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Thread: The Bitching Thread

  1. #121

    the bitching thread

    On the subject of over the shoulder, here's a little story:

    Last year I was tricking a lot of people in my school to look at goatse. I told one friend the website and he went there at home. He didn't expect much at all, so he unknowingly went there with his dad standing right behind him. As soon as goatse loaded he realized I almost ruined his life. Luckily his dad didn't quite see it. We're still on very good terms, so all is good.

  2. #122
    ANBU Mr Squiggles's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    Hehe, my friends have tried to do that to me a couple times. But thankfully I am always suspicious of them and dont click on links right away. I can proudly say that I have so far lived my life without ever seeing the dreaded goatse, or tubgirl.

    Dont get any ideas, you guys. *looks around suspiciously*

    98% of teens uses or has tried MySpace. If you're one of the 2% that hasn't, copy and paste this in your signature

  3. #123
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    Here's something that deserves a lot of bitching.

    What I fucking hate is when people who aren't really involved in a situation butt in and decide they can judge it. A concrete example is when a fight takes place in a relationship. Now the female, or the male, (but mostly the female because girls have to talk about everything with fucking everyone) tell all her/his friends about the fight. Naturally, the fight will now look like it was the partner's fault, and the friend of the female/male will take the side of the person telling the story, if you follow. This is why I never judge people before hearing both sides of the coin. It is so incredibly fucking immature to just judge people and things because someone has told you how the situation looked. There are two sides to everything, damnit.

    In recent history there has been a bit of a fuss in my private life between me and this girl who is in love with me, and apparently I now look like some kind of complete badguy to all her friends. Not that I care what a bunch of stupid swedish broads think of me, but the prospect makes me irritated nontheless.

  4. #124
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    I hate that too Terra. If you ever find a way out of those situations, let me know. Anyways, I hate it went you go to some bittorent site to dl some porn, and you get a file that is like "Lesbians playing with eachother" or what-not. So, of course, you think "sweet!" You spend like 8 hours letting it dl this little 10mb piece of crap file and it turns out to be a video of some woman on her hands and knees getting fucked by a dog. Fucking weak!!! Label shit correctly for once you pricks!

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  5. #125

    the bitching thread

    You need to sharpen up your porn hunting skills, my friend.

  6. #126
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    Hehe, I haven't dled porn like that in years, so its not like I run into that problem anymore. There are much better sites that are free and don't require use of download software or a username. And anyone who dls porn has run into this problem before; and those who would deny it probably like that kinda shit. I'm just lucky it was a dog and not a russian man's head, like a college buddy got one time. Sick.... I wanted to kill him for showing me that one.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  7. #127

    the bitching thread

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    On the subject of over the shoulder, here's a little story:

    Last year I was tricking a lot of people in my school to look at goatse. I told one friend the website and he went there at home. He didn't expect much at all, so he unknowingly went there with his dad standing right behind him. As soon as goatse loaded he realized I almost ruined his life. Luckily his dad didn't quite see it. We're still on very good terms, so all is good.
    Whats a goatse?

  8. #128
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    Originally posted by: God#2
    Whats a goatse?
    Goatse @ Wikipedia

  9. #129

    the bitching thread

    HAHAHAHAAHA! Thx[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  10. #130
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    the bitching thread

    Ok, I need to rant.

    Seriously, my university is so stupid. They have officially reached new heights of idiocy this year. They should have known what was going to happen. You can probably deduce it for yourselves. Let me tell you the situation.

    We have an all-in-one system where each student can log in to check their timetable, check their marks, check their government student loans, check the status of bursaries, see the balance of their student account, drop and add courses, etc. All of these things can ONLY be done on this all-powerful online system. Normally, I don't have too much of a problem with it. It's worked fine for me for the previous years I've been here. Now, here's what's different about this year: the university decreed that they would not release ANY first term marks until January 5th. I assume this was to prevent people from checking every day over the Christmas break (marks usually show up one at a time, depending on how fast the prof sends them in). But now, we have the problem I ran into today. This is the first day marks are available. For some, this is very crucial since classes have already started and they need to know whether they passed or failed in first term to know what courses to take this term. Well, can you guess what happened?

    Imagine if you will, tens of thousands of undergraduate students all trying to check their marks and change courses all at once. Kudos to the hapless tech minions slaving away for the university who managed to get the site back up and running multiple times. I haven't seen the error message for several hours now. And yet still, whenever I try to go to the site I get the message "The maximum number of students are on the system. Please try again later." After casually checking every hour or so, I spent 15 minutes hammering the refresh button to see if I could get in. No luck. It's a good thing I don't have to change any of my courses, or else I'd be screwed. Way to go University. I'm devastated to know that when I graduate I won't be around for further strokes of genious by this venerable institution.

  11. #131
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    Hey, Kitkat, you don't happen to go to drexel, do ya?

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  12. #132
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    the bitching thread

    Well, according to my profile I live in Ontario, so that should give you a hint [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  13. #133
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    Same thing happened at BU last year. People go online to register for classes, but at one point the servers were overwhelmed and shut down for like, half a day. This totally screwed over the system, since people with credits seniority no longer had the time advantage over others, and some classes they need to take were already filled by the younger generations by the time the system was running again. Huge inconvenience, to say the least. Fortunately for me, this happened after I registerred for my classes. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #134
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    It's my birthday, .. that one special day where my dad starts yelling at me at midnite, goes to bed, and then spends all of the 11th finding fault in what I do, or who I am untill midnite of the 12th. If I wasn't in Orange County I'd just go find some opiates and spend the day fucked up enough that I don't care....
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  15. #135

    the bitching thread

    Ha you want angry letters I'll give you angry letter!
    Dear Montana

    Hello its me Lobster. Ive had a great deal of frustration post Ramapo. Its like a giant lump that I need to get off my chest. The reason why I was so angry when you tried to give me a compliment was because for me it felt like a backhanded complement. You told me how you were so impressed with how I had finished the summer. Essentially as I saw it, you were telling me how you were expecting me to quit out half-way through the camp experience. You were talking down to me. You didnt approach me as an equal you talked to me like you were superior. That was why I never responded when I talked to you. You always talked down to me and asserted your own opinion and never let me get my own out. You would tell me your observations and force out a course of action without ever asking or consulting me. You didnt talk to me like you did with Bill. You talked to him as an equal but treated me like an intern simply barking orders about what needed to be done how to do it. I remember how you told me how you didnt understand how you werent getting through to me. I perfectly knew why but you never gave me the chance to tell you. It was because you forced me to endure your self-righteous verbal masturbation about how you loved the children and your greatest pleasure came from helping them. Best of all I was supposed to sympathize when you complained about being with the kids asking for some kind of break. All I can say is after forcing me to listen to you on your soap box with your own self indulgent monologues how am I supposed to sympathize with you? If being with the little fucks was your greatest pleasure then there should be no reason at all why should be complaining and asking for some time away from them.

    I also remember the exact moment when you showed me that I could never fully open up to you, that I could never be relaxed around you. I was talking to Jabari and I made some sort humorous of observation about the Mormon religion. You showing your true stuck up politically correct attitude made me apologize for that remark. There is nothing I hate more then someone who I so anal that they are offended by some sort of off color remark. Who cares! The reason why Jabari and I got along so well was because there was nothing taboo between us. I made black jokes; he made Jew and White jokes, neither of us cared we just had a good time which I could never do when you were around for fear of being scolded for another off color remark. You also tried to guilt me for no loving the little bastards saying that they could tell that I didnt give a fuck about them. Fuck you I dont need you take the moral high ground in order to guilt me into becoming a better counselor. The best thing was when you complimented me telling me how much I improved. Another fuck you, who the hell gave you the authority to judge my actions as a counselor you had only seen my in action for a handful of days you had no right to try and give me constructive criticism. Charlie Jenkins is nothing better then a giant chimpanzee so I treated him like one. He couldnt tell whether or not I loved him yet I was still complimented about my work with him because I treated him just exactly like he was a big stupid ape. Ah that feels so much better to finally vent all of my repressed feelings. Well good luck next year dealing with the failures of tomorrow. If you have Susan GG or Kevins email address that would be good since Id absolutely love to send them a little piece of my mind. Have a good school year.

    Dear Susan GG

    I originally said that I would never email you. Well Ive decided retract that previous statement simply because of the fact that after several months after Ramapo I still feel quite bitter about a few numerous things, you especially. Now that I am not bound to the prospect of losing my $1000 dollar income I think I can speak to you freely without any fear of any potential repercussions. And oh-boy there is quite a bit I have to say. Where should I start off? Maybe I should tell you some of the mental notes that I made about but first things first I must state how much I hate you. No, hate is not a strong enough word, I simply loathe you. I dont even think I ever will be able to fully articulate how much I truly loathed your mere presence. You are the epitome of the overbearing matriarchal Jewish social worker bitch (And No I dont mean bitch in that Babe. In. Total. Control. of Herself bullshit you tried to preach, I mean it the classic context). There was nothing that was achieved when we lost our respective hours off in order to waste our time in your meetings. All you did was show us how much of a bitch you are by playing the role of Nurse Rachet from Ken Kesleys One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. It really is quite sad how your team building was more akin to the dehumanizing pecking parties seen from the novel. Usually picking one person from the group and forcing the rest of the group to focus in on their deficiencies and inadequacies.

    When I was younger I learned a valuable lesson. Any social worker that tries to bribe you with food is does so as a compensation for any real competence they have as a social worker. Giving food is akin to a form of bribery, its an excuse for having to put up with your bullshit exercises. I remember those wonderful quotes you gave us at the very end. God I cannot believe you actually had us interpret meaning into them within the context of our experiences. What a bunch of bullshit. First thing I did was tear up the quote and throw away the useless stone you gave us. Or better yet that activity where you forced everyone to choose a piece of junk that was a supposed to be a manifestation of their role within the team and interpret meaning from the random jumbling of all those useless pieces. None of those activities served any useful purpose aside from wasting time. I loved how you would always bring situations discussed during the team building sessions and relate them to your relationship to your daughter. All I can say is that if youre as good a social worker as you are a mother then your daughter must be a whiney obnoxious J.A.P. (thats stands for Jewish American Princess in case you didnt know). Ive known women like you all my life and Ive despised each and every one of them. You said how in your notes that I was very protective and reserved. That I should be more trusting and open up, well now that Ive opened up completely opened up what do you think. There is a reason why Im protective. When I reveal my true uncensored-self usually its usually not very well received. Especially around controlling bitches who dont know any better to mind their own business. There was nothing more awkward then spending time around you outside of those god-awful meetings. You gave me no reason to trust which is why I treated you so coldly. I would have rather been boiled alive then be forced to endure small talk with you discussing the pleasantries of home. I wasnt the only one who hated you. When I talked to other counselors they never had anything positive to say either. Most of them hated just as much if not even more so then I did. Best thing I can say is that I look forward to the prospect of never seeing you again.

  16. #136
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    Damn lobster, you are one spiteful bastard [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    Btw, the second paragraphs of both of your letters need considerable grammatical revising.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #137
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    Eh, even with the errors, his point still comes across well. What I want to know is what kind of camp this was. Was it like a summer camp for kids that you were working at or was it only for 'special' children?
    Edit: To clarify: I'm just wondering since it seems like both the kids and councilors at this camp you worked at were major pains in the ass.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  18. #138
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    the bitching thread

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Damn lobster, you are one spiteful bastard
    Heh, I've known that ever since his radio show [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  19. #139
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    How come all of a sudden we've had an influx of stupid people joining the forums and making shit threads all over the place? I know, I haven't been around that long, but it just seems that the new year brought with it a hell of a lot of stupid people join the forum. I'm thinking mostly of the Naruto section, but still, it seems these people are joining just to make some shit post that annoys the hell out of everyone. Why can't they read the goddamn rules before they post!?

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  20. #140
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    the bitching thread

    because we don't have the power to make stupid people disappear from the world? it's unavoidable or is it..
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    She knows what you did last summer..

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