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Thread: The Bitching Thread

  1. #1341
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaitne
    I love you. Let me come to your house and play with your Wii ;;>.>
    Lol, I live in a dorm, but come on over, it is fine with me...

    Todays bitching, I still don't have air conditioner and I have no food.

  2. #1342
    Quote Originally Posted by Spiegel
    Lol, I live in a dorm, but come on over, it is fine with me...

    Todays bitching, I still don't have air conditioner and I have no food.
    I have cream soda I could give, especially since you're being so loverly.

    But.. if we're continuing on our anger rants, I have this to say: I hate PE.. online. Takes too much time to do, and I'm lazy. I also want enough room in my house for a metal DDR pad. Heck, I want enough money for one. I also can't believe Britney is on the new game.

  3. #1343
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaitne
    I have cream soda I could give, especially since you're being so loverly.
    Hey someone else that uses Loverly.... thats loverly..

    I just realized I do have drinks, cream soda and beer, but still no food. I think I might go grocery shopping.

  4. #1344
    ANBU python862's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaitne
    I love you. Let me come to your house and play with your Wii ;;>.>

    <<Insert obvious sexual reference here>>
    Now 99% disease free!

  5. #1345
    Quote Originally Posted by Spiegel
    Hey someone else that uses Loverly.... thats loverly..

    I just realized I do have drinks, cream soda and beer, but still no food. I think I might go grocery shopping.
    Hehe, awesome!!

    And! I can make sweets with ease, which apparently isn't classified as real food in my house.

    Also, I will post for a friend of mine whose Xbox live card is angry at him. So he can't use his credit card to go play on it, instead, he has to go out to the store and buy a prepaid card.

    Quote Originally Posted by python862
    <<Insert obvious sexual reference here>>
    *coughs* You love eet!

  6. #1346
    ANBU python862's Avatar
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    Oh, come on.

    Who am I if not the somewhat annoying voice that's constantly in the back of your head..

    and on a separate note, everyone wish me a happy 100th post, besides the flaming pit
    Now 99% disease free!

  7. #1347
    Quote Originally Posted by python862
    and on a separate note, everyone wish me a happy 100th post, besides the flaming pit
    Whoa-ness, there's a place we can just flame people and act like total jerks because we know we can't get beat up offline unless they find out where we live?

  8. #1348
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Also, yes, the flaming pit is precisely that.

  9. #1349
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by complich8

    that is all
    .....hahaha. Yay, I get to correct Complich! WRONG THREAD!

    O and....rofl....xD
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  10. #1350
    lol, funny peoples.

  11. #1351

  12. #1352
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    .....hahaha. Yay, I get to correct Complich! WRONG THREAD!

    O and....rofl....xD
    Nope, it's the right thread. Read the wii-innuendo from like 6 posts ago.

  13. #1353
    Death Note was painful enough by making me loathe the main character and kill off characters I liked, but in episode 25 they crossed the line by stepping on my favorite character and replacing him with some knockoff, not to mention bringing in that idiot Mello.

    It's an awesome anime, really, but if you're going to kill off my favorite character and backstab me like only my most trusted friend could, wait until the fucking end, even the Hobbit had enough dignity to wait until the final battle to kill off Thorin, and that's why despite Death Note being awesome I will always think of it as also sucking ass.

    L > Watari > The Other Main Characters, including Ray Penbar and his wife >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kira > Mello. And Misa isn't even worthy of being compared to the others.

    Well, at least Kira got rightfully pwned in the end and it was admitted that N and M individually never could hope to match the awesomeness that was L.

    P.S. Now to watch the movie and read the manga.
    Last edited by Necromas; Sat, 10-20-2007 at 11:24 PM.

  14. #1354
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    I loaned my Business Law textbook last term to someone who now seems to not want to give it back. They're ignoring my MSN messages and my emails. It's quite frustrating. I still haven't seen the douchbag around campus and he better pray I don't. What a fucking asshole.

    Oh, and I bombed my Finance midterm.....fuck. Now I don't know whether or not to just drop it and take it next term and take Finance 2 in the summer. Goddammit, things would be so much easier if I didn't have to fucking work at my parents' store.

  15. #1355
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Complich8, as someone who indirectly introduced me to xkcd, I don't what to think of you posting a GodMode strip. The two are on totally opposite ends of the "webcomic quality spectrum".

    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    4chan being down for the past few days
    Seriously, what the hell is up??

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  16. #1356
    ANBU Shi_No_Shikaku's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    Nope, it's the right thread. Read the wii-innuendo from like 6 posts ago.
    Even if theres an innuendo doesn't mean this is where you should post random pictures.... Still the wrong thread.... And the only reason me telling it's not the right thread is because this falls under bitching. ^_^
    I Don't like to say anything twice

  17. #1357
    Quote Originally Posted by Shi_No_Shikaku
    Even if theres an innuendo doesn't mean this is where you should post random pictures.... Still the wrong thread.... And the only reason me telling it's not the right thread is because this falls under bitching. ^_^
    omg, kudos..

    Oh, and I have this horrid cough that won't leave me alone!

  18. #1358
    ANBU python862's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaitne
    Whoa-ness, there's a place we can just flame people and act like total jerks because we know we can't get beat up offline unless they find out where we live?
    I said absolutely nothing like that. LIES!!!!!

    And besides, me and John can still beat ya up
    Now 99% disease free!

  19. #1359
    Quote Originally Posted by python862
    I said absolutely nothing like that. LIES!!!!!

    And besides, me and John can still beat ya up
    In your dreams.. in an alternate universe... when I don't reign supreme.

  20. #1360
    Benevolent Dictator
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    it pisses me off when people bitch about on-topic replies being off-topic.

    If this weren't the bitching thread, I'd bitchslap you.

    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Complich8, as someone who indirectly introduced me to xkcd, I don't what to think of you posting a GodMode strip. The two are on totally opposite ends of the "webcomic quality spectrum".
    yeah ... another thing to bitch about. GodMode was way the heck better (as far as humor and art quality both) before that whole author-switch thing.

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