Originally posted by: God#2
Goddam if noones going to start this then I'll have to. ERO FAN SUCKS!

*take both your bets and sides.[img][/img]
Ok, ok, lets stop this right here before some people get warnings for flaming.

Now, for me to bitch. I HATE MY FUCKING CAR!!!!!! How the fuck can so many things go wrong on a single car at the same fucking time? In the past 6 months, my starter, brakes, brake cylinder, exsust, transmission, and fucking steering wheel went. It cost me $2000 to fix all that shit, which I was saving for a new car (ironic huh?). The only good part about all of this was that my brothers helped me with most of the repairs, so $2000 worth of repairs didn't become $5000. I am about to take my car to a junk yard, take out a sawwed off shotgun, and shoot till I'm not pissed off anymore!

*sigh* I feel better now.