.I.P Captain America.
I really liked this episode... It was slow through most of it, but I like how everything turned out.
Kim's doctor is a douchebag, I was hoping Jack would snap his neck.
Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 03-14-2006 at 02:02 AM.
man the episode was depressing though, TONY dies... NO!!!