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Thread: The Bitching Thread

  1. #381
    I second that, Zidarri. I have no idea how but I apparently caught a cold a few days ago. I don't mind coughing but when I get a cold, I always have a terrible running nose. Absolutely terrible. Here's my cycle:

    -weird feeling in my throat (please control yourself and don't joke about this) for one day
    -post nasal drip for one day
    -sore throat for one day
    -stuffy and runny nose for 3-5 days (I'm at this stage currently)
    -dry cough for about 1-2 weeks

    So yeah, I hate the cold. For some reason it's always more serious with me than others and no medication helps.

  2. #382
    I hate the society appearances. I hate almost 90% of the people I know (yeah here too) but you cant say any thing because you offend them!

    But wtf? They are offending me just by their mere existance. You shouldnt have to pay any price for being honest and hate people, its your damn right to hate whoever you want and not have to tolerate them at all. But if you tell them the truth its you the one who is judged and labeled.

    Im tired of my every day life masquerade, fake smiles and uncomfortable silences.

    P.S: I had a bad day today

  3. #383
    Okay, so today I took the bus earlier than usual so I could go see that bitch of librarian to apologize to her. So, I enter the library and the first thing she tells me is that she actually wanted to see me. I tell her that I wanted to come here to tell her sorry for anyway I hurt her feeling with my comments from yesterday. She starts telling me she was in a mad mood yesterday and that she was too harsh on me but that I was rude and that I had to mind my on business. Then she tells me that she would only forgive me if I help her with the books during my whole lunch time for a week starting today. And then she’s like, but like I am really nice, I will give you 10 minute for eating your lunch on the one hour of recess time. I accepted this fucking shit so that I could enter the library in peace in the future.

    No, but I seriously hate that kind of person she is. She is one of the people I don’t want to be with or work with. She is the kind of person when they have the power they want to make the people under her suffer like hell. I am sure this is going to be the worst week in my whole year.

  4. #384

    what did you say to her the day before?

    Edit: I just read one of your previous posts. Your question was in no way rude and was actually good advice. Don't worry, she has no life. Shes mean old high school librian. Nobody likes or knows her. Thats why you should go with the original plan,
    KILL HER.....

  5. #385
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
    I second that, Zidarri. I have no idea how but I apparently caught a cold a few days ago. I don't mind coughing but when I get a cold, I always have a terrible running nose. Absolutely terrible. Here's my cycle:

    -weird feeling in my throat (please control yourself and don't joke about this) for one day
    -post nasal drip for one day
    -sore throat for one day
    -stuffy and runny nose for 3-5 days (I'm at this stage currently)
    -dry cough for about 1-2 weeks

    So yeah, I hate the cold. For some reason it's always more serious with me than others and no medication helps.
    looks like i'm in the same boat as you guys, i've been coughing for 3 weeks and finally when i see the doctor he tells me i have some sort of the flu. thanks, for telling me this 3 weeks in!
    now i have to get my throat x-rayed

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  6. #386
    @ God#2:
    good to know that I wasnt rude, because I was starting to think that I was impolite. Kill her, mmmm....

  7. #387
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    looks like i'm in the same boat as you guys, i've been coughing for 3 weeks and finally when i see the doctor he tells me i have some sort of the flu. thanks, for telling me this 3 weeks in!
    now i have to get my throat x-rayed
    I don't think it's as serious for me. I haven't had a fever yet.

  8. #388
    @ gr3atfull: Wow, you've got some patience. If that was my librarian, I'd have snapped that bitch in half like a goddamn twig already. What a stupid whore.

  9. #389
    ANBU Mr Squiggles's Avatar
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    @gr3atfull: Do you have a public library near your school/where you live? Because they would probably have a better selection of books there, and it would be cranky-old-hag free.

  10. #390
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    @gr3atfull: Wow, that's seriously messed up. I didn't think it would come to that. Work for a week for the library so that you would be forgiven your "rude" comment. Man... There certainly is something wrong with that librarian person.

    Just make sure she never finds this forum...

  11. #391
    @ IFingHateTonTon:

    yeah, I know shes a bitch. I dont even know why I even accepted it... I swear, I was going to laugh in front of her, seriously who does she thinks she is?!?! But hey, last year there, so better not do anything stupid....

    @Mr Squiggles::

    Well, I have my public city library, its around 10 min from my place if I take the bus from school. But my parents are like dont go there on weekdays you have to study, we will bring you there on weekends. So I have to wait until satruday to borrow some books.


    I swear there is something wrong with that librarian. She likes ~40ish, and still not married, wonder why......

  12. #392
    haha, that's a first.

    Don't go to the library, you have to come home on weekdays to study!

  13. #393
    Omg, I got the perfect solution (besides killing her of course). Tell the principle and have her ass fired. That bitch doesnt even deserve a job.

    As for me, Im not sure if I should get a seagate external hard drive. Has anyone else tried them? Are they good?

  14. #394
    i hate people who whine about negative reps - i wish cancer on all of them.

  15. #395
    @ kAi:
    Well, they know that if I go there I would start reading some books, read some magazines and newspaper. Finally everything, except my study books....

    Well, we have this new principal by interum (sp?) about 2 weeks ago, and she doesnt have time for "nonsense". You see, she is still busy trying to find us a good math teacher (we dont have a good one. Our old one quited about a month ago. Burn out ) and trying to somehow control our class (33 kids in total (thats a lot..)and 9 of them are girls. That makes 24 guys (the crazy out of control guys)). Our class every single teacher crazy except one. And that teacher is actually the only one who appreciate us and likes to talk to us.

  16. #396
    From personal experience, school librarys suck. Public ones are a little bit better.

    I have to bitch now about my knife. THE FUCKER CUT MY FINGER! I was sitting here, playing with it, cutting up paper, and it slices into my thumb. I now have a left-thumb that a 2inch slit down it. It hurts almost as bad as a papercut!

  17. #397
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass
    Today math class, teacher wasn't there, we were all fooling around and not really doing the work, then all of a sudden a girl yells the principal. i as lik what?gotta be joking. Everyone shuts up and she enters all calm looking. Then she was like Don't you guys have work? we were like we done and stuff. She starts like yelling WTF is this Are ypu guys doing it together? Then why you in the back sitting in a line (talking bout my table) THen she goes and gives a lecture about how we should grow up Stop being babies, we wont graduate if we do this and that. SHE DON'T EVEN KNOW MY CLASS IS THE BACKBONE OF THIS SHITTY ASS School. My class is honors and she expect we don't know this radicals and exponenet shit. So she just left and i was like shut the fuck bitch. Heh i know theres no really bitching here, just a random story, and the fact my math teacher is always here, almost a mircale she was out.

    And I hate how people say someone likes you
    and you go Who?
    And then they go I can't tell you that
    What's the point of telling me then..
    Last edited by aznimperialx; Thu, 03-30-2006 at 06:31 PM.

  18. #398
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
    From personal experience, school librarys suck. Public ones are a little bit better.

    I have to bitch now about my knife. THE FUCKER CUT MY FINGER! I was sitting here, playing with it, cutting up paper, and it slices into my thumb. I now have a left-thumb that a 2inch slit down it. It hurts almost as bad as a papercut!
    Guess you learnt a lesson hahahahaha

    Clumsy oaf

  19. #399
    You need better spelling and grammar.

    EDIT: I am not clumsy, I simply happened to be tired.

  20. #400
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aznimperial's post makes me think he consumed some booze after the incident... Drunk people tell random stories like that in that manner.

    And Zidarri, after reading that, I think you should be happy you still have a left thumb!

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