Hehe. its the opposite with me. My dad can be the coolest person in the world and my mom can be......well....you know.Originally posted by: aznimperialx
I think he's trying to say like Hey stop talking bad about your parents, they ARE the people who gave you BIRTH. But he probably would'nt understand other people because we all have different parents. Since his parents Own, thats great i guess. For me my parents can be cool sometimes but it doesn't go the way i plan sometimes. Specially my dad lol, he can be a jackass for 3mins and then be cool for 1 min [img][/img]
Who're you callin a towel head?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]Fuck that towelhead he doesn't know shit about annoying parents, i bet he doesn't have any.