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Thread: The Bitching Thread

  1. #461
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    Quote Originally Posted by IFingHateTonTon
    Well, I'm not as spazzy tonight as usual(Don't worry, I'm well aware that I am infact a spaz, in case some of you were harboring that idea) because I just received news that one of my friends died in a drunk driving accident tonight... So I will bitch about him being a dumbass and driving drunk in the first place. Stupid bastard, and as bad as that sounds considering he died, it's true. He was only 18 and now he's lost all chances of living an entire life... *Sigh*
    well that is sad. My condolences, but that goes to show you that drinking and driving don't mix. He made the sad mistake of doing so, you don't ever do that man. Well i think the best we can hope for is that his death has taught others not to drinn and drive. But it is always sad to hear some died,especially if its a friend. You ok man? I hope that you're alright....and i hope his family is coping alright.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  2. #462

  3. #463
    @dragonrage: I'm alright, it's just pointless you know. Things like this are easily avoidable yet somehow they happen alot more than they should. I really feel bad for his family, and everyone at school, I always hated going to school the day after someone died, it feels like a funeral all day long.
    @BoC: That's pretty logical rationale. It's amazing the common sense needed to succeed in life isn't as common as it should be.

  4. #464
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    IFHTT: you seem to be taking it fairly well. Just keep your head up and smack your friends around when they try to repeat the mistake. People might be stupid, but most of them can learn, you just have to keep pressing them with the lesson.

    Driving drunk is one of those areas I'm not going to comment on, as my actions in the past have spoken louder than any words I could say on the matter and are probably not what people should use as an example...

    You ask me, it's because of the enforcement of the 'don't drink under 21' rule. Take away that rule and you can monitor kids in a safe drinking environment. Take away that law and you get more cops to patrol those spots. Take away that law and kids won't be all 'damn breaking the law makes me cool, so i better drink (as much as I can)' and make stupid decisions.
    AND START PROSECUTING DRUNK DRIVING FOR WHAT IT REALLY IS: reckless endangerment of yourself (and others) with a deadly weapon.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #465
    Well said Masa, I am dealing with it in an ok manner due to the fact that the more death's you go through the easier it gets to cope with. I feel the most grief for his family that has to deal with it first hand. The sooner you realize you're not invincible, which is apparently what a lot of teenager's these days think, the faster you learn of your own mortality. I agree with you about the legal drinking age contributing to the problem somewhat, but I think the mentality of people today is a bigger cause of the problem.

  6. #466
    So basically i could bitch about everything that bothers me at work, i mean i work fuckin retail, and you see some DUMB fuck's sorry but man people today, are honestly either gettin dumber and dumber, or one less chromosome.

    i work a at a zoo doing retail work, and occasionally i work the carousel and the bike's and boat rentals, now i don't know what it is about these two place's but they attract some of the most mixed crowd's makes me wonder why the human race is still around.

    first off, no the triceratops on the carousel is not a animal we have at the zoo, it has been exctint for 16 million years give or take alot! second learn how to fuckin read a sign specially when it's a 24" x 24" sign for god sakes it's a dark blue sign with huge bold white letters, WTF are you mister magoo. when i say no one under two on the bikes and boats i mean no one under two, it doesn't say no one under two unless there 22 months and 2 weeks. secondly we rent 2 and 4 seater boats not 5 or 6 seaters honestly don't ask if you can get all 6 on when the boats are right next to the register check out stand. when the boat says maximum weight limit 900 lbs, it means 900 lbs not 1200, when your fat ass sinks a solid plastic boat made to be unsinkable your too god damn fat and plz do yourself a favour and loose some god damn weight or walk yourself into traffic. as for the bikes, when i give you a set of instruction's listen to them, people these days don't know how to listen, soon as i turn my back i hear a childing crying in pain and why, cause they didn't god damn listen. and you wonder why kids don't listen or do well in school today, it's cause of today's parenting..i swear to god if i see another 4 year old in a god damn diaper, ima just slap the mom...that child is 2 years to old to be wearing a diaper.

    i don't know what it is about people but ever since i started workin retail, i just about want to destroy almost all of the human race...

  7. #467
    For the love of god, SOMEBODY PLEASE SEED THE KAA FMA ep. 1 - 50 torrent!
    95 days remaining at this rate >

    Don't post stuff like this this in the bitching thread. There's a difference between bitching and asking people to seed a torrent for you...

    Last edited by Terracosmo; Fri, 04-07-2006 at 10:40 AM.

  8. #468
    Well my friend today just told me that University of Waterloo (where I applied) starts to send out offers of admissions in May, and it might take as long as June 2 to receive them. Who the hell do they think they are? All the other universities have been giving out offers since March. I already got accepted into another university like 1 month ago, yet Waterloo is gonna take another month from now. Pissing me off.

  9. #469
    @ IFingHateTonTon:
    I am really sorry for what happened. But thank gosh he didnt get anyone else killed.

    Go to Waterloo if you get accepted, its a really good university.

    Now, I am really pissed that this week, we have like 8 tests.
    And only on thursday, we have:
    1.physic test
    2. physic lab to give in
    3. chemistry test
    4. chemistry lab to give in
    3. Math test
    This is going to be one long week.

  10. #470
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    That place over there........ahh never mind

    I am an IDIOT!!!!!1

    Now this is fucking bullshit

    I lost my cell phone, not misplaced in the house somewhere or left over someones house but completely lost it, it seems someone stole it without my knowing directly from my pocket(don't ask me how, but it's obvious that he was a ninja). I pretty much have to put up my own money this time to get a new Razr V3(the newest model).

    I personally think it's more funny then disappointing, but I am pissed off that I now have to put up all my wallpapers and ringtones that I got from the internet (I knew there was a reason why I kept all that stuff).

    I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow -_-

    Ps: it's pretty relevant that having a phone is like having a small pet with you all the time, and mine would be dead right about now(after a month)
    Last edited by Knives122; Fri, 04-07-2006 at 06:37 PM.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  11. #471
    well don't get me started on cell phones it's bad enough there so god damn small, but now there makin em thinner and more expensive, my current cell phone was 350 bucks, i love the damn thing, if i lost it i would be pretty pissed off, i mean after all you loose it and you some how feel naked...i havn't been unfortunate enough to have on stolen.

    and again today at work...people once again are the biggest fuckin morons on the planet...honestly im dubbing this day as moron day, all outta towners and just damn right dumb. if ignorance is bliss then you my friend must be in heaven..once again these people for some reason are either blind or don't like reading, i try to tell someone look you got two adults and 6 kids most i can put on a boat is 4, what makes them think magically it can hold 8, i just don't get it with some people, for gods sakes why is the human race so fucking challenged.

  12. #472
    Sangai I truly understand you I can tell you that the reason is very simple. Homo sapiens reached his peak when he was fighting for his survival. Evolution only lets strongest and/or smartest to continue on. We humans became so good at it that we ended avoiding even the natural selection and that leads to today, 30.000 years without any kind of selection has fcked up those few million years we had needed to reach or zenith

  13. #473
    Quote Originally Posted by gr3atfull
    Go to Waterloo if you get accepted, its a really good university.
    Haha, and it kinda helps that I live 20 minutes away from campus, 3 minutes by car
    Quote Originally Posted by sangai
    people once again are the biggest fuckin morons on the planet...if ignorance is bliss then you my friend must be in heaven...once again these people for some reason are either blind or don't like reading...i just don't get it with some people...for gods sakes why is the human race so fucking challenged.
    You know, I tell myself that every night before I go to sleep. It really troubles me to know that these people survive and reproduce, and survive some more.
    Last edited by Board of Command; Fri, 04-07-2006 at 11:30 PM.

  14. #474
    i just don't get it i see so many things wrong today that these parents are doing, granted i used to work at a school, and had the advantage of working in the daycare, my grandmother owned the school and now my mother does, but when i see parents that let there children run around with no shoe's or there 4 year old still wears a diaper, it's like in no way are you ready for parent hood...then like i said there are the people that are just either plan ignorant, dumb or hell even just fugin dense in the skull...askin me if we had a triceratops at the zoo, i mean this isn't jurassica park. our zoo is unique in that we have a special enviroment set up for the elephants were it is designed to reinforce natural behaviors, i actually got a complaint on "why do you have to tease the animals by puttin there food up really high" granted im sure i could understand something like that from a child, but not a adult, use some god damn common sense, we have history posted on each elephant even a entire explanation on why we do that...but oh wait i forgot, people don't know how to read.

    lol i could bitch about this for days..and it would just be a broken record sayin the same shit lol,

    then there is the fact that they know it's gonna be busy on a certain day, yet they manage to under staff on a busy day, and over staff on a dead day...that really grinds my gears,

    some of my other complaints is, mainly i understand the fact that it's a privatly owned zoo owned by the maytag company, but gettin repairs to things and structures built taking over 18 months to have built or even considered to be built is rediculous.

    let see , not only do i do my job, but i do the job of horticulture, operations, and hell sometimes park ranger, it's not my duty to do these things ,each of these division's in my work place are payed to do these things , but some how SOME HOW i end up triming the tree's raking the gravel sweeping and removing the trash from the grounds , this is what horticulture is supposed to do. then i have to retrieve bikes that are stolen from paying customers, adminsiter first aid *which really isn't that big of a deal, and when someone ditch's a bike on a 35 acre park, i can't leave till it's found, andi can't leave the register, who else would i rely to ifnd it for me but the rangers, but appearantly there to busy sitting in there carts doing other things, while i have to walk the zoo whcih takes about 4 hours on foot. then there is operations, these guys are the laziest bunch of M#@(# F#$*@#$ers out there, they sit on there ass while one guy works, and stare while he does it, but they where supposed to set up and maintain the duck decoy's around each of the islands that have animals on em to keep the public at a safe distants...when the public gets stuck i have to rescue them, again park rangers job not mine..i don't have the means or tools. so when these plastic ducks need replacing or repair it's supposed to be operations who go's out and replace's them on there lil motor boat, but now suddenly it's my job because they don't wanna do it no thanks , now i have to get my ass out there on a lake with a fugin paddle boat, which has no control when you trying to do work, you fugin a holes

    lol why do i still work there one would ask, well maybe id like to one day transfer to a different position ..which is really easy for employee's.

  15. #475
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    Ontario Canada
    Arg, I hate online buying unless you are ordering alot.

    Xbox to USB dealing thinger
    $10 USD

    Shipping to Canada
    $27.50 USD

    God damn pricks.

    I am now looking for a store in canada that will sell it to me.

  16. #476
    Shipping is really expensive. Few moths ago, I wanted to buy a link from my cellphone to my computer. It cost about 7$. Plus shipping and handling, total: 35$ wanted. Finally, I bought the link from a store that cost about 25$ + tax.

  17. #477
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Those kids wher ei work piss me off sometimes...almost enough to bring the hulk out..but then i gotta remember that they are kids...

  18. #478
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Today, actually just 5 minutes ago I found out that my paper on New Jersey immigration, which was originally due on April 19th is now due today at 4 PM. I mean it even says it on the damn syllabus ( Problem is the school book store sent those books back just last week, which means they would have to order it back from Rutgers again. The guy says it'll take a "few days", which probably means a week. I'm so screwed. :-/

  19. #479
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, it seems that i'm an idiot.

    i've finally finished the army trainning of communication (god, how do you write this in english?), and i've been given back all my personal documents (medical problems, behaivor, stuff i need to sign off when i'm over with the army and all other papers) which i need to pass on to my new base.

    long story a bit shorter, i've put the bag in water to have it cleaned after 2 months of laying in the dust, and forgot to take the papers out, and now they're all wet. which means i have to call the army and try to arrange copies of them...
    also, i'll need to tell them about it, and that's really stupid.

  20. #480
    LOL, it's the army, im sure they get that all the time. not like it's the marines or nothing..


    well i think i can make you feel a lil better, within the last i dunno maybe 10 months i have replaced the master cylanoid and power booster pump on my truck *those control the breaking system... now recently my brakes went out sending me correening into a intersection with almost no control, had to turn hard and fishtale it to stop,....anyways i have had to get rides to work for the pass couple of day's, now if only if only i wasn't to lazy to go and check the most probable reason for the loss of my breaks, which of course break fluid..but no i assume automatically it's the master cylanoid or power booster pump. feelin pretty stupid for crippling myself like that.
    Last edited by sangai; Tue, 04-11-2006 at 08:24 PM.

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