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the new job... that i have been at for 2 months. *sigh*
they want me to list for sale old phone system equipment on ebay. simple enough, i do have alot of ebay experience. So much bitching about this, the lady i work with is talking to me about it.. then goes to talk to this other guy about it as if i dont know the answer to her question... i was ebaying in 1998... wtf. anyhow, they dont have an existing account so i have to make one. And with no feedback history you are limited in several ways on ebay, no buy it now, no dutch auction style...
they want to sell these phones that are fairly new and they will take ahuge loss from whaty they bought them for. So i get done listing the phones and my boss is talking about he wants at least $100 per phone... not going to happen.
Then he proceeds to show me 3 huge boxes full of 2-3 generations old phone systems i'm sopposed to sell and is telling me how they bought them for like 300 each. This is stuff you would see listed for free on craigslist... its so old, the numbers on the phones are done in a digital looking hash way.. jesus christ. all i can do is bitch, this job is rediculous.