Originally Posted by
Death BOO Z
One of my classes in political sciences requires me to write a short paper with two other students, and it's due this Thursday.
we're a three men team, and somehow, it feels like I've done everything.
choice of topic? me. general idea of the paper? I did that. every single word in it? me again.
it's not a serious paper, but it annoys me that I practically wrote every bit of it. every time we met I asked suggested "this week, we should focus on this part and this part, I'm going to do this one...", and a week later, I meet them again, and nothing.
they're decent and fun people, but they don't pull their weight for shit. I sent them a draft for the paper and got nothing from them, I had to ask my dad to review it.
and one of them even had to nerve to say "I know I didn't do much work, so when all of this is over, I'd like to take you two out for beer". dumbass.
I hate working with other people. I hate to be the guy that doesn't do anything, and I hate to be the guy that does everything.
I'm too sick and tired of the paper that I don't bother even fixing the parts that I know they need redoing.