I spent half of my time last year personally grading papers for my students. It was a complete waste of my time and energy because they would just glance at the corrections and throw them away later.
This year I have tried getting the students to grade each others papers honestly, and even that seems to be too difficult for them. Putting aside the fact that we've spent 2 weeks learning numbers and how to say "Hello" (something that should have taken 2 days), the little assholes can't even correct papers well.
I provided them a word bank, stressed that I would count spelling errors as an incorrect answer, and actually went over the correct answers on an overheard directly after the quiz saying "IF IT'S NOT EXACTLY LIKE THIS, IT IS WRONG"!
I still received answers that said "BUNOZ DIAZ" instead of "Buenos días" that were marked correct by other students. I'm spinning my wheels in the mud here.