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Thread: The Bitching Thread

  1. #1381
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaitne
    Thank god for mstsc... and admin powers, those work, too.
    vpn or rdesktop out = win

  2. #1382
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, my parents are out for the weekend.
    Usually its a good thing, but...
    the girl i wanted to meet is also out.
    most of my friends aren't coming home this weekend.
    I haven't seen my parents since two weeks ago, and it'll be two more weeks before next time.
    I'm stuck doing all the house chores and cooking.

    This weekend is going to be a lousy one, it'll end with my stuffing food, manga and anime down my throat for two complete days, and then i'll go back to the army feeling like shit becuase I didn't do anything.

    diffrent weekend, same story.

  3. #1383
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
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    Death Note on Cartoon Network Thats what I have to bitch about.
    I Don't like to say anything twice

  4. #1384
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shi_No_Shikaku
    Death Note on Cartoon Network Thats what I have to bitch about.

    I'm actually really glad it's on Adult Swim. Means I can finally watch it without having to download it. It's pretty ok so far, aside from being realllllly goth. I can see why it's so popular among anime fans.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  5. #1385
    I too have bitches about the Death Note dub, most notably VA Brad Swaile...he sucks as Light. Watari's voice also gives away something about him that I don't remember being able to hear from the original VA. Basically I'm pissed that the English cast is changing the attitude of the show by making characters sound either more or less mature then they did in the original. Next thing you know Misa will sound like a 40 year old smoker and Aizawa will sound like an black guy from the inner city.

  6. #1386
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I too have bitches about the Death Note dub, most notably VA Brad Swaile...he sucks as Light. Watari's voice also gives away something about him that I don't remember being able to hear from the original VA. Basically I'm pissed that the English cast is changing the attitude of the show by making characters sound either more or less mature then they did in the original. Next thing you know Misa will sound like a 40 year old smoker and Aizawa will sound like an black guy from the inner city.
    I don't get why you're pissed because that is exactly what they always do and I know you don't require examples it used to piss me off back in 90's maybe, but now it is to be expected and accepted because it is inevitable.
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  7. #1387
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    I haven't watched Death Note in Japanese, but when I watched it on Adult Swim, I didn't hear any glaring problems. I'm not lying, I really don't understand what you guys are complaining about.

    I missed the second episode, so maybe there's something I didn't hear, but I don't think Light's "maturity" sounded inappropriate at all. Everything sounded completely natural to me. I guess that's just because I have nothing to compare it to?

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #1388
    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    I haven't watched Death Note in Japanese, but when I watched it on Adult Swim, I didn't hear any glaring problems. I'm not lying, I really don't understand what you guys are complaining about.

    I missed the second episode, so maybe there's something I didn't hear, but I don't think Light's "maturity" sounded inappropriate at all. Everything sounded completely natural to me. I guess that's just because I have nothing to compare it to?
    For you I recommend Death Note Direct Downloads. (If downloads are slow, I apologize, the host has been bitchy lately...)

    And now my bitch, it is this damn school network. It is the most finicky, moody, and odd piece of crap i have dealt with.. almost as bad as a pregnant woman craving pickles ( No offense ). This whole fucking weekend a whole range of high end ports were just closed, no matter what. the basic ports seemed the only thing to be open, and now everything seems back the way it was before.... I just don't know.... but whatever.... screw University Internet.

  9. #1389
    That's the kind of thinking that keeps things the way they are when they could be improved. I'm no revolutionary or anything, but I will stand up and voice my opinion when I feel things are being done poorly. I would hope that somewhere out there a person who is also unhappy but cares much more than me might see my anger as a sign that they are not alone and actually try and do something about it. Even if I say something it probably won't change, but if no one ever says anything it certainly will not change.

    @ XanBcoo: The problem I have is that the tone of the series is different because of the VA's. How a person sounds can strongly affect how you percieve their intelligence and maturity, at least for me. The English Light does not sound as mature and composed as the Japanese one, which hurts both his character and the show as a whole because Light is supposed to sound competent and capable not petulent and bratty.

    And another thing that ticks me off about it is the fact that the DN subbers got C&D orders and I had to watch a really crappy sub for the final episode. Of course, the licenser had every right to do what they did, but it's still sucks that those who own the rights to the show aren't willing/able to put out their product as quickly as the free fansubbing community. Viz did something fairly innovative in providing subbed episodes for download starting nearly right after the series finished in Japan but as of today they are only providing eps 1-24. Animanda was generally behind by 2-4 weeks with their subs but the Viz subs are about 17 weeks behind now. I would assume they didn't even start translating until after the original airing ended, which seems stupid, but still 17 weeks for 24 episodes implies 28 hours per episode per person involved, assuming a 40 hour work week.

    The Viz people need 28 hours per person to get out an episode but kuro-hana could do it in a little bit more time with 6-8 people who also had some form of life/obligation outside of subbing. If a large cooperation can't get out subs faster than a group of part timers who all have lives of their own I think something is wrong.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 10-30-2007 at 02:34 PM.

  10. #1390
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    @ Yukimura:
    I agree with you, I just think that a badly dubbed anime is par for the course and won't change until the masses refuse to accept mediocrity which cannot happen unless they are aware that quality exists. It's really not worth the fuss
    Last edited by Abdula; Mon, 10-29-2007 at 04:16 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  11. #1391
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    This band was looking for a bass player about a month ago on Facebook, and I replied to the ad but never got a response. Earlier this evening I randomly stopped by and listened to a performance of this same band without even knowing it. After 10 minutes I recognized the drummer (the sender of the ad) and smacked myself on the forehead.

    Don't know whether I should be annoyed by this or not, since on the one hand they obviously found another bass player that wasn't me and they're music was really good, but on the other hand the guy they found was realllllly talented - much better and more experienced than I would have been. I ended up talking to their guitar player afterwards. Nice dude.

    Also today this girl caught me drawing her. I'll probably never see her again on campus, but still...I don't like looking creepy. I was just doodling .

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  12. #1392
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    My discount broker accidentally transferred $10,000 more in mutual fund shares than I was supposed to receive, but then took it back the next day.

    What a bunch of indian givers
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #1393
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    XanBcoo, just send her the drawing, and write her message saying you want to meet her.
    it can't make things worse.

  14. #1394
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    as crazy as DBZ's suggestion is, it might just be crazy enough to work.

    be like "listen, i know that must have felt weird, and I should have asked your permission first, but I really love drawing and saw you and..." embarrassed pause "i'm sorry if it freaked you out, I understand if it did. So, i am sorry, and I figure the least i can do is give this to you" and give it to her.

    but make sure the drawing actually looks half decent (pics plz?)

    my bitch: some fuck revived my birthday thread to troll in it. also, my sleep cycle is so fucked up right now... i get to sleep around 4am and wake up around noon at best. ugh.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #1395
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    but make sure the drawing actually looks half decent (pics plz?)

    I was actually in a building I don't usually hang around, so the chances of me seeing her are next to nil. If I ever do, I'm thinking I should definitely scrawl "I see you whenever I close my eyes" in big letters across any drawing I give her. Why not have fun with it?

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  16. #1396
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, since you have the picture, your chances of finding her are a lot higher than without!

    Take a copy and walk around showing the pic to people, asking if they know her (remember to add you are not a cop)... >_>

  17. #1397
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I've got my normal drivers license this week (normal= I can drive alone without anyone watching over me), and since i'm on vacation and my father went to UK for the week, I got to do some driving around.
    I managed to get lost in highway, pass through a red light, and got used to driving without being scared shitless while doing so (which in turn, scares me shitless even more, as I feel that I'm not doing my best to drive safely).
    also, I hate driving people around all day, I feel like my parents, I think I might start drinking earlier in the evenning to avoid driving too much.

    on the other normal subject; girls. the usual deal.

  18. #1398
    I did not finish PE online this week Because I continue to procrastinate and not take the final exam.

  19. #1399
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    At work today, there were these 2 African American chicks. They ordered chinese food from the nearby Chinese food place. They then came into our restaurant and just sat down to eat their chinese food. Not to mention they also left a little mess and we were also busy. Those daughters of beeches.

  20. #1400
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I never understood why people do those things.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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