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Thread: The Bitching Thread

  1. #761
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Okay I can't make heads or tails of my situation.
    Today during lunch I had my friend buy me a Sprite. So I got it and went to go finish the cake that i had already bought awith some friends. I apparently didn't have the receipt my friend did. (I am still in the store) One of the employees comes and asks me for the receipt and I forgot that i didn't have it and pulled out the one for the cake, "Oh, this is the receipt for this cake. My friend has the receipt for this." And he replies, "You're friend doesn't buy the drink and leave." I could understand that he didn't believe me so he took me over to the cashier that I bought it from, she said that I did pay for it. So I though i was good and i could go finish my food. No...they kick me out of the store for "moppy" behavior. Honestly i have no idea if moppy is even a word. It seems now that if I go in there I will be arrested...Is this not bullshit?

    I'm official.

  2. #762
    Genin Bucket's Avatar
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    Whoever sent me that stupid "send this to 10 people or you will be cursed" chainmail PM: don't do it again.

  3. #763
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    I hate my roommate.

  4. #764
    I find a free MMORPG, everquest level graphics, pretty cool looking.

    Spend a day downloading it.

    Spend an hour registering and making a character and learning the newbie level basics.

    Spend a day playing my character.

    Get in a conversation in which I use wtf, and omg.

    3 minutes later an Admin tells me "We do NOT tolerate profanity."

    I reply "Wtf, I wasn't using any profanity."

    You have been banned, permanently. No explanation, no second chance, no nothing.

    I visit the forums, and apparently they are so strict on the language codes that you cannot even say 'wtf' or 'omg' (taking the lords name in vain). Even if you argue that it could be "What the fudge" or "Oh my gosh".

    What really ticks me off was the guy that banned me didnt even explain or give me a second chance after I had wasted a bunch of time on the game. He just permanently banned me for using the most common acronym on the internet.

  5. #765
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    The game must be run by religious zealots and soccer moms in an unholy collaboration. It is a mystery how they managed to create something playable, though. The world is clearly ending!

  6. #766
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    *insert generic bitching about cpanel's insistence on using its own apache and php, and not taking responsibility for maintaining them via normal mechanisms*

  7. #767
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I hate the army... we're down to eight guys doing the guard post duty.

    dammit,my vacation ended at september 25, and since then i've stood at the front gate of the base for about 60 hours until this mornning...
    heck, ever since last friday i've been guarding the gate every goddaammed night. let me sleep!

    today I woke up at 02o to cover up for someone in the guard post, after that i've taken a shower and got on the bus back home. it's been about 25 hours since then... how much more! until when!

    AUG 05 are tired!

    /note: ignore the last part... my mind isn't quite working well right now...

  8. #768
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    In my own little world

    Today I had a History midterm exam. I also had some Linguistics homework to finish. The two coincided terribly.

    The Computational Linguistics homework had me stumped for 2 days just trying to figure out the programming language I was using. This is my first time doing any programming at all and our professor is pretty much jumping right into projects despite the fact that much of the class is in the same situation as me.

    In the end, it was easier than I thought, but the last problem had me stumped (I had to change a set of Finnish nouns from their stem form to their realized forms after various case changes and inflections). While trying to figure out what needed to be done, I put off studying for the History test. Come 1am, I had only just began to study. I figured sleep was pointless at that point and that if I studied efficiently all night I could get to the test (which was early), take it, then come home and sleep the rest of the day.

    About an hour before I had to leave to go to the test, I decided to take a small break my eyes. I woke up an hour after the test had finnished. My soul hurts...I'm not panicking about my grades. I've resigned to acceptance of the situation and just hope there's some way I can make up the test.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #769
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    The Computational Linguistics homework had me stumped for 2 days just trying to figure out the programming language I was using. is all that needs to be said.

  10. #770
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    It's nice to know there's people who find problems with anything and everything.

    Still, the idea behind that joke made me laugh a little.

    So did this one,

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #771
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    In the end, it was easier than I thought, but the last problem had me stumped (I had to change a set of Finnish nouns from their stem form to their realized forms after various case changes and inflections).
    That would have left me stumped as well, and I'm a Finn...

  12. #772
    Join Date
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    I am a quiet person.
    I talk so quietly that I often have to repeat myself.
    I often inadvertantly sneak up on people, because I move around so quietly, even when I used to wear steel-toecapped boots for work.
    I rarely talk unless I have something to say.

    Just now, I was watching Monk, at 8:30am, when my housemate comes and knocks on my door, asking me if I can keep the volume down before 9 or 10 o'clock.
    This is the same housemate who was conducting a conversation, a few decibels shy of shouting, at 11pm last night, while I was asleep. Not technically true, since I woke up a few moments after it began.
    So, right now, I'm on the edge of crying.
    Is it even remotely fair that I be made the villain of the peice by a raging hypocrite?

    Oh, and I'm banned from IRC.

  13. #773
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    In my own little world
    I'm having problems with one of my housemates too.

    He's decided for the 3 of us that we should all start paying for food individually because he doesn't like going to the grocery store. He's content going home every weekend, getting his mom to buy him food, and coming back with it for him to eat. Me and my other housemate don't have that luxury. We need to buy our own food, and we need to go shopping. He's now refusing to pay for any of the food we bought recently, meaning we're going to have to keep track of who eats what, which is a major fucking hassle. It's not exactly a friendly environment anymore.

    brb labelling things in the fridge...

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  14. #774
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    so i'm not like the only guy who was involved in making the rules on spoilers. in fact, i just gathered up alot of stuff that others had suggested and made (as suggested) a topic for discussion on it.

    and despite alot of stuff getting thrown around, not much was changed.

    Then i go and post the new rules (after some encouragement), and BANG! nasty neg reps. Like people hold me entirely responsible for what goes on here. Well, kill the messenger all you want, but I didn't see ANYONE post anything after I invited more conversation on the rules changes, even summing up what had been discussed throughout the topic. People seem to like to bitch, moan, neg rep, but really all it is is a bunch of pathetic peons who throw hissy-fits when they don't get their way and don't add shit to the forums. Well, yall can suck on my nads, cuz too fucking bad, nothing's changing.

    *sorry for the rant, i know i volunteered for the position. but it just gets shitty to catch so much flak, and often little of anything good, while i'm just trying to help. had to let off some steam*

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  15. #775
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    As some of you have read before I hate the bus, I have to ride it everyday to and from school. I’m going to get the anger about it off here so bear with me

    Things I hate about the bus system

    1. Why do some people prefer the front of the bus when there's room in the back? Like Christ WTF is wrong with you. If there is room in the back of the bus MOVE!! I’d like to sit down for my hour ride, and yet you stand in the middle of the aisle not letting any though because you don’t feel like it. I don’t feel like standing there like a idiot when I could be sitting. You can talk to your friend later when your off the fucking bus.

    2. Priority seats are for people who have a hard time standing on a moving bus.
    But unfortunately, some people have trouble recognizing that. I don’t understand why people seem to think that sitting in the front and making people that are old or in fucking wheelchairs go somewhere else is ok. And when the people tell them to move they bitch and moan. When I get old or broken I’m smacking these people with my cane

    3. When walking down the aisle try not to smack me with your backpack. I don’t understand why you need to have a backpack the size of a large suitcase, nor do I understand why you need to suddenly turn to talk to your friend ignoring the person that’s on the outside of that thing. If you hit me with a backpack I’m taking my knife and cutting it to let all your shit fall out.

    4. Buses are not restaurants. Imagine if the 135,000 daily passengers I see daily each left litter and spills behind. It's not a pretty thought. Clean up after your self, your damn mother isn’t on the bus and you think that you can leave everything just lying around. I really don’t want to sit on your candy because your to much of a kid to pick it up

    5. Please remove Roller Blades, before boarding the bus. You would think that this is a no brainer. However people continue to do this, the reason surpasses my reckoning

    6. I’ve already told you all about my hate for people with their crappy music at loud volumes. If you are a person like that, your Ipod is going out the fucking window

    7. Please exit by the rear door, that’s what it’s for. If I wanted to run in to you when I go though the front I would have.

    8. I don’t need to know what you’re talking about from across the bus. If you’re going to talk to the person beside you I should not be able to hear you though my headphones transversely from you

    9. Don’t get me started on the smell some people have, seriously I’ve had to puke more then once because of the smell.
    image fail!

  16. #776
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire
    9. Don’t get me started on the smell some people have, seriously I’ve had to puke more then once because of the smell.
    I hate it when people smoke and then come in the bus and we are trap breathing the smoked air. Its really irritating.

  17. #777
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I got home 2 hours late beacause of the sudden fucking snow storm. The fucking bullshit system turns to shit as soon as the weather turns. Fucking pussy rail-road, grow some fucking balls.

  18. #778
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    well i have been getting up at 4am and coming home at 10pm-ish. No need to tell you this kinda sucks, but it should pay off in the long run, hopefully.

    but this is really cutting into my anime watching time, not to mention the time i have to spend with this community.

    Me want anime. Fortunately there is still the weekends, for now that is. But my passion for playing pool has been re-ignited for i have found some people for the APA that i can actually play with. Getting my ass kicked but learning and enjoying it as well.

    My hard- drives are filled with anime to watch and no time to watch it. What a crying shame.
    I think it is time to buy some more.

    In related news the girl I knew sold a $3000 computer for $1000, why did she not tell me. It was a customized g4 with a 20 inch wide screen monitor. Worst part is she broke it to me over dinner last Saturday (we haven't seen each other in a few months). I really wanted her computer, curses.

    Well gotwoot, seeya when I seeya, hopefully this weekend or sometime soon.
    Last edited by dragonrage; Tue, 11-07-2006 at 08:13 PM.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  19. #779
    Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 04:59 PM.

  20. #780
    well, it's been a while since i posted a nice long rant about somethings .

    well i have a few,

    in my last rant i was bitching about how stupid people are at my old job at the zoo. well i got a few others

    first off, for a a company as large as the phoenix zoo, I cannot believe the terrible management and money management that the phoenix zoo has. the management was so terrible no one knew What the fuck was goin on, this got old when it came to schedules and requesting time off. i can't recall on how many times they fucked up my schedule after we corrected them numerous times.

    second, man what a bunch of fuckin cheapskates after 1 year of working there you know what i get for my hard work and effort. 13 cent raise and 4 hours of paid time off...WOW 4 hours of paid time off.. when i asked if it was 4 days or 4 hours i got the rudest smartasshes comment "4 hours god don't go crazy on me " i was sooo piss'd off by this i couldn't believe this bullshit. the job im currently working at i recieved a 50 cent raise within the first 45 days, and i get 5 days of paid time off.

    demolition is fun.

    the down fall is that when peoples house's catch fire or other shit water damage by floods and other random disasters, some people are cool some are fucking morons. mr penwell for instance guy is i dunno 9 god damn feet tall..and he is such a jew i have yet to hear one praise from him about our company , lightning struck his house and it caught fire. we spent 2 weeks packing his house so it could be redone. no hospitality.

    man some people go as far as breaking there own shit and blaming us, honestly WTF. there are some fucked up people in this world. it's even worse when they accuse you of stealing some piece of shit cell phone , jewelry or some other random item. They end up finding it one week apology or anything, worst part about it is i gotta hold my tongue against some douche...

    granted i did take a vintage dime from 1942 , that the owners didn't realize they had ...but fuck.. why would i steal a virgin mobile Piece of shit that cost 59.99 when i have my fucking black berry .

    sad to say but i really hate some fuckin people...

    i get accused of being racist..which you know im sorry i am a lil bit. don't get me wrong but what piss's me off is when a african american can be racist against his own people or a hispanic person is racist against other mexicans, so tell me WTF.i hate this shit like oh he can cause he is mexican..kinda like africans americans using the N word. and it's ok cause there african americans..gimme a fuckin break. *OK i realize that was really incoherent rambling im sorry for my NUMEROUS grammer flaws.

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