Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
Am i the only one dissapointed with this generation`s entertainment?

Music is not about romance, awsome guitar solos or deep lyrics, instead is about doing stupid catchy tunes, trying to wear the most absurd clothes and repetitive lyrics.
I agree about music - it is getting worse day by day... but as DS said - repetitive catchy tunes with no meaning have been in the industry for ages.

Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
Movies are no longer about good impacting stories and meanful acting, instead is about just how much CGI you can shove in 120 minutes.
Moves are the same - when you were in 90s you've seen mostly good ones that were made in 80s and 70s and skipped all the crap. Now it is CGI, back then they used explosions... but good movies still exist.
Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
Video game consoles are not even about video games anymore, is about how many other things the damn machine can do BESIDES playing games, how good the online system is and an ever growing focus on graphics while sacrificing gameplay.
It seems that you've really haven't been playing new games - this is one of branches of entertainment that is getting better and better - i agree that there are some bad games, and inide glorification is bullshit - but generally it is getting better and better.

Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster View Post
Am i just growing old and i`m just not adjusting to the new era? is this what parents feel like? What`s next? A cellphone that can`t do phone calls? Can i have the 90`s back?

Wait a second... when did i got a custom tittle?
90s weren't so great - you've just seen only good parts of them.