I found out today that I missed out by a day in order to get my direct flight to Montreal for about $80 less
So I'm ending up taking a flight 2 hours earlier and I have to stop in Toronto for a hour.
I found out today that I missed out by a day in order to get my direct flight to Montreal for about $80 less
So I'm ending up taking a flight 2 hours earlier and I have to stop in Toronto for a hour.
image fail!
I'm bitching because I cant find most of the awesome soundtracks on Gotwoot Radio, and also because I cant get to sleep and have been up all night messing with photoshop.![]()
I think that's fine. Considering the jolly good results.Originally Posted by Lucifus
Ok, time to bitch...been at work for 19 hours.....I walk into work at 7am on Friday like ussual and im still tired, mind yu I work at a hospital. While Im off guard, the night shift supervisor asksme to work for her that night, so I say fine. 5 min later, I releaze that I have work at 7am the next morning, so basicly I'll be working from 7-3 that friday and then from 11pm-3pm starting that same Friday, and its too late to cancel any of it. Then my supervisor tells me that I have to work the fasttrack area untill 6 that night. (Anyone who has been to a US hospital might know about fasttrack.) So, now I waas working 19 hours straight with only a break at 4am and 11 am between them. I get home and fall on the floor, not even having the power to make it to my bed, unill I wake up at 11 and smack myself. About to go back to sleep, because I have to be bak at work at 7am in the mmorning....again.....and that is my bitching for today.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
My boss calls his SUV a truck. wtf?
Fuck all that, the corn chip factory wants a 12 hour shift from me tomorrow and I'm pissed enough about that.
We have to make that cheddar though.
Well cheddar cheese puffs in my case..
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
What the hell?? How many times do I have to fall ill per yer??? This is like the second time in a month I'm catching a cold again... THE SECOND TIME!
Man I'm so gonna get fired for this... who the hell catches two colds in the space of three weeks apart from me...?
A healthy dosage of Vitamin C should stop the cold. Just pop one tablet a day. This was a tip given to me years back, but as far as I remember it worked back then.Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Thanks for the advice Psyke. The thing with Vitamin C and me is that we don't get along that well. I take even a little bit and my stomach gets screwed up. Something to do with my immune system apparantly.
So I gotta take this crap the hard way. Any other remedies you got in mind?
Hmmm not much I guess..... just take more fluids and rest early.... I think. Hope you'll recover soon.
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
You can't be allergic to the Vitamin C itself, since you would be dead without it soon enough. If you can't take the tablets, you could temporarily increase your consumption of natural products containing sizable amounts of it.Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
The thing is I can take Vitamin C in small amounts, and then I'm OK. However if I eat an entire orange for example or drink orange juice, my stomach doesn't like it.
I havn't always had this problem... it seems to have cropped up when I was around 20 or something.
Look for this new product called "No time for colds"
It might be kinda hard to find, but it works really well. They're these lozenges that, if taken regularly, will reduce major cold symptoms in 24 hours.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Today is a sad day for me. My school finally blocked the forums after me getting on them almost every day. Now the only options left to me is to un-retire my old laptop or continue to use my phone as i am doing to post now. F@/? you school!
File a complaint. Who knows, maybe they just blocked it in some summary blockage of various sites. Write an appropriate, businesslike, and to the point complaint asking for a reversal, and they might err to do it.
Did you try going through a proxy of some sort? I used to get around my schools WebSense filters by using altavista's babelfish on the page I wanted, translating from some non-aribic charachter language to English. It may work in your case, then again it may not. Also i don't know how the site would look through something like that.
EDIT: Altavista seems to work for viewing, but it doesn't let you log in. A proper intermediary site that will forward your data to this site and forward it's responses back to you is what you want, though I don't know if such a thing actually exists.
use any of those proxys to read the forums. dunno if they allow you to log though... I use them to log on to gmail at work...
Todays bitching...
I hate my meddlesome aunts. My mother is going through several bad days. She is depressed for something I prefer not to share. My aunts call her, and instead of try to calm her down they say what they think about what going on, "trying to help" (noticed the ""), but everything they manage is to make my mother more nervous.
They (aunts) may have helped me a lot during life, but to hell with them if they can't even notice they are not helping my mother in any way, just making the situation worse for her.
I went to the dentist to get my teeth whitened today.
It's in constant and evenly-distributed pain at the moment.....
But on the plus side, my teeth are brighter than the sun now
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Bitch! Photoshop and Vista is a total fing diaster damnit.
I bought two gigs of memory and gave my old gig to my brother. Vista now runs pretty fine along with games. I dont get problems with memory anymore. But Photoshop refuses to do what I ask when operating on Vista. Its fing pissing me off. I just loss like the ultimate CC sig!
......Photoshop now decides that it will not open images. Any image, be it make a new image or open one from my computer. Before that it decided it doesn't want to free transform. Agh, its like a bandaid on my nuts!!@ >.>
Proxys are blocked on my schools network and any attempt to use one is one large step towards suspension. Any tries at getting around novell BorderManager is suspendable material. The problem is I think it was an automatic block done by a auto-blocking script our tech guy is implementing due to the fact of the kid Fapping in the School F***ing library on some porn site. I think that was most likely it because he wasnt in his office or the server room at the time. I immediatly left class to check and make sure of that. It doesnt really matter that much I guess. I will just use my phone and get over it. There are less than a months worth of days left anyway.