When he's played through all your games? Depending on how much he sucks at games, don't hold your breath.Originally Posted by python862
When he's played through all your games? Depending on how much he sucks at games, don't hold your breath.Originally Posted by python862
I dont know if this belongs here or the relationship thread but FUCK....this chick ive been hanging out with, who says she's attracted to me, and talks about me to her friends and so on and so forth, out of the blue says she has a mystery boyfriend in mexico city of all places (BUT WE BOTH LIVE IN KOREA< WTFFFFF), who is coming here soon, that she never mentioned before...ever. Now, i have nothing against the mexicans (dont be mad ryougazell, Bud, Wingeddancer...) But come on...that came out of nowhere. And the whole reason she got an apartment, and has been so busy is because of this...person. I swear, im through with these duplicitous minxes screw korean women!!1Originally Posted by Kraco
Bud is Mexican?
Edit: And why did you quote Kraco? Your post had nothing to do with what he said.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Hate debugging shitty outsourced code written in a shitty opensource language.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
There's another piece to the puzzle that is "Budweineken"...Originally Posted by XanBcoo
/me stirs up mystery OHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!
todays bitching...
i'm taking this class that is all day on sunday, 9-4. There are only 2 other people in this class one of which is not here today. This other guy in my class... he will not stfu.
he keeps asking questions about anything and everything not even related to our class... its mostly a self paced class, and if i knew i was going to hear him waste 45 minutes of the class asking bullshit questions over and over with the understanding of a 12 year old... i would just stay home.
fast forward... hmmmm 8 hours! i am still here! stuck working now.
Current bitch? adobe is on my shit list. While installing CS3 web premiere on 15 computers in this lab i am responsible for, acrobat failed to install on 10 of them. so today i was going to re install it but the mapped network drive w\ the installation isn't there and i dont have access to that. Next best thing, a friend of mine burns me 8 dvd copies of cs3 of which none work... why?
in order to install anything you have to use the original install source.... which i dont have. even worse? i'm trying to uninstall so that i can just re start but the uninstall has been going for over an hour now and the progress bar is like... half an inch... OMFG!
Last edited by itadakimasu; Sun, 09-16-2007 at 06:27 PM.
Apparently a death in the family is not a good enough excuse to reschedule a test. No you have to be there to take it or your shit out of luck. Also if you miss a special assembly because you are not dressed properly is a better excuse than a death in the family and they can get credit for being there while i get points taken away for a legit excuse. Well I guess this is a welcome to college, they don't give a shit.
That's unreasonable. My university, excepting a few choice professors [read: assholes], accepts funerals as one of the very few excuses for missing an exam. For illness, you need signed doctor's note that you were gravely ill or otherwise in the hospital. I've taken a couple exams with a ~100°F fever.
There's no excuses accepted for Finals Week though. You reschedule them only if you have like 4 in one day.
Then again, this is a school that builds 100 million dollar training facilities for a football team that still doesn't do that well, and refuses to build more dorms for the regular student body. I guess our exam policy is pretty lenient in comparison to that.
I pulled the funeral angle on a professor once, who was going to penalize me for missing an assignment. He gave in and let me slide.
From that point onward, however, I noticed a significant decrease in my performance on all his subjective exams.
So basically, you need to evaluate your leverage before playing that card.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
A wasp decided to play ninja on me today... and stung me in the neck on my work break. I had no idea it was there and made no movements :P
~The imprint is always there... Nothing is ever really forgotten...~
~Seduce my mind, and you can have my body
Find my soul, and I'll be yours forever...~~Signature made by Deadfire~
I hate wasps with passion. Probably because years and years ago one of those ninja wasps had crawled into my bed to lay there in order to ambush me in the evening. And its foul plan succeeded perfectly for it stung me when I went to sleep, unsuspecting.
I have a smallish nest of european hornets in the wall void of my house.
So far they've been territorial but not aggressive per se (they'll buzz around and let you know they're there if you're hanging around within 10 feet or so of the entrance, but they haven't stung anyone yet). So I guess I'm not really going to bitch about it. But I am going to pump the crevice they're coming and going from full of foaming wasp killer around the first freeze, and then fill in the gap with something or another. Probably expanding foam and some caulk.
Well it could have been worse...Originally Posted by Kraco
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
That would have been madness!
The wasp nest was between the roof and the inner ceiling of the building. A wooden outbuilding at our family's summer cottage. There are wasps there nesting every summer and inevitably some get in every year through some crevice.
Ouch, that looks like a nasty snuggle buddy. Worst I have done is playing hide and seek I walked right into a bed of those and hit a bees nest at the same time.... it wasn't fun.Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I just started doing the laundry and wow...I can't even begin to imagine what my roommate washed in there yesterday. I opened the lid and holy shit...it smelled like dead bodies in there.
I just hate those White anglo saxonsOriginally Posted by Iridani
Anyway, my current gripe is that my lub life is getting in the way of my studies. I still haven't found the proper balance of seeing my gf and skipping classes. I hope I get it under control before I fuck up this semester like so many previous ones.