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Thread: The Bitching Thread

  1. #561
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Really? Hmm... 185 was the first episode I waited for (because I only recently started to watch the show), so I have no idea. I hope you are exaggerating.
    Episode 182 was released 4/7, episode 183 was released 4/21, episode 184 was 5/2. KF was pretty fast (faster than usual) with 185, but you do know that the anime is up to 263 right now right?

    that was 2 weeks from 182-->183, 1½ weeks 183-->184.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  2. #562
    Genin AlterEgox5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    Why can't you go to the bar again? You did say you were done with your assignment right...?
    I couldn't go to the bar because everyone was already there which means there's no way for me to get there (no car), and I hadn't showered and didn't want to until later or something since I hadn't eaten and wanted to find some food. But that's okay because I'm going out tomorrow even though I still have a study guide to do and plans to forumlate for another paper. *sigh*

    Ugh. Oh well. Dane Cook rules right now, haha.

    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

  3. #563
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    Episode 182 was released 4/7, episode 183 was released 4/21, episode 184 was 5/2. KF was pretty fast (faster than usual) with 185, but you do know that the anime is up to 263 right now right?

    that was 2 weeks from 182-->183, 1½ weeks 183-->184.
    Damn... I was wondering what that thing about episodes around 260 being released meant, when the K-F subs were hanging around 180... Well, can't be helped, I suppose. You don't get to complain about free meals, after all.

    Edit: Well, some people think it's perfectly fine to complain about free fansubbing (judged by the neg hits this post got)... You try it yourself, if you think it's so easy. I created one lousy softsub for a Naruto ova, and it was hard work, yet absolutely nothing compared to what the real subbing groups are doing.
    Last edited by Kraco; Tue, 05-09-2006 at 04:15 PM.

  4. #564
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    Its hot here in Canada. So so so hot. I now wish for the winter.

  5. #565
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    i agree woofcat, but actually i am quite sick of the weather extremes. It pisses me off. Great days are just getting rarer and rarer

  6. #566
    Ugh... need to vent.

    Today my mom came home at 6:00 PM, as per usual, and complained about her day. She's unemployed and feels obligated to help my grandparents, yet nobody is forcing her to do so. Every day she acts like a friggin' martyr for her cause.

    Anyway, after her ranting, I ask where all my stuff I need for my driver's test tomorrow is. She proceeds to yell at me because it's "not her responsibility." Then I remind her that she took all my junk -- including my social security number -- to my grandparents in order to schedule a driving appointment.

    She continues to blame me for the loss and how it's not her fault, despite the fact that she took it. Having my social security number floating around dangerously is not good at all, but to have my mom yell at me for something that wasn't even my fault just makes it ten times worse.

    Then she goes to my dad and says that I'm "out of control". The entire argument all I did was remind her of what she did, which she apparently doesn't like hearing.

    I seriously don't know what's going to happen now. My mom is gone, my dad left angrily, and there's no doubt going to be a fight between the two of them tonight. My dad, being the arrogant prick that he is, will say that "she's not taking care of things at home", and she'll reply that this isn't "Leave it to Beaver".

    Then they'll blame me for the whole fiasco because I ignited it. Then, tomorrow, provided I take my test, I'll probably just fail it miserably and the whole thing will be pointless.

    *exhale*. Man, this thread is very useful. Feels like I just took a huge weight off my shoulders

  7. #567
    Genin AlterEgox5's Avatar
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    Aw, poor Genma. I've had this happen to be before too, and for the longest time I thought, "Great, my parents are going to friggin' get divorced by something I didn't even mean to start." The ridiculous part is (and I'm not trying to sound pompous or anything) is that out of the three of us (my older sis, younger sis, and myself) I am the child that they have to worry about the least. Seriously, I get straight As/Bs, I'm responsible, I do what I'm told, blah blah blah and look what happens...

    Still, they patched it up and just think, eventually you'll be on your own where you don't have to deal with that stuff anymore if you don't want to (and it's pretty darn awesome if I do say so myself, as much as I love my parents). Chin up, have a cookie and as my dad says (told to him when he was on the side of a mountain by the mountain guide...but that's another story), "At least rats aren't eating your face." (uplifting isn't it? Heheh)

    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

  8. #568
    People with shitty computers piss me off. People who refuse to get better computers piss me off even more. People who have shitty computers and refuse to upgrade because they expect me to fix them all the time pisses me off the most.

    But the worst of them all: people blowing their money on trivial things instead of upgrading their piece of shit excuse for a computer.

  9. #569
    Genin naruto=pwnage's Avatar
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    to woofcat: just where the heck do you live?? it can't be that hot. I live in Canada and right now it's been averaging 18 degrees celsius

    this is my first attempt at a sig... wait, actually it's my first attempt at using photoshop completely....

  10. #570
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
    People with shitty computers piss me off. People who refuse to get better computers piss me off even more. People who have shitty computers and refuse to upgrade because they expect me to fix them all the time pisses me off the most.

    But the worst of them all: people blowing their money on trivial things instead of upgrading their piece of shit excuse for a computer.
    Well the reasonable part was the people who waste their money on other shit but computers aren't exactly cheap....

    Rain fucking pisses me off. Oh, and people who take it for granted that you'll throw them a surprise party piss me off. This one guy I'm only okay friends with, demands that me and my friends should've thrown him a party (what the fuck?!) so we all gave him birthday punches for turning 19 and he's nursing a dead arm right now.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  11. #571
    Genin AlterEgox5's Avatar
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    I should be studying, but I've gotten to the point where I just think, "Geez...FUCK that already!" Pardon my french but I just want to be done with these stupid finals and get the hell out of here already. My 8am final is actually starting to look good now - the sooner the better.

    And though rain doesn't necessarily piss me off (except at this point in time a rainstorm can = lots of wind which can = damn tornado sirens going off since I live in the land of flatness [Illinois]), I hate when it has that "I'm thinking of raining" look outside but it never freaking does. It's just cloudy, windy, and just overall blah outside. Freaking rain or clear up. Indecisiveness sucks.

    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

  12. #572
    My ISP, Comcast, fucked up big time, saying I didn't pay for my internet, when of course, I had. So, they shut it off, which really kinda pissed me off. I finally got it back, but I had to pay extra to get back my normal connection.

  13. #573
    I like rainy days.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    Well the reasonable part was the people who waste their money on other shit but computers aren't exactly cheap....
    I don't mean they should replace their whole computer. I'm referring to people with 20 GB hard drives that are on the verge of dying, and they refuse to spend $60 to get a new one.

  14. #574
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    Hmm, Less of a bitching more of a wow he is fucking stupid.

    My buddie (19) in his 2nd time at grade 12. He has no plans to go to College or University, yet he shells out $3300 on a new Alienware Laptop. Sure its a nice laptop but you can buy a decent car for that and he has no real use for it. He plans to go to the workforce after this. Sigh, silly people.

  15. #575
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Must be an extremely kickass laptop to be so expensive! Maybe he wants to play Oblivion anywhere...

  16. #576
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    goddamn the fucking italian school systems. goddamn them for being so fucking disorganized and vague and shitty at planning.

    so i stayed up almost all night last night, missed out on kickass clubbing the past two days in order to pass this exam scheduled for today.

    I go to the exam.

    Professor: "You're late."
    Me: "I'm sorry I couldn't find the room" (fucking italian buildings are beautiful, but goddamn if the school ones aren't like a labyrinth and devoid of useful signs...)
    Professoressa: "Beh, culpa tua... Here's the paper."
    Me: "I thought it was supposed to be an oral exam?" (I've learned trying to take a written exam in a language you just started learning 3 years ago is a very bad idea)
    Professoressa: "No no, that exam is next week."
    Me: "But you only mentioned today for the final!"
    Professoressa: "Well it's the 16th for the oral. Today is the written."
    Me: "The 16th? I'm supposed to go on vacation that day (to Prague)"
    Professoressa: "Peccato tuo" (too bad for you OR Your loss)

    FUCK! Now I have to scramble to change flights, pay the difference, recant on the girl I was going with for the first day (a firebrand at the haystack dance , though in a mixed hostel of 4 it'll be a little kinkier than my tastes...), still pay for the hostel for that night and reprep myself for the exam.

    And that fucking bitch professor only stressed today as the final date. I wasn't the only one to show up under the wrong impression that today was both exams...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #577
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I've never used the bitching thread before, so lets see....what do I have to bitch about?

    Godfucking damn it! Two weeks of rep down the drain....
    I didn't get any sleep last night and I'm pretty sure I fucked up my math final...I made arrangements to take my German finals next week and came home to go to sleep, I can't f*cking fall asleep! And now I'm here bitching about it...........

    So yea, good to get that out of my system...Kool thread.

    Least not near as bad a day as above.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  18. #578
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    My Rant is about...


    I hate being poor that I got to download Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion and being a pirate instead of buying it of the shelf like a good boy.

  19. #579
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You can't be that poor if you have a machine that can run the game. Needs to be a fairly new system.

  20. #580
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Let’s see....

    Other then the fact I just got 4 hours of sleep, because of a meeting of the heads of state here. (Damn you Comp!) I'm sitting here trying to think of a gift for my mother and then I thought of this that Mother's Day, like any gift-giving or well-wishing holiday may be good for some, but it's quite painful for others. Does anyone think about those with no mothers or those who have wrongly had their kids taken away or for the mother who gave up a child for adoption? It's aimed like every mother in existence is worthy of honor on this day, the mom's are going to be queen for the day.

    It tugs at my heart, knowing that every time they see something going on about Mother's Day, they become sorrowful and have to relive memories stored since the last painful Mother's Day. I saw a new line of greeting cards being advertised because they were different in that they said things like "Congratulations on Your Divorce", "To Mom and her Boyfriend" and "Happy Remarriage" . I'm surprised there aren't really cruel ones for people still carrying a hate or grudge towards their mothers, like "Thanks for giving me up" "You were always a bitch", "Thanks for the Beatings", "You were always neglectful", "You Never Loved Me", "Why did you have me?". Yikes, that's harsh! There would be a market for them, however.

    I hear so many people bitch about their mothers and don't treat them well for a whole year, but then this day comes around and only on this day do they pretend to care. It's not fair to the mother. Do they really think a yearly phone call is going to make things ok? That mom isn't hip to this? She makes noises like she's so pleased to hear from them, but deep down she's sad, knowing they're just going through the motions because it's expected. Granted, there are mothers who have kids who love them all the time and are very happy to be showered with gifts and cards on this day. They are the lucky ones.

    My mother is a kind woman, having myself with no father for much of my life; I remember that every Mother's Day. It pains me not to know how that felt, that because I was young I had no idea the problems she had. She had to go back to school just to support me and at that end caused her to go down a different path in her life then she wanted. More to the point I fucked up her life. To be reminded of this on mother's day is hard to think about, she never had said I did, and she praises the fact I was born. I just don't understand that, Is a gift every year going to help you not think of those times that you were poor, alone, and living a life you didn't plan on? Am I to be happy or sad?

    Confusion on this matter hits me every year now at this time when I need to get her a gift, as if it wasn't hard already, nothing I give her will change the past, something that I want it to do, and as well I can't give her something to remind her of those days past. Some years I went in on gifts with my two siblings born after this to a loving mother and father. They don't know what happened before and gifts they give are much more how to say "normal" However this hurts me more, as it's truly not from me, the one that matters. To ask you Gotwoot to help me here is hard. Frankly I'm not asking for it. I'm just typing what’s on my mind and bitching about the time I need to spend in a mall somewhere thinking about this. Another year, another gift that means at least to me, jack

    I need a Blog,
    image fail!

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